Monday, 6 July 2009
I strongly believe that we need to treat our fellow human beings, as humans regardless of their backgrounds.
However what do you do when some human beings insist on being more than just members of the human race, and endeavour to set themselves apart and above their fellows.
There are many examples world-wide, but in this article I wish to address those committed to Islamification of the Western World.
17 years living and working in Bradford, West Yorkshire, brought me into contact with ordinary followers of Islam, and those with higher positions, so I have some idea of what I am discussing here.
Around the country Muslims quietly live their lives, and many adore England, and like us as fellow human beings, and I get on well with many of them.
The problems start when those with some authority try to rock the boat, and change the country to suit themselves, introducing laws alien to Britain, practices alien to Britain, and using outspoken vehemence to bully authorities to accept their demands, even though they may not be in all of the people's best interests.
I have witnessed just this sort of tactic being employed while in Bradford, and the Council was so intimidated by the Racism Laws, that it capitulated nearly every time, until Bradford no longer looked like Bradford, and the normal High Street retail areas suffered from lack of patronage.
The article below is an illustration of how Islam can be put aside, to achieve the aims of Islamification, the process is called 'Taqiyya'.
This article is written by ex-muslims, and government should take heed
I sent the article above to my MP Ian Cawsey and the Prospective Conservative Andrew Percy, because I am concerned about the aims of those who have been given power, and whether we can tell they are behaving in a truthful way for the benefit of Britain as a whole, given the leeway that 'Taqiyya' gives them in achieving their aims.
I certainly will not countenance the suppression of women, and equality must be for all not just for those, who, enlightened men allow to be equal.
I will not countenance women not being allowed to learn English, because it keeps them dependent on their husbands, and unable to deal with things if he should die suddenly. (I knew of such a case)
I do not agree with the intermarriages with cousins, for the same reasons that British Laws do not allow it, or marrying young girls off before they are of British Lawful age, and even then they should have a choice, and not be coerced by their families.
I abhor 'honour killings' which are ignorant and backward thinking.
These practices belong in the middle ages, not in today's Britain.
As to the 'Burkha', I recommend that people read 'The Bookseller of Kabul' to get an insight into this matter.
The Koran does not instruct Muslim women to wear the burkha, it is an affectation brought in by the men, in this male dominated religion.
"One dog at a time" by Pen Farthing can also give an insight into some of the differences in outlook in Afghanistan.
I believe that we are at a crossroads in this country, and that we need to talk seriously, and calmly about these issues, for the sake of the British and the Islamic community alike.
I also believe that the Child Benefit must be limited to 2/3 children, with parents funding any over that number themselves, because the world and this country, is becoming dangerously overpopulated.
I have read the Koran, just as I have read about other religions, and found they all popped into existence about the same time in Earth's history, and have many similarities.
Some things the Koran advocates are in my mind quite good, regarding 'usury' and 'alms' for those needing help, but these things remain inside the Muslim community, giving them great pecuniary advantage over their non-Islamic fellows.
The things in the Koran that I do not agree with is the potential for violence and barbarity meted out to those who do not follow Islam, or who do not obey their laws, I find this incompatible with this country and it's standards.
Also the part which tells followers that where they set their foot, that land is theirs.
No human being can claim to own the earth, it is merely a convention for land and property.
Human beings come and go, but the Earth remains, and unless those in power look after it, and stop fighting over it, it will also disappear.
I sincerely hope that this issue will be addressed before it gets totally out of hand, and causes strife.
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Britannia Radio