SUMMARY The Euro-Arab partnership favors the implementation of Islam in Europe, criminalizes any criticism of Islam and finally prepares a long term merger of the European Union with the Arab world. Moreover, the European institutions have just created a new Foundation in order to perform these goals. It will promote change in education and culture with a large place to religion and the learning of arabic. Instead of focusing on science and modern knowledge, the European education will return to the early Middle Ages! The Foundation also aims to target the schools of journalism and to develop arabic TV channels in Europe. It means that this Foundation intends to influence children, scholars and journalists in the entire Europe. These disclosures are so shocking that they seem incredible. Consequently, we extensively use links which report to the background papers. 1-EURO-ARAB PARTNERSHIP 2-FOUNDATION 3-CONCLUSION 11-The Barcelona process 1-The Euro-Mediterranean Conference held in Barcelona on 27-28 November 1995, marked the official starting point of the Euro-Arab Partnership (Barcelona Process). Today, this Partnership comprises 35 members, 25 EU Member States and 10 Mediterranean Partners (Algeria, Egypt, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco, Palestinian Authority, Syria, Tunisia and Turkey). Libya has observer status since 1999. In the Barcelona Declaration, the Euro-Mediterranean partners established the three main objectives of the Partnership (Click here and then on the Barcelona declaration): -The definition of a common area of peace and stability through the reinforcement of political and security dialogue (Political and Security Chapter). -The construction of a zone of shared prosperity through an economic and financial partnership and the gradual establishment of a free-trade area (Economic and Financial Chapter). -The rapprochement between peoples through a social, cultural and human partnership aimed at encouraging understanding between culturesand exchanges between civil societies (Social, Cultural and Human Chapter). 2-When compared with other regional or even bilateral external policy, the Barcelona process is the sole which includes a religious component:In their declaration, the Ministers reaffirmed “ That dialogue and respect between cultures and religions are a necessary precondition for bringing the peoples closer”. Usually, in civilized countries, a dialogue between religions only involves private persons and organizations (Such as Churches). In many European countries (notably in France ) State and religion are strictly separated: It means that a public civil servant is not authorized to deal with religious matters. In fact, a dialogue between religions has only a meaning in the Arab countries where Religion, State and society are often mixed. In entering in such a dialogue, Europe has modified its behavior to conformwith the outdated Arab conception of society and habits ( Regarding this Arab history, culture and habits, go to the greater Middle East on this site). 12-The process is speeding up! In the wake of the events of 11 September 2001, the European governments would have the opportunity to reexamine this curious dialogue. In fact, due to their Munich spirit, they reinforced it! 1-At the Ghent European Council of 19 October 2001, the heads of State and government expressed the desire to “avoid any equating of terrorism with the Arab and Muslim world”.Does it mean that the terrorists in Moscow, Madrid, and London are not Muslims? 2-The heads of States also decided to promote “A dialogue of equals between our civilizations […] both at international level and within [EU] societies”. In doing so , they accepted the cultural relativism and multiculturalism inside their own European territories! It is quite astonishing to promote the respect of traditions and values such as the subordination of women, the stoning and so on! 3-According to these objectives, the President of the Commission set up a High-Level Advisory Group (15 “highly respected personalities”). We have to underline a very shocking fact: This group included Tarik Ramadan. 13-The hidden agenda of the Barcelona Process To know the agenda, we have just to report to the ministerial conferences of the Barcelona process and to the conclusions of the High-Level Advisory Group including Tarik Ramadan. Indeed, the conclusions of this group were endorsed by the foreign Ministers. ( Clickhere, then click on “Report of the high level advisory group” and finally click on “The report”) 131-To favor mass Arab migrations in Europe 1-In the conclusions of the conference hold in Naples, it was stated: “Ministers reaffirm the importance of migrations and express the view that if carefully managed, migrations can be a positive factor for the socio economic growth of the whole region”. (Click here. Then click on “Ministerial conferences” and then on “6th Euromed foreign Ministers conference: Naples 2003. Finally, click on”Documents” and then on “presidency conclusions”) 2-The high level advisory group enhances this idea:“The new member States where the population is ageing more rapidly will in turn become host countries for migrants from the southern Mediterranean”.(Click here. Then click on “Report of the high level advisory group” and finally click on the “report”. On page 10) 132-To favor implementation of Islam in Europe 1-Regarding Islam, the high level advisory group considers that“ The two future developments (Bulgaria and Turkey) will have a number of positive effects on the prospects for immigration and on the place of Islam in Europe”(!)