Tuesday, 11 August 2009

60 German Scientists dissenting  over global warming claims, 
who call climate fears 'pseudo 'religion' 
and  urge the German chancellor  
to 'reconsider' her views.  

Further to my posting on this I have now received the list of scientists signing up to this open letter to Chancellor Merkel.  The details can be found  on:=

The numbers have grown substantially as you can see from the following lists of signatories.  There is also much e-mail comment there

1    Prof. Dr.    Hans-Günter    Appel    Hütteningenieur und Werkstoffwissenschaftler.
2    Prof. Dr. hab.    Dorota    Appenzeller    Prof .für  Ökonometrie und angewandte Mathematik VizeDekan der Universität Poznan   Polen
3    Prof. Dr.    Wolfgang    Bachmann    Leiter des Instituts für Schwingungstechnik, FH Düsseldorf   bis zum Ruhestand 2002
4    Prof. Dr.    Hans Karl    Barth    Geschäftsführer / Managing Director World Habitat Society GmbH - Environmental Services
5    Dipl.Biologe    Ernst Georg    Beck    
6    Dr. rer.nat.    Horst    Borchert    Dipl.Physiker
7    Dipl. Biol.    Helgo    Bran    Biologe ehem. MdL BW Grüne
8    Prof. Dr. rer. nat.    Gerhard    Buse    Biochemiker
9    Dr.Ing.    Ivo    Busko    Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt e.V.  in der Helmholtz-Gemeinschaft Institut für Technische Physik
10    Dr. Ing.    Gottfried    Class    nukleare Sicherheit, Kernfusion, Thermohydraulik, physikalische Chemie
11    Dr.Ing    Urban    Cleve    Kernphysiker Thermodynamiker, Energietechniker
12    Dr. rer. nat.    Rudolf-Adolf    Dietrich    Energieexperte TETRA Energie GmbH Kernenergieperte
13    Dipl.-Ing.    Peter    Dietze    
14    Dr. rer. nat.    Siegfried    Dittrich    Physikochemiker
15    Dr.rer.nat.    Theo    Eichten    Diplom-Physiker
16        Ferroni    Ferruccio    Zürich Präsident NIPCC-SUISSE
17    Dr. sc.agr.    Albrecht    Glatzle    Agrarbiologe, Director científico INTTAS, Paraguay
18    Dr. rer..nat.    Klaus-Jürgen    Goldmann    Dipl. Geologe
19    Dr. rer.nat.    Josef    Große- Wördemann    Physikochemiker
20    Dr. rer. nat.    Günther    Hauck    Dipl.-Chem.  
21    Prof. Dr. rer.nat.    Detlef    Hebert    ehem. Fakultät für Chemie und Physik Institut für Angewandte Physik
22    Dipl. Geologe    Heinisch    Heinisch    
23    Dr. rer.nat.    Horst    Herman    Dipl. Chemiker
24    Prof. Dr.    Hans-Jürgen    Hinz    Uni-Münster Institut für Physikalische Chemie 
25    Dipl. Geologe    Andreas    Hoemann    Dipl. Geologe
26    Dr. rer. nat.    Heinz    Hug    Chemiker
27    Dr. rer.nat.    Bernd    Hüttner    Theor. Physiker
