Saturday, 15 August 2009
© Christopher Everard 2009
Name: Chris Everard Job: Film Director/Author College: Goldsmiths
Major: Music/Photography Favorite Book: 1984 Favorite Movie: Altered States
Favorite Quote: “I Am Perplexed” Aleister Crowley on his Death Bed.
The Magazine Edited by British Film Director & Author CHRIS EVERARD: issue 003
Subscribe to Chris Everard’s FEED YOUR BRAIN Magazine at
Why do I refer to the Royal families of Europe as the “Royal Reich of the
Well, in the truest tradition of the dozens of "sovereign houses"
which control most of the wealth in Germany, Austria & Switzerland,
historically, it has been the German princely families such as the Sachsen-
Coburg und Gotha clan (who are one in the same as the British royal family),
the Saxe-Altenburgs and their close relatives, the Sachsen-Meiningen family,
the Royal Houses of Hessen (Hesse-Cassel), the Danish-German
Schleisweg-Holsteins and House of Reuss who own not only vast agricultural
holdings (as just one example, a single agricultural holding, known as a
'Duchy' of the Hessen Princes was valued at nearly 4 million reich marks in
the 1940s - equal in today's value to more than $120 million dollars - that's
just one of many, many thousands of properties), but these dark princes also
own the lion's share of the world's greatest works of art.
Their wealth is staggering - for they are not just millionaires, nor just billionaires - these
people are trillionaires...
and they used some of this Fantastic Wealth to fund the NAZI Party...
Read on...Fantastic Wealth..
As an example of the mind blowing wealth the Bavarian-British Royals
The wealth of the British-Germanic royal families who populate most of the thrones in
Europe is simply staggering.
They are lords and masters over entire counties - owning not only the land but all
the villages and towns upon it.
Queen Elizabeth II of Great Britain owns the Duchy of Lancaster.
In the second world war, any serviceman from Lancashire who died without a will
automatically had their property handed over to the Royal Family.
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people are trillionaires... and they used some of this Fantastic Wealth to fund
the NAZI Party...
Read on...
Fantastic Wealth...
As an example of the mind blowing wealth the Bavarian-British Royals
own, I shall choose just one sphere which they have invested and profited from
for centuries - the world of Art;
Within the art collections of the Bavarian-British Royal Elite, we find scullied away in private vaults seldom seen works by European great masters such as Ruebens and Rembrandt. In addition to paintings, jewellery and sculpture, the Royal Elite have enormous collections
of first edition and hand-illustrated manuscripts - including treatises on
demonology and magic - King James himself (yes, the same King James of
Bible translation fame) wrote his own anthology of witchcraft entitled
Indeed, Prince Albert Sachsen-Coburg-Gotha, the German prince regent married to Queen Victoria who ascended to the British throne in the 1800s, owned entire sketch books by Ruebens.
Just one sketch by Ruebens would typically sell at auction for a minimum of two million
pounds - these art treasures of Prince Albert are mostly now owned by Queen
Elizabeth II - though the restoration and upkeep of these magnificent privately
owned works of art are paid for by the British taxpayer!
I too am a patron of the arts and have my own collection and also paint myself
- patronisation of the arts is a most noble and intellectually inspiring passtime
- however I, unlike the Royal Reich of the Rich, do not burden the tax payer
with the upkeep and restoration of my works of art!
The British-Bavarian Royals have also funded secretive organisations - most
famously The Illuminati (see previous chapter).
Through their patronage of the Illuminati during the 1700s, we shall see how they shaped the geopolitical and fiscal landscape of the 20th century...
The Royal Reich Declare War - On YOU!
In 1913, following an engineered assassination of a Balkan head of
state and headed by the Kaiser, the Princes of the Bavarian royal sovereign
families put on their jackboots and started World War One.
This catastrophe, a veritable bloodbath, shredded and burnt to a cinder many great capitals in
The remoulding of Europe's architecture, society and currencies as
proscribed by The Illuminati’s Adam Weishaupt had begun with a
However, the Royal Elite were scuppered by the "war spirit" which saw
ordinary people cut up their beds and smelt the brass into bullets.
Providence and justice to a certain extent prevailed and in 1918, the warring Germanic
Elite took a breather and an armistice was declared. Blame for the bloodshed
of the first world war was placed squarely at the feet of the Kaiser and his
military disciples (which included a young Austrian called Adolph Hitler).
