Monday 6 July 2009

This was something the ruling Iranian Muslims did not want you to see.
Sent: Sunday, July 05, 2009 3:28 PM
Subject: Neda Soltani, symbol of the Iranian protests, was a Christian

Neda Soltani, symbol of the Iranian protests, was a Christian

This is the poor young woman who was shot dead by Iranian security forces, and whose bleeding face became an image of the brutality and humanity of the mullahs. Now it turns out the Neda Soltani was a Christian -- a telling indication that the analysts who dismissed the protesters as simply wanting more Sharia, or better Sharia, or Sharia with a different face, were wrong: it just wasn't that simple.

It is also telling that the cross around her neck was cropped out when this photo circulated around the world.

Jihad Watch reader Andrea informs me that while "many had mourned her thinking she was a Muslim. According to some German press reports, it turns out she instead was a Christian:"


(It's also telling that the authorities did not allow her to have a proper burial)