28    Prof. Dr.    Werner    Kirstein    dipl. Physiker & Geograph
29    Dipl. Meteorologe    Klaus    Knüpffer    METEO SERVICE weather research GmbH
30    Dr. rer. hort.    Werner    Köster    Agrarwissenschaftler
31    Dr. rer.nat.    Albert    Krause    Chemiker Forschung
32    Dr. rer. nat    Norbert    Kunert    Dipl. Geologe
33    Dr. rer. nat.    Peter    Kuzel    Diplomchemiker  
34    Drs.oek.    Hans    Labohm    IPCC AR4 Expert reviewer, Dipl. Kfm.
35    Dr. rer.nat    Ludwig    Laus    Dipl. Geologe
36    Dr. rer.nat.    Rainer    Link    Physiker
37    Dipl. Pysiker    Alfred     Loew    
38    Prof. Dr.    Horst-Joachim    Lüdecke    Dipl. Physiker HTW Saarbrücken
39    Prof. Dr.    Horst    Malberg    Universitätsprofessor (A.D.) für Meteorologie und Klimatologie 
40    Dr. rer.nat    Wolfgang    Monninger    Geologe
41    Diplom-Meteorologe    Dieter    Niketta    
42    Prof. Dr.    Klemens    Oekentorp    Leiter ehem. des Geol.-Paläont. Museums der Westfälischen Wilhelms-Universität Münster 
43    Dr. rer.nat.    Wolfgang    Poppitz    Chemiker
44    Dipl. Meteorologe    Klaus-Eckart    Puls    Dipl. Meteorologe
45    Prof. Dr.    Dieter    Pumplün    Mathematik
46    Prof. Dr.    Klaas    Rathke    Hochschule OWL Abt. Höxter 
47    Prof. Dr.    Oliver    Reiser    UNI Regensburg
48    Dipl. Physiker    Wolfgang    Riede    Dipl.-Phys. ETH, DLR Stuttgart
49    Dipl.-Ing.    Wolfgang    Sander    
50    Diplom- Mineralogin    Sabine    Sauerberg    Geowissenschaftlerin
51    Prof.    Jochen    Schnetger    Chemiker
52    Prof. Dr.    Sigurd    Schulien    Hochschullehrer i.R.
53    PD Dr.habil.Dr.rer.nat.    Eckhard    Schulze    Dipl.Pys., Med. Physik
54    Dr. rer.nat.    Franz    Stadtbäumer    Dipl.-Geologe
55    Dr. rer.nat.    Gerhard    Stehlik     Physikochemiker
56    Dr. rer.nat.habil    Lothar    Suntheim    Diplomchemiker
57    Dipl.-Ing.    Heinz    Thieme    Gutachter
58    Dr.phil. Dipl. Meteorologe    Wolfgang    Thüne    Umweltministerium Mainz
59    Dr. rer. oec., Ing.    Dietmar    Ufer    Energiewirtschaftler, Institut für Energetik, Leipzig
60    Dipl. Meteorologe    Horst    Veit    
61    Prof. Dr.    Detlef    von Hofe    ehem. Hauptgeschäftsführer DVS
62    Dipl. Geograph    Heiko    Wiese    Geographie, Meteorologie, stud. Wetterbeobachter)
63    Dr.rer.nat.    Erich    Wiesner    Euro Geologe
64    Dr.rer.nat.    Ullrich    Wöstmann    Dipl Geologe
65    Prof. em. Dr.    Heinz    Zöttl    Forstbiologe -Geologe
66    Dr.rer.nat.        Zucketto    Dipl. Chemiker ,früher ARCOS u. ESAB Konzern