As an attempt to bring these evil Bavarian Royals to heel, the German currency
was devalued to the point where one needed a wheelbarrow of cash to buy a
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Time to Meet Your First German NAZI Prince;
Not just any old NAZI -this is Prince Christoph von Hessen-Cassel, the
brother-in-law of Prince Philip, the Duke of Edinburgh. Prince Christoph was in charge
of a NAZI Spying and Intelligence bureau along with Herman Goerring.
As an attempt to bring these evil Bavarian Royals to heel, the German currency
was devalued to the point where one needed a wheelbarrow of cash to buy a
loaf of bread.
This plan became known as the Weimar Republic - a republic which -
on the surface - shook off the demonic dictatorship of the Kaiser
following the allied victory in 1918.
A series of decrees took away the Royal Birthright to political power in Germany -
at least that's what it said on paper...
Of course, with the fantastic wealth previously outlined, and utter control over
hundreds of thousands of hectares of prime countryside in Europe, the
Germanic Royals were soon back to their Master Plan...
Their Work of Ages - or what Aleister Crowley described as the "Great Work" -
which was once again in full swing by 1928.
What, I hear you ask is the “Great Work”?
...As senior British military strategist JFC Fuller DSO, put it; "...the Great
Work is to bring about the chaos and utter destruction of the world as foretold
and prescribed in The Book of the Law".
Well, JFC Fuller should know - as he was friends with King Edward
in the between wars period, as well as friends with Hitler and served as
Aleister Crowley's right hand man - helping to promote and recruit Crowley
via the publication of a book written by JFC Fuller
entitled The Star in the West.
The ‘Great Work’ is CHAOS, from which a New World Order shall be moulded...
Within a decade of the Weimar republic, Royal Princes once again donned
crisply tailored jet black uniforms, and this time wore hats with the now
infamous skull & bones insignia and embroidered with the oak leaves which
represent the ancient Celtic magic of European Druidism.
They marched in the streets with flags marked with Scandinavian "sig sig" runes
denoting the primeval forces of destruction and power...
This time, their central emblem had been stolen from the magical-religious tradition of the Indian subcontinent and the reversed Swastika - an emblem signifying the reversal and
anti-polarity of the cosmic forces - became the banner under which the
jackbooted Royal Princes and their bastard god children -
Hitler and Himmler - marched. (note: for many years the secretive political gathering at
Bohemian Grove organised by the Bohemian Club in San Francisco hosted a
private camp entitled the Swastika Camp).
The Bavarian Princely houses such as the Sachsen-Coburg und Gothas and
also the Holstein Monarchy near the Danish border - the family from which
the Duke of Edinburgh descended - set about a bloodbath of horrific
proportions... they proudly called themselves NAZIs - members of a National-
Socialistic political party which was led by a former crustie, society drop-out
occultist and (temporarily blinded) World War One Veteran - Adolph Hitler.
No less than nine members of the Sachsen-Coburg und Gotha family were
prominent members of the NAZI party - some of these super-wealthy princes
were even senior SS henchmen wearing the skull and bones insignia - known
as the "death's head" emblem - they managed, oversaw and in some cases were
directly responsible for the extermination of entire villages, towns and the
bombing of cities.
By day they exterminated & tortured, by night they sipped fine teas and
dined in the world’s most luxurious palaces.
Once again, the streets of Europe were bathed in an orgy of blood and fire.
Interestingly, the Bavarian Illuminati of the 1700s was actually called the “Cult of Fire”.
I stand alone from all historians in the fact that I - after wearing down a lot of
shoe leather and giving myself incurable eye strain reading thousands of war
time documents in English, French and German - that I now assert - based on
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Hello, come and meet my NAZI family... A rare photo from
Darmstadt in 1981: Prince Philip, the Duke of Edinburgh with his
two German sisters - who married senior NAZIs and were enthusiastic
supporters and funders of Hitler.
Ssshhh! Don’t Mention the WAR! This sweet old dear is Prince
Philip’s eldest surviving sister, Princess Margaret von Hessen.
She calls herself Margarita of Greece - but, just like her brother, she
doesn’t have a drop of Greek blood - she’s German, just like Prince Philip.
She married Prince Gottfried of Hohenlohe-Langenburg who was a NAZI officer who led
the take-over of Austria - he joined the NAZI Party on May 1st 1937: NAZI Party
Membership No. 4023070
streets of Europe were bathed in an orgy of blood and fire.
Interestingly, the Bavarian Illuminati of the 1700s was actually called the “Cult of Fire”.
I stand alone from all historians in the fact that I - after wearing down a lot of
shoe leather and giving myself incurable eye strain reading thousands of war
time documents in English, French and German - that I now assert - based on
my research, that it was the Royal Bavarian-British Royal Houses who were
at the head of this Cabal of Carnage.
