Tuesday, 14 July 2009

WOOOW, now even NATO is  talking about it.  l sourced it directly from NATO itself.
 NATO Review - World financial crisis: what it means for security - new edition of NATO Review now online

World financial crisis: what it means for security

Does less wealth mean more conflict and less security? With the financial crisis rapidly unfolding, we are about to find out. In this edition, NATO Review looks into the facts, figures and opinions surrounding the economic meltdown. And it finds that issues like foreign aid, protectionism and scarce resources rank just as highly as military spending.

Click here to read it or here to subscribe.
Paul King, Editor, NATO Review - www.nato.int/review

NATO Review - Please display images
Past issues
Schedule 2009
In the next issue
Why the financial crisis matters for security: a three minute guide

Why the financial crisis matters for security: a three minute guide

Three minutes showing how the financial crisis could impact on security issues from migrant workers through to extremist political groups.
From finance to defence

From finance to defence

How did the financial crisis arrive - and where will it lead? NATO's Senior Economist Adrian Kendry gives a guided tour of the the paths linking the crisis with security.
The financial crisis: ask the experts

The financial crisis: ask the experts

Experts from the UN, the World Bank and the IMF answer questions on how the financial crisis will affect Afghanistan, fragile countries and globalisation.
How the crisis unfolded - in pictures

How the crisis unfolded - in pictures

From as early as September 2007, there were warning signs for the financial system. This photostory highlights some of the key points that followed in the financial meltdown.
Podcast: the Paul Collier interview

Podcast: the Paul Collier interview

NATO Review interviews the award winning author and Oxford University professor on the effect the financial crisis will have on the world's poorest countries.
What lies ahead?  defence, budgets and the financial crisis

What lies ahead? defence, budgets and the financial crisis

How will tighter belts affect the way military budgets are spent? And when will defence feel the pinch? Dr Derek Braddon examines the impacts for countries and alliances.
Will the financial crisis make China a superpower?

Will the financial crisis make China a superpower?

Has the economic crisis helped or hindered the rise of China? And does it bring China closer to the US? An expert in China-US relations, Professor Jing Men investigates.
The financial crisis: a similar effect to a terrorist attack?

The financial crisis: a similar effect to a terrorist attack?

François Melese argues that the impact of the financial crisis on security cannot be underestimated. And he looks at whether it originated in the private or public sector.
Protectionism: who does it really protect?

Protectionism: who does it really protect?

Peter Holmes analyses whether the explosive 1930s mix of protectionism, extremism and conflict could happen again in today’s financial crisis.
Energy and the crisis - more or less secure?

Energy and the crisis - more or less secure?

The crisis in the financial world could open up new ways of working in the energy world, argue Dr Heiko Borchert and Karina Forster.
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NATO Review is a monthly online magazine published under the authority of the Secretary General and intended to contribute to a constructive discussion of Atlantic issues. Articles, therefore, do not necessarily represent official opinion or policy of member governments of NATO.

If you have problems reading this, please consult the NATO Review website : http://www.nato.int/review