Besorgte engagierte Bürger
1    Dipl. Ing. FH.    Burckhard H.    Adam    Energie- und Bauberatung 
2    Dipl. Ing    Paul    Allenspacher    Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt e.V.
3    Prof. Dr.Ing.    Dieter    Ameling    Präsident Wirtschaftsvereinigung Stahl a. D. 
4        Hartmut    Bachmann    Präsident eines US Wirtschaftsinstituts
5        Kerstin    Bakowski    
6    Dipl. Ing.    Klaus    Bark    E-Technik
7        Dietrich    Barth    Realoberlehrer i.R.Geographie & Geologie
8        Hilde    Barth    Oberlehrerin i.R.
9        Christian     Bartsch    Journalist
10    Dipl. Ing.    Edgar    Bätz    EVU Leipzig & Institut für Energetik
11        Dieter    Ber    Marketingdir. a.D.
12    Dipl. Ing.    Marco    Bernardi    Kfz-Sachverständiger
13    Dipl. Ing.    Leonhard    Bienert    Entwicklung  Kernenergie ex DDR
14    Dr. agr.    Arwed    Blomeyer    Ministerialrat a. D.
15        Theodor    Blum    Elektromeister
16    Dr.Ing.    Richard    Bock    
17        Ralph    Bombosch    
18    Dipl. Ing.    Paul    Bossert    Architekt
19        Dr.    Böttiger    Theologie, Pädagogik, Promotion in Soziologie.
20    Dipl. Biol.    Helgo    Bran    Biologe ehem. MdL BW Grüne
21    Ingenieur    Jacob    Brandt    
22        Johannes    Brender    Vorstand BMB Bund mündiger Bürger
23    Dr.-Ing.    Wolfgang    Brune    Energiewirtschaftler
24        Dieter    Bunselmeyer    Kaufmann
25    Dipl. Ing    M.G.    Bury    Elektroingenieur
26    Dipl.-Volkswirt    Henning    Clewing    ehem. Geschäftsführer von Unternehmen des Maschinen- und Anlagenbaus
27        Hans-Werner    Degen    
28    Dipl. Ing.    Andreas    Demming    Selbstständiger Ingenieur,  
29    Dipl. Ing    Peter    Dettmann    technischer Umweltschutz
30    Dipl. Ing.    Hakola    Dippel    Förster
31    Dipl. Ing. M.A.    Enno    Dittmar    
32    Diplomchemiker    Gert    Dobrowolski     Studiendirektor
33        Heiko    Dörr    Controller Industriemeister Fachrichtung Metall
34    Dipl. Ing.    Johannes    Drosdeck    Maschinenbau Automotive
35    Dipl.-Math.    Heinrich    Duepmann    Dipl.-Math. Vorsitzender naeb e.V.
36    Dipl. Phys.    Vince    Ebert    Diplomphysiker und Wissenschaftskabarettist
37    Dr.med.    Christian    Eilers    Radiologe
38    Dipl. Brm.    Manfred    Emmerich    
39    Dipl. Ing.    Klaus    Emmerich    Heizungsbau
40    Dr. med.    Wolfram    Enders    Arzt
41        Walter    Faulenbach     GF a.D.
42    Diplom Chemiker    Rainer    Feldhaus    
43    Dipl. Ing.    Konrad    Fischer    Architekt
44    Diplom Bibliothekar    Stephan    Fischer    
45    Dr.rer.nat.    Dieter    Fischer    Physiker
46        Wolfgang    Frerich    
47    Diplom-Meteorologe    Christian    Freuer    
48    Dipl. Ing.    Jürgen    Fuchsberger    Architekt
49    Dipl. Ing.    Horst    Gampper    
50        Krishna    Gans    
51    Dipl. Hydrobiologe    Edgar    Gärtner    Journalist
52    Dr.-Ing.    Adolf    Gärtner    
53    Dr. Ing.    Peter    Geier    Ernergiewirtschaftler
54    Dipl. Ing. Dipl-Inform.    Ewald    Gleixner    Software-Entwicklung
55    Dipl. Ing.    Pierre    Gosselin    Übersetzer Technisches Übersetzungsbüro
56        Tatjana    Gräfin  Dönhoff    Journalistin/Autorin
57        Helmut    Groß    Bürgermeister der Stadt Tengen
58        Hans-Friedrich    Große    FU-Meteorologe
59    Dr.    Axel    Haas    Dipl.-Kaufmann, Geschäftsf.- Gesellschafter,
60            Haase    
61    Diplom-Physikerin    Christel    Hahn    
62    Dr. rer. nat.    Günther    Hauck    Dipl.-Chem.  
63    Dipl. Ing.    Wilfried    Heck    Elektrotechnik
64    Dipl. Ing.    Bernd    Heinmüller     Elektrotechnik
65        Armin    Heinzelmann    Projektmanager
