Wednesday, 8 July 2009

A selection of recent media reports

Mass antiracist march in Athens ends in serious clashes
The first mass antiracist protest march of the week, organised by anarchists, clash with strong riot police forces and a handful of collaborating nazis leading to long street battles around the coveted Agios Panteleimonas area. (08-Jul-2009)

AT least one in every 10 immigrants in Britain is given a council house, a report revealed yesterday.
Sunday Express (08-Jul-2009)

Dream teams
Who will care for older people in the future ... (08-Jul-2009)

War crime suspects lose UK 'safe haven'
A legal loophole that allowed war criminals to walk the streets of this country with impunity is being closed. Currently anyone suspected of crimes against humanity, war crimes or genocide cannot be prosecuted if the crimes took place before 2001.
Daily Mail (07-Jul-2009)

Forensic fingerprinting discovery was a happy accident, admits 'grandfather of DNA'
The 'grandfather of DNA' stumbled across forensic fingerprinting when he was researching something completely different, he revealed today. Professor Sir Alec Jeffreys, now 59, made his breakthrough in 1984 and was instrumental in applying it to real casework, including forensic investigations and paternity..
Daily Mail (07-Jul-2009)

Migration and social housing
Commenting on the Human Rights and Equality Commission report into the allocation of social housing, the Co-Chairmen of the Cross Party Group on Balanced Migration said: The elephant in the room is the huge impact of migration on overall demand for housing.
Balanced Migration (07-Jul-2009)