Posted on 28 July 2009 By Patrick Wood, Editor On April 28, 2009, this writer asked: “Are glob alist fear-mongers dri ving the media to panic the public into uni versal health care solu tions? Or federally-mandated vac ci na tions?” (See Pan demic Non sense: Flying Pig Flu) In the three months since, not one gov ern ment offi cial or main line jour nalist has asked any tough ques tions. Instead, they have con tinued their para noid stam pede to a) make the out break a world cat a strophe and b) pre pare to force immu niza tion vac cine shots on hun dreds of mil lions of unsus pecting people. This is a for mula for health dis aster, but when it comes to the bottom line profit of Big Pharma, who stand to gain billions from vac cine sales, a few casu al ties are accept able as long as the greater good is being served. This is the same fuzzy logic pop u lar ized by the TV series 24: Acci den tally snuffing a few inno cents is accept able if it leads to the saving of thou sands more lives. Of course, the latter is only a pos si bility and no other options are offered. Somehow, star Jack Bauer always comes through to save the day, but the viewer is left agi tated and frustrated. World wide, there have been only 311 deaths directly attrib uted to Swine Flu, and in many of those cases, there were other cir cum stances that cre ated com pli ca tions. The global total of 70,893 reported and con firmed cases is itself sus pect, because it’s dif fi cult to tell one virus from another. The scene is being set up. Asso ci ated Press reported on July 17 that Sec re tary of Health and Human Ser vices Kath leen Sibelius recently signed an order granting legal immu nity to vac cine makers who might be sued over “unin tended con se quences” that arise from their vaccines. A top gov ern ment sci en tific adviser in Eng land is also a paid member (£116,000) of the board of direc tors of Glax SmithK line. Pro fessor Sir Roy Anderson was one of the first “sci en tists” who cried “Pan demic!” in April. Since then, he has been working TV and radio to tout the effec tive ness of anti-virals to fight Swine Flu (but not dis closing his finan cial arrange ment with GSK, of course.) Baxter Labs, a major vac cine maker, for tu itously filed a patent for their H1N1 vac cine (see page 4 of appli ca tion) on August 28, 2008. That’s right, 2008, months before the first known outbreak! Big Pharma lob by ists have been busy working up sup port in gov ern ments around the world to imple ment mandatory gov ern ment vac ci na tion pro grams to stop the pan demic. In France for instance, it was recently leaked that Presi dent Sarkozy had launched a secret plan to set up manda tory vac ci na tion for all res i dents of France. In the U.S., Sibelius has already urged school super in ten dents around the country to spend the summer preparing for a mas sive Swine Flu vac ci na tion pro gram this fall. For the first time in his tory, the Feds are rec om mending three vac cine shots that will include two extra ones for Swine Flu. Then, there is the mys tery of the virus itself. My friend, Dr. Rus sell Blay lock, who con tributed to my orig inal article in The August Review, writes “This virus con tinues to be an enigma for virol o gists. In the April 30, 2009 issue of Nature, a virol o gist was quoted as saying,‘Where the hell it got all these genes from we don’t know.’ Exten sive analysis of the virus found that it con tained the orig inal 1918 H1N1 flu virus, the avian flu virus (bird flu), and two new H3N2 virus genes from Eurasia. Debate con tinues over the pos si bility that swine flu is a genet i cally engi neered virus.” (see Vac cine May Be More Dan gerous Than Swine Flu) If this was an episode of 24, what would Jack Bauer do next? (Hint: don’t take the vaccine.)Swine Flu: Pigs to fly soon?
Tuesday, 28 July 2009
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Britannia Radio