I WON T CURB IMMIGRATION IMMIGRATION? NO NEED TO CAP IT, SAYS BROWN UK and French Governments plan mass deportation of Afghan refugees EU urges member states to share burden of asylum influx Making a killing Inaccurate data on migration set to stay LEWISHAM: Immigration scam law firm workers jailed JOBLESS TOTAL HITS 14-YEAR HIGH...AND IT WILL GET WORSEA selection of recent media reports
Migrants received the thumbs-up to make a beeline for Britain yesterday from Gordon Brown. The Prime Minister refused to shut the door on our open borders policy, claiming immigration was great for Britain.
Daily Star (17-Jul-2009)
GORDON Brown sparked fresh fury over mass immigration yesterday by explicitly ruling out a limit on Britain s spiralling population growth.
Daily Express (17-Jul-2009)
Campaigners are mobilising on both sides of the channel to protest against a planned mass deportation of Afghan migrants from Calais next week, involving the UK and French Governments.
Ekklesia (16-Jul-2009)
(STOCKHOLM) - The European Commission urged EU member states Thursday to help southern Europe confront a massive influx of asylum seekers and illegal migrants, saying solidarity and a harmonised asylum system were needed.
EUbusiness.com (16-Jul-2009)
Professional gangsters have been living it up.
Economist (16-Jul-2009)
Inaccurate migration estimates which play a pivotal role in determining councils grant levels could be used for decades, the UK Statistics Authority admitted last week.
Lgc Plus (16-Jul-2009)
THREE law firm workers have been given prison sentences totalling 16 years after a mass immigration fraud. Manager of the the Lewisham branch of Macauley Blackman Solicitors, Frances Enahoro, aged 51, was sentenced to seven years for masterminding a conspiracy giving more than 500 immigrants false documents..
News Shopper (16-Jul-2009)
UNEMPLOYMENT has soared to a 14-year high of nearly 2.4million, according to official figures released yesterday.
Daily Express (16-Jul-2009)
Friday, 17 July 2009
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Britannia Radio