Tuesday, July 07, 2009
http://chinaconfidential.blogspot.com/Pelosi Meddling in China ... for Violent Muslims
The idiotic, Islamist-leaning U.S. House Speaker is interfering in China's internal affairs--on the side of Muslim separatists and extremists--at precisely the time when the United States most needs China's cooperation with respect to nuclear-arming, Islamist Iran.
Has Washington lost its mind?
Has the U.S. Democratic Party become an arm of Islamist world conquest?
Click here for the nauseating news.Obama Committed to Appeasing Iran
Readers have asked if China Confidential intentionally ignored remarks by U.S. Vice President Joe Biden that seemed to indicate that the Obama administration had given Israel a green light to attack Islamist Iran's nuclear facilities. The answer is yes for several reasons, including the following:
1. Biden is a notorious blowhard and a blabbermouth who suffers from incurable foot-in-mouth disease. His statements are usually about as meaningful as a dog's urine (no insult intended to dogs, our favorite animals).
2. At most, Biden's words were meant to rattle the Iranian regime--which perceives U.S. President Barack Obama to be weak and ineffective.
3. We knew it was only a matter of a day or so before Obama or his spokesman would correct or clarify--as in retract--the Vice President's remarks.
We were right--again--as shown by this report. Click here.
The Obama administration is still bent on appeasing--and, worse, aligning with--Islamist Iran. Nothing has changed in that regard; Obama came to power believing that Islamism is a force that can be manipulated, managed, and effectively exploited. The only off-limits Islamists are Al Qaeda and the Taliban, except for the latter group's so-called reconcilable elements.
Off limits for the time being, that is.... At the rate things are going, it is only a matter of time--say, two years--before an administration stooge starts to make a case for reconcilable Al Qaeda elements.China, Russia, Brazil Pushing Global Currency
Another sign of how the world sees America's new President--as an appeaser and a weakling presiding over and actually facilitating his country's decline.15,000 Foreign Mercenaries Aiding Iran Regime
Iranian exile sources say the regime has imported some 15,000 mercenaries to lethally suppress pro-opposition protesters, senior clerics, democracy-seekers, and other dissidents. Iran's Lebanese Islamist proxy, Hezbollah, has supplied most of the mercenaries; but Hamas and Venezuela have also provided units.
Mojtaba Khamenei, son of Supreme (Clerical Fascist) Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, is in charge of the mercenary operation.
Aircraft carrying the mercenaries have been seen landing at the Southern port of Mahshahr.
Hezbollah Terrorist Leading Street Patrols
The bearded man pictured above in a green shirt, holding a walkie-talkie while patrolling the streets of Tehran, is Hussein Monif Ashmar, a leading Hezbollah operative, whose responsibilities allegedly include organizing suicide attacks. His photograph was identified by a now exiled former member of Quds (islamic iran's Special Forces), Amir Farshad Ebrahimi.
Protesters have reportedly captured, identified and released Arabic speaking mercenaries from Somalia; Sudan; Oman; Syria; Yemen; and Hamas-ruled Gaza.
And China Confidential has learned that Venezuelan security experts have been assigned to provide personal protection services to the Supreme Leader and maniac-in-chief Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.
Venezuelan Bomb-Sniffing Dogs
Ahmadinejad recently spent over $1 million on two, specially trained, Venezuelan bomb-sniffing dogs to guard his office--to the horror of visitors. Believers in barbaric Islam (which U.S. President Barack Obama urges Americans to "respect") regard dogs as utterly unclean. Hence, the Muslim world's well known cruelty toward dogs--wonderfully noble, intelligent, and loyal animals, with which human beings have developed a unique and inspiring bond dating to prehistoric times. [EDITOR'S NOTE: Clearly, the life of any normal dog is far more precious and worthy of respect than the life of any Islamist.]
Islamist Iran has a long history of using Palestinian thugs and killers. PLO chief Yasser Arafat had militias flown in to help in the street killings of the Islamic revolution and to carry out executions in the prisons.
Arafat received staggering sums--some sources say billions of dollars--from Ayatollah Khomeini following the turbaned tyrant's overthrow of Iran's pro-U.S., modernizing monarch, Shah Mohammed Reza Pahlavi (betrayed by the catastrophic Carter administration).Did a Chinese Herbalist Really Live for 256 Years?
Li Ching-Yuen or Li,Ching-Yun (traditional Chinese: 李清雲; pinyin: Lǐ Qīngyún; born 1677 or after died May 6, 1933) was a Chinese herbalist, martial artist and tactical advisor. He claimed to be born in 1734, while disputed records suggest 1677. Both alleged lifespans of 199 and 256 years far exceed the longest confirmed lifespan of 122 years and 164 days.
