Pakistan Daily
Hasbara: “Turks turning to Islamic extremism” | ![]() | ![]() |
SATURDAY, 04 JULY 2009 17:57 |
“With reason as your shield and sword of love in your hand – Servant of Allah! the leadership of the world is at your command,” – Dr. Allama Muhammad Iqbal (1877-1938), the renowned poet-philosopher, British India. “In the long history of the world, only a few generations have been granted the role of defending freedom in its hour of maximum danger. I do not shrink from this responsibility, I welcome it,” – John F. Kennedy, Inaugural Address, January 20, 1961 We all know by now, how the latest Israeli attempt to bring a regime-change in Tehran has failed miserably – which was carried out through mass propaganda lies and publishing fake pictures of Iranian protestors including the one showing an Iranian girl making Zionist ‘finger-gesture’ to Dr. Ahmadinejad. However, most of us don’t know that since “moderate Islamist” Turkish prime minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan pulled Jewish terrorist Israeli president Shimon Peres’ skull-cap at World Economic Forum at Davos, by saying: “You are killing people. I know two former prime ministers in your country who said they felt very happy when they were able to enter Palestine on tanks…….” – Israeli Hasbara thugs are secretly busy to prepare the western public for a possible regime-change in Ankara. On June 28, 2009 – Los Angeles Times publish Sebastian Rottela’s Hasbara piece “Turks increasingly turn to Islamic extremism”. According to this expert on ‘Al-Qaeda and Islamic extremism’ – the Qaeda leader Mustafa Abu Yazid’s recent audio message praising the Turkish suicide bombers killed near Afghan-Pakistan border, shows that “the changing composition of Islamic extremism. The number of Turks in Al-Qaeda long dominated by Arabs, has increased notably. And militant groups dominated by Turks and Central Asians, many of whom shate Turkic language, have emerged as allies of and alternatives to Al-Qaeda in northwestern Pakistan.” Interestingly, Sebastian doesn’t mention Turks’ new Islamic extremism a threat to Israel, which has closer ties to Turkey in military, finance, trade and tourism than any of its neighbouring countries – but European countries like France, Germany, Belgium, and Netherlands with Turk population. According to the writer, the Turk population in Germany “that close to 3 million” – while a survey published by German Interior Ministry in June 2009 – estimates it to be 4 million with Turks (63.2%), Southeastern Europe (13.6%), the Middle East (8%), North Africa (7%) and the rest German converts. Sebastian also blames Turk terrorism behind the Synogogue bombing, which Turkish government insisted to be work of foreign terrorism. Both CNN and FoxNews blamed Al-Qaeda for that. However, a Jewish investigating reporter, Margalit Cohen, wrote that it was the work of Israeli MOSSAD. Sebastian’s ‘Islamic extremism’ theory is based mainly on the utterance of no other than Turkish ‘Islamophobe’, Zeyno Baran (b. 1972), who is a senior fellow at the Washington-based pro-Israel thinks tank, Hudson Institute, founded by Herman Kahn (d. 1983) and some of his Jewish colleagues at RAND Corporation in 1961. It’s trustees include Henry Kissinger, John Walters (former Drug Czar), Richard Perle, Douglas Feith, Alexander Haig, Conrad Black, etc. Sebastian, however, conveniently, ignore the fact that it was Israeli terrorist organization (MOSSAD) which plotted the 2008 failed coup against Turkish government. Its ring-leader, Rabbi Tuncay Guney, who was allowed to escaped to the US – is now acting as a Rabbi at a Mississauga Synagogue in Canada. In early 1940s – Jewish agencies in the West were using their influence over the US, Britain, and Canada not to allow Jewish immigration from countries occupied by Germany. Yitzhak Greenbaum, Chairman of the Rescue Committee of the Jewish Agency, addressing the Zionist Executive Council in Tel Aviv on February 18, 1943 said – “When they asked me, ‘couldn’t you give money out of the United Jewish Appeal funds for the rescue of Jews in Europe – I said NO!’ and I say again NO!….one should resist this wave which pushes the Zionist activities to secondary importance.” According to Professor Stanford J. Shaw (University of California and Bilkent University, Ankara) in his book “Turkey and the Holocaust: Turkey’s Role in Rescuing Turkish and European Jewry from Nazi Persecution, 1933-45″ – wrote that the Kemalist government saved 15,000 Turk Jews from France and another 100,000 Jews from Eastern Europe. Historically, the Zionists and the Turk minority which abolished Ottoman dynasty in 1920s and have since ruled the country with iron fist and still maintain its control over Turkish army – is mainly the Crypto-Jews (followers of Turk Jew Messiah, Sabbatai Zvi) and their secularist associates. Many leaders of Young Turk Movement were Crypto-Jews, who abolished Ottoman Sultanate and later carried the Armenian genocide. Turkey under Kemalist-regime was the first Muslim country to recognize Zionist-regime in Palestine in 1949. Turkey is also the only Muslim member of NATO – but has been denied admission to EU for the last two decades. |