Market ObservationWith the S&P 500 up more roughly 50% from the March lows and sporting a price-to-earnings (P/E) ratio of 18.37, the market is clearly no longer cheap as the low hanging fruit has been plucked by Mr. Market. However, while the overall market may no longer be cheap there are plenty of pockets of value as many industries have been overlooked and under bought in the run up since March, and based on historical valuations, relative performance, and relative valuation, the industrial sector is perhaps the most attractive sector in the S&P 500 currently. Full article Financial Sense MultimediaReality CheckAugust 18, 2009 | | | This time on Reality Check, Richard Loomis and Jim Puplava focus on the coming response to high oil demand and low oil supply. Change will come through technology, transportation, and a renewed local focus. To comment on this video, click here
To view other shows, click here | Financial Sense NewshourPosted on Saturday, but available all week long.  | |
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