66    Dr. rer.nat.    Peter    Heller    Astrophysiker
67    Dr. Ing.    Herbert    Heuser    
68        Rainer    Hoffmann    Prokurist
69    Dipl.-Brm.    Jens    Hofmann    
70    Prof. Dr.-Ing.    Heiko    Hofmann    Berufsakademie Dresden
71        Ferdinand Fürst zu    Hohenlohe-Bartenstein    
72    Dipl. Kfm.    Siegfried    Holler    
73    Dr.Ing.    Kurt    Honrath    Technischer Vorstand i.R.
74    Stud.Dir.i.R.    Klaus-Peter    Hoop    Chemie, Mathematik
75        Peter    Hoppe    
76        Christoph    Horst    Jurist
77        Melanie    Hüttner    freischaffende Künstlerin
78    Diplom Biologin    Hannelore    Hüttner     Ökologie
79    Diplom Biologin    Marion    Hüttner    
80        Rüchel    Ingo    Schulleiter i.R./OStD (Mathematik, Physik)
81    Dipl. Kfm,    Oliver    Janich    Journalist Focus Money Bundesvorsitzender der "Partei der Vernunft".,  , 
82        Ulf    Johannsen    Baumpfleger 
83    Dipl. Ing.oec.    Horst    Jungnickel    ehemals leitender Mitarbeiter in der Energiewirtschaft
84        Wolfram von     Juterzenka    
85        Silvia    Kaiser    Industriekauffrau
86    Dipl. Ing.    Andreas    Kaluza    Bergbau Ing. Metallurge
87        Jürgen    Kampmeier    
88    Dr. rer. nat    Volker    Kay    Diplom Biologe
89    Prof. Dr. Ing.    Helmut    Keutner    TFH Berlin FB-VI
90        Winfried    Klein    Oberstudienrat, 
91    Dr.med.    Willi    Klümpen    Arzt
92    Dr. Ing.    Dietrich E.    Koelle    Ingenieurbüro für Systemanalysen
93    Dipl. Ing.    Peter    Krah      MinR a.D.
94        Friedrich    Krause    Geschäftsführer ehem.
95    Diplommedizinerin    Charlotte    Krause    Oberärztin i.R.
96    Dr. rer. pol.    Klaus Peter    Krause    Journalist
97        Norman    Krayer    Personalberater
98    Dr. Ing. Dipl.Ing.    Oswald    Kreitschitz    Physiker und Unternehmen
99    Dip. Ing.    Siegfried    Kröger    Ltd. Baudirektor, EW
100        Oliver    Kulbe    Gesundheitsexperte
101        Joachim    Lampe     
102    Prof. Dr.    Klaus    Landfried    Professor a.D. und Universitätspräsident a.D.
103        Martina    Lange    Progammiererin
104    Dr. rer. nat.    Christoph    Leinß     Oberforstrat
105    Dipl. Ing.    Raimund    Leistenschneider    
106    Obering. i.R.    Ludwig    Lenniger    
107    Dipl. Ing.    Michael    Limburg    Vizepräsident Europäisches Institut für Klima und Energie
108    Dipl. Mathematiker    Ludger    Linneborn    
109        Ulrich    Löbert    Kaufmann
110    Dipl. Chemiker    Ehrenfried    Loock    
111    Dr. jur.    Bernward    Löwenberg    Landrat des Main-Taunus-Kreises a.D.
112        Manfred    Lubas    
113        Evelin    Maas    
114    Dipl. Kfm.    Wolfgang    Meister    Dipl.-Kfm.
115    Dr. rer. nat.    Enno    Meyer     Meyer, Physiker, Patentanwalt
116        Hannelore    Mohringer    med. techn. Assistentin
117        Hans-Martin    Moll    Bürgermeister
118        Jens G.    Müller    Kameramann
119    Dipl. Ing.    Hainer    Müller    
120    Dipl. Verw.W.    Wolfgang    Müller    Geschäfstführer IUF
121        Thomas    Nissen    selbständiger Kaufmann
122    Dr. Sc.agr.    Albrecht    Nitsch    
123        Hermann    Norff     
124        Hagen    Nortmann    NORTMANN CONSULT GMBH
125    lic.oec.HSG/MBA    Peter    Nortmann    
126    Dr. Ing.    Arman    Nyilas    Ingenieurbüro
127    Dipl. Ing.    Hans-Jörg    Oehm    Regierungsbaumeister für Städtebau
128    Ing. grad.    Peter    Orth    Entwicklung Automotive i.R.
129    Prof. Dipl. Ing.    Michael    Otto    
130        Willibert    Pauels    
131    Dr. rer.nat.    Hans    Penner    Dipl. Chemiker
132    Dr. Ing.    Friedrich Wilhelm    Peppler    Kernreaktorsicherheitsexperte
