Friday, 28 August 2009

August 28, 2009

Remove ICLEI - Restore the Republic
I have included a list of 544 American cities in which ICLEI is being paid with tax dollars from city councils to implement and enforce Sustainable Development. ICLEI is there to assure that the mayors keep their promises and meet their goals. Climate change, of course, is the ICLEI mantra. Here’s just some of the programs ICLEI provides cities and towns, in order to spread their own particular political agenda in the name of "community services" and environmental protection, they include........
by Tom DeWeese

Why the Washington Post Censored Robert Novak
In his book, The Prince of Darkness, the late journalist Robert Novak described how the Washington Post, which carried his columns, censored one of them. The censored column concerned the activities in Washington, D.C. of Cuban agent-of-influence Orlando Letelier. Novak describes how the Post’s editorial page editor, Philip Geyelin, “spiked” the column because of “displeasure with the column’s content.” Letelier, a Chilean Marxist working for Cuba, had been manipulating the media and Congress before his.......
by Cliff Kincaid

Liberals use Kennedy's death to push ObamaCare
Much like Obama has become the Messiah to so many on the left and in the world, any Kennedy is in the Messiah family. I ask you. Would any conservative senator survive any kind of career after what Kennedy did in 1969? Since we are all remembering the other Messiah, Ted Kennedy, let’s remember all his achievements......
by Laurie Roth