Sunday, 2 August 2009

Achmadinejad Spews Mullarchy - 
Secular Move Alarms CIA

From Webster Tarpley
The local vehicles for the stalled US color revolution in Iran are Mousavi, the butcher of the US-provoked Iran-Iraq war, and Rafsanjani the Bazaar, whose name is synonymous with the worst corruption. Rafsanjani & Co. are the sponsors of the hated morality police, and drain the economy by their thievery. 
Achmadinejad is a military man, based on the Pasdaran revolutionary guards and the secret police - a little like Putin. If the mullarchy persists in their CIA-backed coup against Achmadinejad, Achmadinejad may be forced to assert a secular nationalist regime closer to the Nasser-Ataturk tradition than to the post-1978 Khomeini theocracy. 
At the recent Friday prayers, the pro-Russian Achmadinejad's followers chanted the traditional "death to America," while the Rafsanjani-Mousavi CIA faction chanted "death to Russia, death to China." The CIA signature could hardly have been clearer. 
The father of the Iranian theocracy is of course Obama's foreign policy controller, the Russia-hating Zbigniew Brzezinski, whose slogan was that Islamic fundamentalism was the strongest bulwark against Soviet communism. The US foreign policy establishment is thoroughly alarmed that their much-vaunted Islamic card may be dissolving. 
Watch for the CIA, and its left-cover agents and dupes, to redouble efforts to topple Achmadinejad and preserve the theocracy based on the hated mullarchy. This article by Fareed Zakaria of the Council on Foreign Relations sums up Obama's predicament.  - WGT
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