133        Georg von    Petersdorff-Campen    Landwirt
134    Dr. Ing.    Helmut    Pöltelt    Energieexperte TETRA Energie GmbH Kernenergie
135    Dipl.-Kfm.    Adolf    Rasch    
136    Dpl. Vwt.    Heide-Marie    Rasch    Abgeordnete des Kreistages von Nordfriesland
137    Dipl.-Ing.oec., Dipl.-Betrw.(FH), Ing.    Peter    Rauch    Inhaber Ingenieurbüro
138    Prof. a.D. Dr.-Ing.    Eberhard    Rauschenfels     
139        Jutta    Reichardt    Choreografin u. Moderatorin
140    Prof. Dr.-Ing. Sc. D.    Helmut    Reihlen    Direktor des DIN Deutsches Institut für Normung i.R.
141    Dipl. Kfm.    Walter    Rentel    
142        Gabriele    Rentrop    
143        Erich    Richter    
144    Dr. Ing.    Roland    Richter    Nuklearservice bei der K.A.B. AG Berlin
145    Dipl. Ing.    Jürgen    Roesicke    Dipl.- Ing. Industrielle Mikrobiologie
146        Niels    Rohde    Kaufmann, selbständig
147        Friedhelm    Rostan    
148    Dipl. Ing.    Markus    Rustemeier    
149    Dipl. Ing. FH    Johannes    Schlorke    Elektroniker i. R.
150    Dipl. Ing.    Michael    Schneider    Energie + Verfahrenstechnik
151        Michael    Schröter    Schröter Kontor  -  SCHRÖTER GMBH & CO. KG
152        Winfried    Schubert    freier Jounalist 
153    Dr. med.    Robin    Schürmann    Arzt
154    Dipl. Ing    Jürgen    Seesselberg    
155    Dr. phil    Robert    Sellmeir                                                                           Dipl. Physiker, Unternehmer, Geschäftsführer
156        Franz    Sommersperger    Flugkapitän
157    Dipl. Ing.    Jørgen    Sørensen     Energieberater
158        Joachim    Späth     Maschinenbautechniker, KFZ Meister, Landwirt
159        Günter    Stiehl    Techniker
160    Dipl. Ing. (BA)    Norman    Stoer    Systemadministrator
161    Dipl. Ing.    Eberhard C.    Stotko    Präsident VDSt-Akademie
162        Heinrich    Stracke    ehemals Landschaftsarchitekt
163    Dr.jur.    Gallus    Strobel    - Bürgermeister Triberg
164    Dr. rer. nat.    Günter    Stromburg     Physiker
165    Dr.rer.nat    Detlef    Symietz    
166        Wolfgang    Theophile    
167    Dr. med.    Heinrich    Thieler    Arzt
168    Dipl. Ing.    Erhard    Thilo    Geschäftsführer a.D
169    Dr.Ing.    Christian    Thoma    
170    Dr.rer.pol.    Holger    Thuss    EIKE Präsident
171        Siegfried    Torbohm    
172    Dipl. Ing.    Horst    Trippe    Entwicklung Automotive
173        Ludger    Viefhues    
174        Reiner    Vogels    Pfr. i.R
175    Dipl. Ing.    Walter    Vollert    Dipl.-Ing. Maschinenwesen 
176    Dipl. Ing    Georg    Völlink    Energie- und Verfahrenstechnik
177    Diplom Physiker    Alvo    von Alvensleben    
178    Dr. jur.    Henning    von Mangold    Ass. MBA Kaufmann
179    Betr.Wirt. grad.    Jürgen    Voß    
180        Michael    Wagner     Kafmann
181        Raymond    Walden    Autor
182        Michael    Weber    
183    Dipl. Ing.    Günter    Weber    Herausgeber Verlagsgruppe 'markt intern'
184    Dr. rer.nat.    Martin    Wehlan    Dipl. Chemiker, Patentanwalt
185        Tubbesing    Werner    Verkaufsleiter
186        Carl Paul    Wieland    Forschung und Entwicklung
187    Dr. rer. nat.    Otto-Henning    Wilhelms    Pharmakologe i.R.
188        Ulf    Wilmerstaedt    Diplom-Lehrer (Physik / Mathematik)
189        Alois    Wübbeling    Risikomanager Firmenfinanzen.
190    Dr. rer.nat.    Knut    Wuntke    Dipl.Chemiker
191    Dipl. Ing. (FH)    Gerd    Zelck     
192    Ing. grad.    Christian    Ziekow    
193    Dr. med.    Hans-Joachim    Zielinski    Arzt
194    Dipl.-Kffr.    Claudia    Zirker    Gegenwind Spessart
195    Dr. jur.    Matthias    Zirker    Rechtsanwalt Fachanwalt für Arbeitsrecht