It is these so called noble royal houses which, I now identify as the greatest risk and enemy of the People. The Royal Reich appointed the godson of Prince Heinrich of Bavaria -
Heinrich Himmler - to purchase and renovate a castle at Wieselberg, which
was to become the capital of a new European microstate - yes, an independent
country whose sole inhabitants were members of the biggest secret society the
world had ever known - the evil "SS".
The capital of this evil microstate with it's own flag and Wagnerian national anthem was to be the arrowhead shaped castle and within that castle a two floored circular temple was constructed where evil spirits were invoked via the burning of family shields - shields
adorned with crests featuring creatures of the Goetia magickal grimoire - a
subject that I shall return to in my new film (
It was this evil royal oligarchy's intention to exterminate and replace all
members of previous secret societies (including Kabbalistic mystery schools
This is Prince Philip’sother sister, Princess Sophia who married the ardent NAZI Prince
Christoph of Hessen-Cassel, who helped run the NAZI spy network in Berlin.
He joined the NAZI party on November 1st 1931, NAZI Party No.696176
Prince Christoph and Princess Sophia had a son - and they called him
Adolph in admiration for Hitler!
This is Prince Moritz von Hessen, also known as Prince Maurice Hessen-Cassel.
Nearly twenty of his wartime family members joined the NAZI Party.
He is descended from “Maurice The Wise”, a Duke-Prince landowner
who funded alchemical and magical writings and experiments.
The Rosicrucian Manifestos were published in the town of Cassel, which is a hotbed
of occult activity.
One former family member was part of the Weishaupt Bavarian Illuminati.
I Won’t Tell Anyone That You Have a Nephew Named ADOLF!
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The Hessen-Cassel family have had members who have consistently funded
and sponsored occult groups such as the Rosicrucians.
Their family shield features a creature described in the Goetia book of black magic.
Adam Weishaupt was a Freemason who collaborated with several members of the
German nobility in the subversion of many Masonic Lodges in the 1700s.
His BavarianIlluminati was dominated by Royals -who sought to take over and absorb all the
ancient nations of Europe into a modern Superstate.
It was this evil royal oligarchy's intention to exterminate and replace all
members of previous secret societies (including Kabbalistic mystery schools
and traditional masonic lodges) with their own "Bergs" cabal.
If there is one thing occultists hate - it is other occultists.
Henchmen and psychopathic killers such as Klaus Barbie (the ‘Butcher of Lyon’)
and Joseph Mengele (who injected blue dye into the eyeballs of children in concentration camps) commissioned the world's first super computers from the American IBM
corporation in order to manage and tally the millions of Occultists, Gypsies,
Mentally Handicapped People, Hebrews, Masons, Kabbalists and Pacifists
which were slaughtered and tortured between 1939 and 1945.
The chiefs of this incredibly brutal regime were the Royal NAZI PRINCES -
and here, for the first time in print, I can reveal their NAZI party membership
numbers (see side panels) culled from documents seized by the Allies in 1945...
The Duke of Edinburgh & the Royal NAZIs...
The two most senior members of the Duke of Edinburgh's Germanic-Danish family -
whose real family name is Schleswig-Holstein Sondersburg-Glucksburg became members of the NAZI party a full two years before the invasion of Poland.
In fact, of the Two Hundred and Seventy German Royals who signed up and became members/managers of the NAZI regime, almost eighty of them had signed up before Hitler had even become chancellor of Germany.
This is surefire proof that Hitler, and his homo lover (see previous chapter), Himmler,
were actually the puppets to the royal puppetmasters -
and this article flies in the face of all other writings on the subject -
as we often see war historians painting a truly distorted picture of the Royal princes being subservient to Hitler.
Nothing could be further from the truth.
Indeed, my research presented here is the mere tip of an iceberg of evidence
which I have painstakingly amassed during the research for my films about
THE ILLUMINATI, which clearly and undeniably shows the Third Reich was a
Killing Machine utterly and completely under the control of the Royal Elite of
As I note elsewhere in my writings, the Duke of Edinburgh was 'adopted' by his
uncle Lord Louis Battenberg, who subsequently changed his name to
Louis Battenberg worked as an attache to the German embassy during the second world war.
Lord Louis was therefore able to pass information directly from the "British" Royal family to Hitler throughout the second world war.
I presume that these took the form of direct orders - as the thirty or so royal residences in Britain were seldom bombed and, as I outline above, financial sponsorship and patronage of the National Socialist NAZI Party by Royals pre-dated Hitler's chancellorship of Germany.
