Wednesday, July 22, 2009
China Confidential
Clinton Says US Would Open 'Defense Umbrella' Against Nuclear-Armed Iran; Israel Alarmed
U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton is touting a "defense umbrella" concept. Click herefor the story.
Her comments alarmed Israeli leaders. They interpret the the idea as a tacit acceptance on the part of the United States of the inevitability of a nuclear-armed Iran. Click here for the report from Jerusalem.
The Israelis are right, of course. China Confidential analysts have repeatedly warned that the Obama administration is resigned to Iran's emergence as a nuclear power. The administration's decision to engage Tehran guaranteed that the turbaned tyranny would be allowed sufficient time to achieve its nuclear aims.
The case for preemptive strikes against Iran grows daily. As a "one-bomb country"--meaning it could be wiped out with one atomic bomb--tiny Israel cannot afford to rely on U.S. promises. Nor can Israel afford to rely on the doctrine of mutually assured destruction; Iran is not the Soviet Union; and MAD did not prevent even the relatively rational Soviets from installing nuclear-tipped missiles in Cuba and precipitating a crisis with the United States that brought the two superpowers to the brink of nuclear war.
In fact, the case for preemptive nuclear strikes on Iran's nuclear and missile sites--and Revolutionary Guards Corps--grows daily, shocking as this may seem, tragic as the consequences of such a conflict would be. Iran and its proxy Hezbollah are believed to have enough missiles to rubble Israeli cities, causing thousands--or even tens of thousands--of deaths. Iran is also assumed to have Syrian-made chemical warheads, or chemical weapons of its own making; and there is still a chance that Syria, bristling with missiles and chemical warheads, could join Iran in retaliating against Israel for conventional Israeli or U.S. military attacks on Iranian targets. Israel's primary responsibility is to defend its citizens--by any and all necessary means.
Wednesday, 22 July 2009
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Britannia Radio