On 8 Aug 2009, at 10:40, Christina Speight wrote:
The main posting below is an extraordinary letter from  60 German Scientists dissenting  over global warming claims, who call climate fears 'pseudo 'religion' and  urge the German chancellor  to 'reconsider' her views.  

I thought I should send this out before receiving details of the scientists themselves but any scientists - or, indeed any readers at all! -  amongst those who see this and  who want the list when I get it, please let me know!

The second piece is a note about John Howard,  the last Australian prime minister , who is campaigning strongly on the stifling of discussion on this  'pseudo 'religion'.    (It’s a brief note since it only formed part of a fascinating speech on the media in general.  The whole is worth reading!] 

The truth about this great scam is gradually filtering out and as the dreadful costs of the utterly futile remedies sinks in here Britons will get even more sceptical! 


CLIMATE DEPOT .com 4.8.09
European Institute for Climate and Energy 26.7.09

'Consensus' Takes Another Hit! More than 60 German Scientists Dissent Over Global Warming Claims! 

Call Climate Fears 'Pseudo 'Religion'; Urge Chancellor to 'reconsider' views 
'Growing body of evidence shows anthropogenic CO2 plays no measurable role'

More than 60 prominent German scientists have publicly declared their dissent from man-made global warming fears in an Open Letter to German Chancellor Angela Merkel. The more than 60 signers of the letter include several United Nations IPCC scientists.

The scientists declared that global warming has become a “pseudo religion” and they noted that rising CO2 has “had no measurable effect” on temperatures. The German scientists, also wrote that the “UN IPCC has lost its scientific credibility.”

This latest development comes on the heels of a series of inconvenient developments for the promoters of man-made global warming fears, including new peer-reviewed studiesreal world data, a growing chorus of scientists dissenting (including more UN IPCC scientists), open revolts in scientific societies and the Earth's failure to warm. In addition, public opinion continues to turn against climate fear promotion. (See "Related Links" at bottom of this article for more inconvenient scientific developments.)

The July 26, 2009 German scientist letter urged Chancellor Merkel to “strongly reconsider” her position on global warming and requested a “convening of an impartial panel” that is “free of ideology” to counter the UN IPCC and review the latest climate science developments.

The scientists, from many disciplines, including physicists, meteorology, chemistry, and geology, explain that “humans have had no measurable effect on global warming through CO2 emissions. Instead the temperature fluctuations have been within normal ranges and are due to natural cycles.”

“More importantly, there's a growing body of evidence showing anthropogenic CO2 plays no measurable role,” the scientists wrote. “Indeed CO2's capability to absorb radiation is already exhausted by today's atmospheric concentrations. If CO2 did indeed have an effect and all fossil fuels were burned, then additional warming over the long term would in fact remain limited to only a few tenths of a degree,” they added.

“The IPCC had to have been aware of this fact, but completely ignored it during its studies of 160 years of temperature measurements and 150 years of determined CO2 levels. As a result the IPCC has lost its scientific credibility,” the scientists wrote.

“Indeed the atmosphere has not warmed since 1998 – more than 10 years, and the global temperature has even dropped significantly since 2003. Not one of the many extremely expensive climate models predicted this. According to the IPCC, it was supposed to have gotten steadily warmer, but just the opposite has occurred,” the scientists wrote.

“The belief of climate change, and that it is manmade, has become a pseudo-religion,” the scientists wrote. “The German media has sadly taken a leading position in refusing to publicize views that are critical of anthropogenic global warming,” they added.

“Do you not believe, Madam Chancellor, that science entails more than just confirming a hypothesis, but also involves testing to see if the opposite better explains reality? We strongly urge you to reconsider your position on this subject and to convene an impartial panel for the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research, one that is free of ideology, and where controversial arguments can be openly debated. We the undersigned would very much like to offer support in this regard.

Full Text of Translated Letter By 61 German Scientists: (emphasis added)

Open Letter – Climate Change

Frau Bundeskanzerlin Dr. Angela Merkel
Willy-Brandt-Strabe 1
10557 Berlin
> Dipl. Ing. Michael Limburg
> 14476 Grob Glienicke
> Richard-Wagner-Str. 5a
Grob Glienicke 26.07.09

To the attention of the Honorable Madam Angela Merkel, Chancellor of Germany

When one studies history, one learns that the development of societies is often determined by a zeitgeist, which at times had detrimental or even horrific results for humanity. History tells us time and again that political leaders often have made poor decisions because they followed the advice of advisors who were incompetent or ideologues and failed to recognize it in time. Moreover evolution also shows that natural development took a wide variety of paths with most of them leading to dead ends. No era is immune from repeating the mistakes of the past.
Politicians often launch their careers using a topic that allows them to stand out. Earlier as Minister of the Environment you legitimately did this as well by assigning a high priority to climate change. But in doing so you committed an error that has since led to much damage, something that should have never happened, especially given the fact you are a physicist. You confirmed that climate change is caused by human activity and have made it a primary objective to implement expensive strategies to reduce the so-called greenhouse gas CO2. You have done so without first having a real discussion to check whether early temperature measurements and a host of other climate related facts even justify it.

