It was only a few days ago when everyone was commenting on the head and shoulder topping pattern and expecting a decline in the S&P 500 to the low 800s. CNBC anchors who know nothing of technical analysis were even commenting on it as the financial media were all abuzz with the pattern, with Google Trends key word search showing a dramatic increase in Internet search and news reference volume highlighting the frenzy behind the pattern. Full article This time on Reality Check, Richard Loomis and Jim Puplava discuss oil price volatility as a result of unwavering demand due to the needs of transportation and emerging markets. To comment on this video, click here 07/15 The Carbon Cap: The Newest Form of Taxation by Doug Hornig 07/16 Bad for the Goose, Worse for the Gander by John BrowneMarket Observation
A Bipolar Market
July 15, 2009 by Chris Puplava
Financial Sense Newshour
Saturday, July 11, 2009
Tim W. Wood (Technical), Axel Merk (Economy), Dr. Joe Duarte (Energy), James Turk (Metals) Stephen J. Puetz, Author
"The Unified Cycle Theory: How Cycles Dominate the Structure of the Universe and Influence Life on Earth"Part 1 - Richard Karn, Emerging Trends Report: Credit & Credibility
Part 2 - Other Voices: Kim Cooper, Real Estate Broker & Spokesman for the Coeur d'Alene Association of Realtors; Other Voices: Dr. Merrill Matthews Jr., Ph.D., Director of the Council for Affordable Health Insurance; Other Voices: Quint Tatro, Founder of Tickerville, President & Founder of Tatro Capital, LLC; Q-CallsFinancial Sense Multimedia
Reality Check
July 7, 2009
To view other shows, click hereFinancial Sense Online Editorials
07/14 Guess What Really Brought Us out of the Great Depression? by Justice Litle
07/13 Boomers - Winter is Coming by James Quinn
07/13 Agri-Food Thoughts by Ned Schmidt
07/13 Do/Die for Stocks by Paul Nolte
07/13 This Week: Secular Stagnation by Peter Navarro, Ph.D.
07/13 Is Washington Playing a Deeper Game with China? by F. William Engdahl
07/10 Jaguar Inflation - A Layman's Explanation of Government Intervention by Robert Prechter
07/10 S&P 500 Breaks Neckline and Gold Breaks Down by Carl Swenlin
07/10 A New Monetary System to come. Will Gold Have a Role? by Julian Phillips
07/10 Finding the right Tune by J. R. Nyquist
07/09 A 20-Year Bear Market? by David Galland
07/09 Hard Times by Richard Benson
07/08 Hyperinflation or deflation? by Puru Saxena
07/08 Disinfo claims Saudis OK Israeli raid on Iran by F. William Engdahl
07/07 Gold Thoughts by Ned Schmidt
07/07 Nervous in North Korea by Scott MacDonald
07/07 Inflation, sentiment and the Kress Cycles by Clif Droke
07/06 Fiat Money in Death Throes by Antal Fekete
07/06 Who will buy the I.M.F. gold and when? by Julian Phillips
07/06 How to Immanentize the Eschaton by J. R. Nyquist
07/06 Yes, We're Still in a Recession by Paul NolteFinancial Sense University Editorials
07/15 Currency Clips by David & Eric Coffin
07/15 The Great Inevitable by Adrian Ash
07/15 All That Glitters May Not Be Goldman by Chris Ciovacco
07/15 Micromanaging the gold price by Gary Tanashian
07/15 Credit and Credibility, Part 2 by Richard Karn
07/14 Debt and Financial Scam's - Six Syllables to a Savage Truth by Stewart Dougherty
07/14 Gold, Silver, HUI - Rally's Are Starting! by Peter Degraaf
07/14 Worried about Future Inflation? Don’t Be. Just Prepare and Prosper by W. Lorimer Wilson
07/14 Stock market Choke Points for 2009 Part 7A by Timing Strategies
07/14 The $64,000 Question by Captain Hook
07/14 China Crowns King Copper by Frank Holmes
07/14 Is Your Stock Portfolio Under Water? by Dudley Baker
07/14 What the Fed’s Exit Strategy Will Mean for the Economy by Michael Pento
07/13 Gold & Silver: Market Wrap Week Ending July 10 by Doug Gnazzo
07/10 Should We Be Sucking Our Thumbs Or Re-examining Facts? by Sy Harding
07/10 Whose Line (of Credit) Is It Anyway? by Doug Wakefield & Ben Hill
07/10 Basic Financial Analysis – Part III by Andy Sutton
07/10 A Prescription for America by Kenneth Matson
07/10 Profits v. The Threat: Beauty & The Beast Redux by Deepcaster
07/10 A leaner GM? by Tony Cherniawski
07/10 Minimum Wage, Maximum Stupidity by Peter Schiff
07/10 Silberinfo Interview with Barbara Lips by Silberinfo
07/10 Gold Ratios - Time to Pay Attention by Gary Tanashian
07/09 Money Stability without Using a Gold Standard by David Zweig
07/09 No Relief by James Cook
07/09 Bothered, or Becalmed? by David & Eric Coffin
07/09 Gold, the U.S. Dollar, and the Yuan by Jennifer Barry
07/09 2004-2009 Pompous Prognosticators Revisited by Nick Barisheff
07/09 America’s Sick - Part I by James Bibbings
07/08 Dead Cat Bounce by John Browne
07/08 The True Cost of 0.25% by Adrian Ash
07/08 S&P 500 Stock Market Trends - July 2009 by Hans Wagner
07/08 Why have we Abandoned Markets? by Michael Pento
07/08 Credit and Credibility by Richard Karn
07/08 Follow the Herd? Or Reason? by Kieran Osborne
07/08 (Almost) Everything Headed South by Mike Endres
07/07 From Here To Paternity by Dr. James Glenn
07/07 Why Are We in This Bear Market? by Adam Brochert
07/07 CFTC: Corrupt Foxes Tending Chickens by James West
07/07 The Average Joe’s Take on Government Bailouts – and More by W. Lorimer Wilson
07/07 How Long Can the US-Dollar Defy the Law of Gravity? by Gary Dorsch
07/06 The Technical Trader Dow, Gold, Silver, Oil & Nat Gas Charts by Chris Vermeulen
07/06 Gold & Silver: Market Wrap Week Ending July 3 by Doug Gnazzo
07/06 Monster Treasury Supply, a Game Changing Event? by Michael Pollaro
07/06 What The Bankers Know by Paul Lamont
07/06 Race To Zero Acceleration A Certainty by Captain Hook
07/06 Obama and the Market’s Carnival Ride by Frank Holmes
07/03 FreedomFest 2009 - Special Edition; The Crack Up Boom by Ty Andros
07/03 Like the Oil Spike Never Happened by Adrian Ash
Thursday, 16 July 2009
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Britannia Radio