Monday, July 27, 2009
china confidential
China Confidential Analysts: Ahmadinejad Plots Massacres, Mousavi Arrest and Assassination
China Confidential analysts believe Iranian maniac-in-chief Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and the Revolutionary Guards Corps are preparing to arrest the relatively moderate opposition leader, Mir-Hossein Mousavi. His assassination has also been discussed and debated by regime members, according to intelligence experts.
A showdown looms, as Mousavi has defiantly called on supporters to continue protesting the rigged elections. Click here for the story.World's Worst Regime Revels in Insulting West
Click here for the roundup, which would be funny if not for the fact that North Korea is basically a giant, nuclear-armed death camp.Facebook Removes Iranian Proxy's Page
Click here for the story. The terrorist leader of Gaza has been deprived of his social networking page. His partner in Damascus (Jimmy Carter's friend) could be next in line for virtual termination.
There is reason to hope the world may at last be coming to its senses about the Iranian-Islamist threat....
Or not--as shown by UPI's sickening reference to Hamas as a "resistance" group. For the record, the U.S. State Department still lists Hamas as a Foreign Terrorist Organization--a formal designation of real significance.Obama, Geithner Hail US-China Relationship
Click here for the news from Washington.
Who woulda' thunk it? Communist China worried about possible inflation in the United States, which would erode the value of their massive dollar reserves--strange and interesting times, to say the least.On Stopping Iran, Some Reason for Hope?
The United States and Israel are apparently coordinating efforts to increase pressure on the nuclear-arming, Islamist regime ... and on the international community (such as it is) to get serious about stopping the missile-mad, fascist foe before it is too late.
Click here and here for the relevant reports.Nigerian Death Toll at 65 as Taliban Press Offensive
Where is the outrage? When did liberals and the Left in the West become dupes and pawns of radical Islam?US, Israel Inching Closer to Deal on Settlements
Click here for the Haaretz report. As of this writing, a deal seems to be in the works.
Israel is under tremendous pressure from the United States over the settlements issue. The Obama administration is obsessed with squeezing Israel back behind indefensible borders--the pre-1967 boundaries that the late Israeli foreign minister, Abba Eban, called the "Auschwitz lines."
In the meantime, Islamist Iran is developing nuclear weapons for use against Israel--and the U.S.
Monday, 27 July 2009
Click here for the story. The Taliban-inspired Islamists are escalating their violent struggle to impose Islamic law on the entire country.
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Britannia Radio