(On page 11) 2-The main idea is to transform our genuine culture. Clearly, the advisory group states:” On the North-North axis, where the original cultural background needs to be transformed and adapted to an increasingly multicultural situation, the answer should involve both education with special emphasize on early childhood and working and community life.”(Click here. Then click on “Report of the high level advisory group” and finally click on“proposition de plan”). 3-Does it mean that in counterpart the Arab countries intend to respect our own values? Absolutely not: The high level advisory group posits that “ In suchyoung societies (the Arab societies) culture and dialogue cannot have the same role and scope as they do for the ageing, cynical populations of the northern mediterranean”(!) (Click here. Then click on “Report of the high level advisory group” and finally click on “the report”. On page 12. In the French version, the word “cynical” is translated by “désabusé”- “disenchanted” in English. In fact, “cynical” has exactly the same meaning in French and in English) 133-To Criminalize any criticism of Islam. 1-In most Arab countries, any criticism of Islam is a penal offence. Since the beginning of the Barcelona process, the European Commission tries to implement this idea in Europe. For example, in Naples, the foreign Ministers stressed the need “to stand up against both anti semitism and islamophobia as well as xenophobia”. 2-Clearly, this assert is shocking: Of course anti semitism enters in a racist definition and is legally condemned in many European countries. On the other hand, islamophobia has no connections with racism and only means the fact to dislike Islam. It is just a problem of freedom of expression. 3-Unfortunately, this scandalous assert has right now an official international standard. In Warsaw, the 16 and 17 May 2005, the Council of Europe adopted the following resolution:“We strongly condemn all forms of intolerance and discrimination, in particular those based on sex, race and religion, including anti semitism and islamophobia. We affirm our determination to further develop, within the Council of Europe, rules and effective machinery to prevent and eradicate them….We entrust our colleague, Jean-Claude Juncker, to prepare, in his personal capacity, a report on the relationship between the Council of Europe and the European Union, on the basis of the decisions taken at the Summit and taking into account the importance of the human dimension of European construction” 4-Since Jean-Claude Juncker, the former President of the European Union, adopted this resolution, we can expect a further European directive in order to sue any people for disliking Islam (Exactly like in Arab countries). This attempt should be a major set back regarding freedom of speech and conscience. 134-Finally, to prepare a merger between Europe and the Arab world 1-The Commission aims to enlarge Europe not only to Turkey but also to North Africa and the Middle East. The idea of a wider Europe was endorsed by the the sixth Euro-Mediterranean Conference of Foreign Affairs Ministers in Naples on 2 and 3 December 2003.(Click here. Then click on “Ministerial conferences” and then on “6th Euromed foreign Ministers conference: Naples 2003) It was stated that the EU’s Wider Europe policy offers the EU’s neighboring partners “Gradual integration into the expanded European internal market and the possibility of ultimately reaching the EU’s four fundamental freedoms: Free movement of goods, services, capital and people”. It means a merging of people and cultures. According to this purpose, the creation of an European Mediterranean parliamentary Assembly was setting up (120 elected European representatives will cohabit with the puppets appointed by the Arabs dictatorships!). 2-From an historical point of view, this policy could appear like a nostalgia of the Roman Empire which included the Middle East and the North coast of Africa. However you have to take notice that this era preceded the surge of Islam. By the Roman time, the whole Mediterranean area was influenced by Greek ideas and habits.The beliefs and living standards were quite the same in Roma as in Alexandria. With the Arab invasion, all this Mediterranean civilization entered into a sharp differentiation in beliefs, culture, daily habits and so on. Since the fall of the Roman Empire until today, the Arab and Muslim conquest has been the worst and constant threat for the Christianity. Indeed, this story does not seem to be ended! A new Mediterranean civilization should imply a complete reform of Islam. We are very far from this objective. 1-EURO-ARAB PARTNERSHIP 2-FOUNDATION 3-CONCLUSION In order to perform these goals, a new Foundation was created: The Anna Lindh Euro Mediterranean Foundation for the Dialogue between Cultures began its activities on 1 November 2004 ( The Swedish Foreign Minister Anna Lindh, murdered by a mad man, was an activist of the Palestinian cause and campaigned for the boycott of Israel. She criticized the American policy against the terrorism.). The seat of which is Bibliotheca Alexandria in Egypt. Click here. Its new web site is 21-Officials goals The Anna Lindh Foundation will: -Promote knowledge, recognition and mutual respect between the cultures, traditions and values which prevail in the partners. -Identify, develop and promote areas of cultural convergence between the Euro-Mediterranean countries and peoples, with the aim in particular of promoting tolerance, cultural understanding and avoiding stereotypes, xenophobia and racism, -Encourage initiatives which aim at promoting a dialogue between religionsin the Euro-Mediterranean region. Once again, when compared with other regional Foundations such as the Europe Asia Foundation, the Anna Lindh Foundation is the sole which includes religious matters on a large scale (Go to the Europe Asia Foundation and scrutinize the differences: The Asian Foundation does not intend to mix religions with cultural exchanges!) 