After $182 Billion Taxpayer Rescue, is AIG on the Verge of Collapse...Again? 'You may remember American International Group (AIG). The U.S. government gave it $182 billion of taxpayer money last fall in exchange for a 78 percent stake. Of that money, $165 million went for bonuses to a handful of people in its Financial Products Group (FPG), which sold Credit Default Swaps (CDSs) on which AIG lacked the capital to make good. And $200 million more is slated for those good folks in 2009. Another $12.9 billion of our taxpayer money went to Goldman Sachs Group (GS) so AIG could pay Goldman 100 cents on the dollar for its CDSs. Hank Paulson wanted to keep the names of Goldman and the other recipients secret -- since so many of them were foreign banks, but the information leaked out in March 2009 after Paulson left office.' Swiss Amy Stockpiles “Swine Flu” Vaccines in Preparation for Mass Forced Vaccination 'The army in Switzerland is starting to stockpile “swine flu” vaccines as it gears up for a mass forced vaccination of the Swiss population in autumn, according to a report in the Basler Zeitung. The Cantons of Switzerland are reported to have plans already in place to force every single person living in each Canton to appear at a “vaccine center” at a specified time to take the vaccine or face prison. The local police have been instructed to go through the register and ring every single person to get them to go to their vaccine center during the pandemic “emergency” predicted by “WHO” to occur from September onwards. No exceptions to the vaccine will be allowed.Saturday, 01 August 2009
Saturday, 1 August 2009
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Britannia Radio