Li Ching-Yuen was supposedly born in 1677 in Qi Jiang Xian, Szechuan province and is alleged to have spent most of his life in the hills gathering herbs and knowledge of longevity methods. In 1749, when he was 71 years old, he moved to Kai Xian to join the Chinese army as a teacher of the martial arts and as a tactical advisor.
In 1927, Li Ching Yuen was invited by General Yang Sen to visit him in Wan Xian, Szechuan. The general was fascinated by his youthfulness, strength and prowess in spite of his advanced age. His famous portrait was photographed there. Returning home, he died a year later, some say of natural causes; others claim that he told friends that "I have done all I have to do in this world. I will now go home."
After Li's death, General Yang Sen investigated the truth about his claimed background and age. He wrote a report that was later published. In 1933, people interviewed from his home province remembered seeing him when they were children, and that he hadn't aged much during their lifetime. Others reported that he had been friends with their grandfathers.
Continue here.Sarkozy Demands Iran Release French Woman
French President Nicolas Sarkozy on Tuesday demanded that Iran release a French woman held on charges of spying.
Sarkozy described the accusations of espionage levied against 23-year-old student Clotilde Reiss as "pure fantasy."
French officials say Reiss was detained at Tehran airport last week on her way home to France after five months of study. Iranian authorities accuse her of taking part in opposition protests and sending an e-mail to a friend that contained information on the rallies.
French Foreign Minister Bernard Kouchner says the charges were related to pictures of the protests that she took with her mobile phone and sent via text message.25% of Pakistan Supports Al Qaeda
On China's Reserves, Canada's Resources
Police in Xinjiang Fire Tear Gas at Ethnic Rioters
The ethnic violence is continuing....
Reuters Reports:Riot police on Tuesday fired tear gas to try to break up rock-throwing Han and Uighur protesters who clashed in the capital of China's Muslim region of Xinjiang two days after bloody clashes killed 156 and wounded more than 1,000.
Hundreds of protesters from China's predominant Han ethnic group, many clutching meat cleavers, metal pipes and wooden clubs, smashed shops owned by Uighurs, a Turkic largely Islamic people who share linguistic and cultural bonds with Central Asia.
Some Han Chinese protesters shouted "attack Uighurs" as both sides hurled rocks at each other.
Police used tear gas to try to disperse the crowd, but it only emboldened the demonstrators, caught between two sets of anti-riot police 600 meters apart.
Some used water to wash the gas out of their eyes as they pressed toward police at the mainly Uighur end of the street.
"They attacked us. Now it's our turn to attack them," a man in the crowd told Reuters. He refused to give his nameChina's PR Response to Riots Reflects New Realities
Click here for the in-depth analysis. Beijing's PR response to the Muslim riots in Xinjiang reflects an appreciation of the power of social networking sites and other new media to shape and influence world opinion.Mousavi Denounces Iranian 'Security State'
Most Pirate Attacks Go Unreported
As for Somalia, Islamist-backed pirates there are smuggling Al Qaeda fighters into the failed state. Click here for the story.Monday, July 06, 2009
Pakistan Muslims Attack Christian Kids with Acid
IRGC Comes out of the Coup Closet
Click here for the story. The Iranian Revolutionary Guards Corps says it is in charge of state security.
The IRGC is also in charge of the nuclear and missile programs--and relations with terrorist proxies Hamas and Hezbollah.
An apocalyptic atomic cult, led by maniac-in-chief Mahmoud Ahmadinejad--a former professional terrorist--has taken over the clerical fascist regime. The top turbaned tyrant, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, is Ahmadinejad's puppet.Rising Death Toll in Xinjiang Riots
Wednesday, 8 July 2009
Click here. The BRC countries--BRIC minus India--are aggressively seeking to end the age of the dollar.
A new survey shows 25% of nuclear-armed Pakistan in support of Al Qaeda attacks on Americans. Click here.
Click here for an up-to-date report on China's investments in Canadian mining and energy companies.
Read about it here. The opposition leader is still speaking out amid a government crackdown that has crushed street protests. Hundreds of demonstrators are being detained in inhuman conditions.
Click here for an expose of the piracy problem. Among the revelations: more than half the attacks go unreported; piracy is rampant in Nigeria, rising in Peru.
Click here for the sickening story. The rampage was triggered by a Christian who allegedly dared to pass a Muslim on the road, recalling times when Jews were forbidden to ride on horses or mules in Muslim lands lest they appear higher than Muslims.
Read about it here.
Posted by Britannia Radio at 08:51