A real comprehensive study, whose value would have been absolutely essential, would have shown, even before the IPCC was founded, that humans have had no measurable effect on global warming through CO2 emissions. Instead the temperature fluctuations have been within normal ranges and are due to natural cycles. Indeed the atmosphere has not warmed since 1998 – more than 10 years, and the global temperature has even dropped significantly since 2003.

Not one of the many extremely expensive climate models predicted this. According to the IPCC, it was supposed to have gotten steadily warmer, but just the opposite has occurred.

More importantly, there's a growing body of evidence showing anthropogenic CO2 plays no measurable role. Indeed CO2's capability to absorb radiation is already exhausted by today's atmospheric concentrations. If CO2 did indeed have an effect and all fossil fuels were burned, then additional warming over the long term would in fact remain limited to only a few tenths of a degree.

The IPCC had to have been aware of this fact, but completely ignored it during its studies of 160 years of temperature measurements and 150 years of determined CO2 levels. As a result the IPCC has lost its scientific credibility. The main points on this subject are included in the accompanying addendum.

In the meantime, the belief of climate change, and that it is manmade, has become a pseudo-religion.Its proponents, without thought, pillory independent and fact-based analysts and experts, many of whom are the best and brightest of the international scientific community. 

Fortunately in the internet it is possible to find numerous scientific works that show in detail there is no anthropogenic CO2 caused climate change. If it was not for the internet, climate realists would hardly be able to make their voices heard. Rarely do their critical views get published.

The German media has sadly taken a leading position in refusing to publicize views that are critical of anthropogenic global warming. For example, at the second International Climate Realist Conference on Climate in New York last March, approximately 800 leading scientists attended, some of whom are among the world's best climatologists or specialists in related fields. While the US media and only the Wiener Zeitung (Vienna daily) covered the event, here in Germany the press, public television and radio shut it out. It is indeed unfortunate how our media have developed - under earlier dictatorships the media were told what was not worth reporting. But today they know it without getting instructions.

Do you not believe, Madam Chancellor, that science entails more than just confirming a hypothesis, but also involves testing to see if the opposite better explains reality? We strongly urge you to reconsider your position on this subject and to convene an impartial panel for the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research, one that is free of ideology, and where controversial arguments can be openly debated. We the undersigned would very much like to offer support in this regard.
Respectfully yours,

Prof. Dr.rer.nat. Friedrich-Karl Ewert EIKE
Universität. - GH - Paderborn, Abt. Höxter (ret.)
Dr. Holger Thuß
EIKE President
European Institute for Climate and Energy

Signed by
Marc Morano
Executive Editor/Chief Correspondent
Climate Depot
1875 Eye Street, NW
Fifth Floor
Washington, D.C.  20006


John Howard criticises the media for failing to challenge received wisdom on climate change

The former Australian Prime Minister, John Howard, gave a lecture to the University of Melbourne’s Centre for Advanced Journalism this week about politics and the media.

He covered a variety of themes, some of which will be of interest to a British audience:
How the Daily Telegraph's coverage of MPs' expenses suggests that newspapers have not been entirely supplanted by the electronic media;
Why he believes most journalists are of a centre-left disposition;
The importance of talk radio for opposition parties;
His belief that Australia voted against becoming a republic in 1999 because most of the media were pushing for it.   
He also went on to attack the media - in particular the Australian state broadcaster, ABC - for failing to challenge received wisdom on climate change:

"I do think that there is a complete unwillingness to accept that there is really any room for any suggestion that there could be some doubt or some scepticism about climate change. I still remember that extraordinary moment on the Lateline program in the middle of 2007 when that British program, I forget the exact title of it – the Great Climate Change Swindle (sic)* was shown. And the presenter of the program actually said that the views expressed in the program were not the views of the ABC, which I thought was quite an extraordinary thing to do, because, I mean, of course, they’re not, nobody suggests that, but there are plenty of other programs of equal prejudice on other issues that do not carry with them the dignity of that kind of disclaimer."
To download a transcript of the entire lecture as a PDF go to:-