Sunday, 30 August 2009

August 30, 2009

Lyme/Autism Group Blasts GM Foods as Dangerous
All GM crops, in fact, should be considered high-risk. Irrespective of which gene you insert, the process of genetic engineering itself results in massive collateral damage within the plants’ natural DNA. This can result in new or higher levels of toxins, carcinogens, allergens, or nutrient-blocking compounds in our food.........
by Jeffrey Smith

How Safe are Your Drinking & Agriculture Water Supplies?
Drinking water quality is of primary importance to every citizen in the United States. The story below is just one of many being played out across the United States today. We all need to know what is in our drinking water and how it relates to public health. Everyone has the right to know what is in their drinking water not only at the drinking water tap, but what is in the water that irrigates our food crops and that our animals drink. We need to know just how safe.......
by Rosalind Peterson

An O’Reilly Ambush Interview for Dan Rather?
For those interested in getting to the bottom of Dan Rather’s smear of George W. Bush, just before the 2004 presidential election, there are some interesting new developments. Former CBS News employee Bernard Goldberg started the controversy anew with his Tuesday night appearance on the O’Reilly Factor to talk about what became known as Rathergate. Goldberg said that a “lost fact”—that George W. Bush had actually volunteered for service in Vietnam, thereby completely undermining one of the main premises of the scandalous.....
by Cliff Kincaid