PR campaign to re-brand “Security and Prosperity Partnership” in full swing Steve Watson A new report out of left leaning globalist think tank the Brookings Institute confirms an agenda to re-brand the long running effort to merge the US, Canada and Mexico into a Federal superstate akin to the European Union. The report was highlighted by author Jerome Corsi, who points out that the Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America has become much maligned owing to it’s quasi secretive advancement of a North American integration agenda. “Two top Washington think-tanks have now formally suggested in writing that the Obama administration should rename the SPP as a public relations ploy to advance the North American integration agenda without drawing so much flak from those of us interested in preserving U.S. sovereignty,” Corsi writes in his Red Alert newsletter. In the Brookings Institute report, titled “Toward a New Frontier: Improving the U.S.-Canadian Border”, Christopher Sands, a senior fellow at the Hudson Institute, where he specializes on North American economic integration, suggests the Obama administration should continue the agenda of the SPP, but under a new name. “Despite evidence that NAFTA has been beneficial on balance to American business, workers, and consumers the argument remains vilified by many as an unwarranted move to embrace globalization.” Sands writes. “President Obama recognized this on the campaign trail in 2008, when he called for the renegotiation of NAFTA’s provisions to correct flaws in the original agreement. As a result, the Obama administration will most likely rename the SPP.” Sands concludes. The report also suggests focusing more on the integration of the US and Canada as a priority, before bringing Mexico into the equation. Sands suggests the following three courses of action: 1. “President Obama should borrow from the lexicon of the European Union and announce that the United States will proceed in negotiations with its two neighbors ‘at two speeds,’ moving ahead more quickly where possible with its developed neighbor Canada, and allowing Mexico to proceed more slowly as necessary.” 2. “The Obama administration is likely to want to ‘press the reset button’ on the SPP, an unpopular though valuable initiative that has improved policy coordination between the United States and its neighbors.” 3. “The SPP must be re-branded to win any kind of consensus support. The Obama administration recognizes this, and could take a few tactical steps to make the SPP (or its eventual successor) work better and win broader support.” Sands defines his vision of the re-branded SPP as an effort “to build a truly ‘new frontier’ on the northern border,” adding that “President Obama’s community organizing experience suits him well for the task ahead.” Sands is deeply entrenched in the integration agenda, being a member of the Advisory Committee to the U.S. Section of The North American Competitiveness Council (NACC), organized by the U.S. Chamber of Commerce to consult with U.S. government officials in negotiations under the SPP. The NACC is essentially an elite advisory board comprised of 30 senior private sector representatives of North American corporations that were selected by the American, Canadian and Mexican governments at the June 2006 trilateral meeting in Cancun, Mexico. Last year, one month prior to the SPP summit in April, documents were uncovered relating how the NACC was formed as part of a public relations overhaul to counter critics of the SPP. The documents detailed how, through the NACC, corporate representatives were urged to “humanize” North American integration, promote NAFTA success stories to employees and unions and evolve the harmonization agenda “without fueling protectionism”. The move was seemingly a response to the continued exposition of the integration agenda, which led to representatives within Congress petitioning the government on the secretiveness of the SPP and multiple states introducing resolutions calling on their federal representatives to halt work on the so called “North American Union”. Earlier this week we revealed that president Obama is scheduled to attend this year’s SPP meeting in Mexico, slated as the “North American Leader’s Summit”. “The key to understanding what is going on with the SPP under the Obama administration is the realization that globalists always proceed under a stealth agenda,” Jerome Corsi comments. “Globalists typically mask their real plans to produce regional governments out of trade agreements by changing names and designing different structures when initial attempts to destroy nation-states are exposed and stalled by citizens who are still patriotic enough to cherish what remains left of their national sovereignty.”Think Tank Report: Obama Will “Press The Reset Button” On North American Union Agenda
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Thursday, 23 July 2009
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Britannia Radio