22-Real goals Once again, we have to report to the high advisory group ( Conclusions endorsed by the foreign ministers) in order to understand the real goals of the Foundation. As we shall see, the Anna Lindh Foundation is conceived as a propaganda body in order to distort education, cultures and media. 221-Change in education 1-The project focuses on early child education through the creation of a framework of school teachers, education experts and academics. The advisory group recommends to change the content of education ” School syllabus should give a central place to subjects that help to shape cultural identity and civic consciousness, like history, the comparative study of religions, literature, the visual arts and languages” (On page 28 of the report). The advisory group notes that ” The difficulty of the exercise lies in integrating religion into the field of education, taking into account its irreducibility and its mission to provide absolute truth” (!)(on page 29) 2-Of course, it is recommended to rewrite History: “Schools books dealing with the history of the mediterranean region will have to be reexamined to identify all the negative stereotypes and treat them as such”(on page 31 ) 3-Moreover, the group recommends the learning of arabic in Europe. According to these recommendations, instead of focusing on science and modern knowledge, the European education will return to the early Middle Ages with a large place to religion, comparative history, and absolute truth! 222-Change in culture 1-The Foundation propagates the cultural relativism which depreciates the historical assets of the greater European civilization. Did you know that Beethoven, Chopin, Schubert, Bach found their musical inspiration in the Arab world? Well! listen to the Dr.Traugott Schoefthaler, Executive Director of the Foundation! he says “We have interesting tasks ahead of us: helping young people in Europe discover the Mediterranean roots of “their music”, and bringing back to the South what Europe has made with inspiration it took from the Arab region. ” 2-Moreover, the notion “German culture” (As well as French, British or European culture) is expected to be replaced by “Cultural life in germany”. Of course, the Foundation does not suggest that the notion of “Arab culture” should be replaced by “Cultural life in the Arab world”! 223-Media, Journalists and propaganda 1-The Foundation will target the schools of journalism. It will develop arabic TV channels in Europe ( Like Al Manar?). Moreover, “The Foundation could be responsible for activities such as instituting an award system to recognize excellence and reward due merit to individuals who have made substantial contributions towards the development of Euro-Mediterranean relations”. ( click here and then click on “document” and on “Euromed Foundation for a dialogue of cultures”. On page 6) 2-Clearly, it is propaganda office financed by the European taxpayers. 23-Last developments The Foundation has just organized a conference in association with the Islamic Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization ; the Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC); the Arab League Educational, Cultural and Scientific Organization ( In Rabat, Morocco, 14 to 16 June ) At the opening of the conference, the delegate of the Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC), pointed to the rising danger of Islamophobia. He also noted that OIC had set up an observatory for monitoring and documenting cases of Islamophobia. Furthermore, he called for a review of textbooks and curricula in the West to counter an environment hostile to Islam. As a result, the conclusions of the conference notably focus on the following goals: To provide sufficient information, especially for young citizens, on the major religions…To promote national legislation and international normative standards or instruments to guard against the defamation of the Other in school curricula…. To pursue studies on stereotypes conveyed in school textbooks concerning the culture of the “other” and take action to correct them…. To establish an interregional observatory on textbooks to monitor stereotyping, prejudices, inaccuracies and misconceptions in different subject areas and make provisions for corrective action…. To promote the teaching of Arabic outside Arabic-speaking countriesand so on. Clearly, the Anna Lindh Foundation agrees with these offences against freedom of expression and education. Just report to Click on “events” and then on “news”. 1-EURO-ARAB PARTNERSHIP 2-FOUNDATION 3-CONCLUSION These disclosures are so shocking that they seem incredible. However, European politicians and bureaucracy have accepted that. Some observers refer to the cowardice of Europe facing with the risks of terrorism. In our opinion, we must also take in account the results of grand corruption. Go to world corruption 1-EURO-ARAB PARTNERSHIP 2-FOUNDATION 3-CONCLUSION EURO-ARAB PARTNERSHIP….DIDN’T YOU KNOW?
August 12, 2009 · 2 Comments
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