Tuesday, July 21, 2009
China Confidential
Iran Plays for Time as Israel Plans for the Worst
Iran's new "package" of proposed ways of ending its nuclear standoff with the West will include a demand for Israeli nuclear disarmament, as reported in an Iranian state-sponsored media outlet. Click here.
The proposal is a non-starter, a mere propaganda ploy, and Iran knows that. The Islamist regime is simply playing for time, playing the Obama administration, the so-called international community, and the Useful Idiots of the West like a violin. iran intends to develop nuclear weapons and to use the arms to destroy Israel and drive the United States from the Middle East--for starters.
Iran should be taken seriously when it muses openly about a "world without America and Israel." Like Nazi Germany, Iran has global ambitions. It needs weapons of mass destruction to achieve its aims. There is no chance--zero--of a diplomatic solution to the Iranian nuclear issue.
Israel ... and Egypt ... are keenly aware of the political realities, as shown here. The two U.S. allies, who decades ago signed a peace treaty ending the Arab-Israeli conflict as we knew it--before its Islamization--share a common enemy, Islamist Iran, and a common problem, betrayal by the Obama administration, which is bent on appeasing and aligning with Islamism, including Iran's turbaned tyranny. Egypt's secular leadership is increasingly threatened by the Muslim Brotherhood, which the U.S. under President Obama is "engaging."
Tuesday, 21 July 2009
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Britannia Radio