“Journalist (Ofra Haza) decides to investigate the "kidnapped Yemen children" case & even to find her twin brother after he was missing after his birth. She is meeting Gidi Vaxman (Arnon Tzadok), a detective in the homicide department who is in the climax of solving a very complicated murder case. With her determination, she succeeds in breaking his stubbornness to prove to him that he is her lost brother & to lead him to meeting with his biological parents & meeting his past” Now we begin with some deep political background. Under dire threat, Ariel Sharon has begun the process of the forced removal of 8000 Jews from their homes. The pressure from within the country comes from the top of Labor Zionism. Their goal is to stop the religious revival taking place within Yesha, beginning with Gaza. With the transfer of the Gazan Jews will come a split in the country so profound that over half its citizens will stop accepting the government as their legal authority. This will spell the end of Israel. The Gazan Jews represent the finest ideals of the Zionism of national liberation. Labor Zionism is a foreign transplant on the body of the Jews and only its removal can spell the salvation of Israel. In my previous two articles I spelled out the depths of criminality which is Labor Zionism. With ample proof we learned that the Ben Gurion government sanctioned the mass irradiation of Sephardic children and youths in the 1950s, while kidnapping some 4500 Yemenite infants for use as guinea pigs in American atomic experiments. For this, Israel was paid today's equivalent of 50 billion dollars. The expose of the Yemenite kidnappings led readers to insist I explore the murder of the Yemenite-Israeli singer Ofra Haza. I had just begun when, divinely, a member of Haza's family asked to meet with me. What he imparted is going to sound fantastic, but what doesn't anymore? You judge, but I believed him.The Murder Of Ofra Haza?????
Saturday, July 18, 2009
Israel's Second National Anthem
EDITOR'S NOTE: Readers interested in supporting and defending a united Jerusalem should click here.The Murder Of Ofra Haza
The missing Yemenite children claimed another victim. Before we begin, please open: Ofra Haza - Tzedek Muchlat.
Wednesday, 22 July 2009
As the Obama administration abandons and betrays Israel ... and pressures its leaders to withdraw to indefensible borders in order to facilitate the creation of a so-called Palestinian state in the liberated lands of Judea and Samaria and Jerusalem itself ... eternal capital of the Jewish people and its miraculously reborn, modern state ... the only democracy in the Middle East ... the China Confidential team presents Israel's second national anthem, after Hatikva, Jerusalem of Gold, originally composed by Naomi Shemer in 1967. This version was sung by Ofra Haza , the late, great Israeli artist, at a concert in 1998, celebrating 50 years of Israeli independence. The Video is subtitled in both English and Hebrew, so that it may be fully understood by everyone.
- by Barry Chamish ©, Sept. 15th, 2004
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Britannia Radio