The editorial claimed the ‘consensus’ view was growing ‘increasingly difficult to challenge, despite the efforts of diehard climate-change deniers.’ The editor now admits he is ‘startled’ by the negative reaction from the group’s scientific members. Poor bewildered soul. He really thought he had written what was undeniably the case. Here are some examples of that ‘negative reaction’ he... British spokesman Martin Day said in an interview in Dubai with Al-Arabiya television last week that the British government was ‘taking practical steps towards freezing settlement activities.’ ‘For instance,’ Day said, ‘we finance projects aimed at halting settlement activities. One of these projects seeks to build new Palestinian neighborhoods in east Jerusalem and save Palestinian houses from demolition.’ In addition, Day said in an Arabic interview, ‘we also finance organizations that monitor settlement activities.’ Wow. Just imagine if America, say, during the Troubles in Northern Ireland had been funding projects aimed at halting Loyalist marches or building houses for Catholics in Loyalist areas. It would seem that the British government is actively subverting the government of Israel. HMG appears to have forgotten that it stopped governing Palestine in 1948. Extraordinary. Mary Robinson? This is the same Mary Robinson who presided over the infamous and odious Durban anti-Israel and anti-Jew hate-fest a few days before 9/11. As Rubin points out: Recently deceased congressman and human-rights champion Tom Lantos had this to say: Mary Robinson’s lack of leadership was a major contributing factor to the debacle in Durban. Her yearning to have a ‘dialogue among civilizations’ blinded her to the reality that the noble goals of her conference had been usurped by some of the world’s least tolerant and most repressive states, One of the many absurd mantras of the ‘we were taken to war in Iraq on a lie’ brigade is their belief that, in the Muslim and Arab world, everyone stays within their own silos. Thus Saddam could never have been working with al Qaeda because Saddam was secular and al Qaeda are religious fanatics; thus Hamas/al Qaeda could never be working with Hezbollah because Sunni and Shia are mortal enemies; thus since Iran poses a mortal threat to the world we should have attacked Iran, not Iraq. It has always seemed to me, however, that ‘either/or’ in these circumstances is wildly inappropriate. Even mortal enemies form alliances against a foe...Thursday, 30th July 2009
A chemical reaction
When the worm finally turns, it really gets itself into a flat-out spin. More and more scientists have just about had it up to here with the rubbish being put out as the ‘consensus’ on man-made global warming. Marc Morano reports how members of the American Chemical Society (ACS) have risen in revolt against the group’s editor-in-chief -- with demands for his removal -- after an editorial appeared claiming ‘the science of anthropogenic climate change is becoming increasingly well established.’Britain forgets that it no longer runs Palestine
An eye-opening story in the Jerusalem Posttakes the current anti-Israel stance by Gordon Brown’s government onto a new level still. Herb Keinon reports that the British government is funding political activity in Israel that runs counter to Israeli government policy:Obama's gesture to the Jews
Is Obama going out of his way to make an obscene gesture to the Jews ? On the Commentary blogContentions, Jennifer Rubin is rightly astounded by the fact that Mary Robinson, UN Commissioner and former president of Ireland, is being awarded the Medal of Freedom by Obama.
...Only connect
I wrote yesterday about concerns that Iran might be pulling the strings of an illusory peace in Iraq. Brace yourselves – I have long had concerns about other alliances.
Friday, 31 July 2009
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Britannia Radio