Let us not forget that Prince Philip's youngest sister, Princess Sophie of Hanover,
had married Prince Christoph of Hesse-Cassel (this family are also known as the "von Hessen" and also known as "The House of Hesse").
Interestingly, it is this very name - Hesse - which American author William Goldman gives his character "the NAZI White Angel of Death" in his
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black magic. known as the "von Hessen" and also known as "The House of Hesse").
Interestingly, it is this very name - Hesse - which American author William
Goldman gives his character "the NAZI White Angel of Death" in his
screenplay for the motion picture Marathon Man.
Prince Christoph of Hesse-Cassel became, therefore, the Duke of Edinburgh's brother-in-law and was a fully paid up royal member of the SS and became an executive of the sinister
Forschungsamt - a security service under Hermann Goering's command that carried out surveillance on anyone who was anti-Nazi - in any country.
The Forschungsamt can be compared to the modern day NSA in the United
The Forschungsamt concentrated on collecting intelligence by tapping
phone lines and intercepting telegrams.
They had surprisingly sophisticated technology for intercepting electronic transmissions.
The tentacles of the Forschungsamt spread far and deep, and included the bugging of phone lines in royal households - Prince Christoph wrote a letter to his brother explaining
that almost any member of any family - even a royal family - could be
monitored by the Forschungsamt.
In a way, Prince Christoph was like the NAZI counterpart to America's cross dressing head of the FBI - J Edgar Hoover - as any member of the public who desired peace and democracy, or an alternative political persuasion was placed under surveillance.
Also, apart from heading up the Forschungsamt, it was Prince Philip's brother-in-law,
Prince Christoph von Hessen who was the go-between Hitler and Mousilini.
Transcripts read at the so called "denazification" trials following world war two
showed memoirs from Prince Auwi's solicitor (the brother of Prince Christoph)
Four Weddings and a Funeral?
Not quite... This is Herman Goering’s wedding table, with Hitler sitting next to the
bride, and opposite sits Princess Sophia - one of the Duke of Edinburgh’s sisters -
and an evil eyed old trotter called Field Marshall August von Mackensen.
Herman Goering brown nosing with Crown Prince Wilhelm, February 1936.
In the background we can just see Prince Philipp “Auwi” of the Hessen clan - another super-rich German Prince who fervently supported and contributed to the funds of the NAZI Party.
As you can see from Goering’s outfit, masonic style medals were all the rage - even
though the NAZIs wanted to replace world international FreeMasonry with their own brand of occult secret society.
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Transcripts read at the so called "denazification" trials following world war two
showed memoirs from Prince Auwi's solicitor (the brother of Prince Christoph)
which reiterated phone call transcripts between Hitler and Mousilini - at each
exchange in the conversation, Prince Christoph shouted "Jahwohl, Mein
This conversation between the Prince and Hitler confirmed Mousilini's loyalty to the cause of the Royal Reich and, as such, condemned thousands of Italians into concentration camps and a premature death at the hands of an evil black suited stormtroopers.
I think it is true to say that the Duke of Edinburgh's brother-in-law was
obviously no run of the mill NAZI - he was a member of the SS elite - and not
only that, he had signed an affidavit type document of allegiance to the Third
Reich stating that he was and shall never ever become a Freemason (after all,
Himmler had plans for his own Jesuit-style murdering secret society within
the SS and wanted to rid the world of any competing occult faction).
For his loyalties, Prince Christoph was awarded a Death's Head ring (known as the
Totenkopf) and admitted into the special Death's Head Division of the SS.
The Death's Head Division of the SS commissioned giant corporations such as
IBM and IG Farben with the enormous task of exterminating millions of
men, women and children.
The Death's Head Division was the HQ which oversaw the construction and management of concentartion camps.
In a sickening show of his allegiance to the Royals at the head of the Third Reich,
Himmler gave Prince Christoph a special gift - a ritual candelabra,
hand smelted ready to stand proud on a new neo-pagan NAZI altar -
these candelabra's were given as gifts only to the highest of the high in the Royal
Reich -
they were called Julleuchters, and they were ritually lit at neo-pagan ceremonies
during the winter equinox - ceremonies which were designed to replace Christmas!
Not only that, Prince Christoph was also awarded a special SS ritual dagger
by SS-Gruppenfuehrer Heydrich.
A ritual dagger is one of the most important Prince Christoph von Hessen at his desk in the
Forschungsamt bureau, Berlin, 1934.
He was a senior assistant to the evil Herman Goerring who was the NAZI equivalent to the
USA’s J. Edgar Hoover.
Prince Christoph was in charge of intercepting thousands of telegrams and telephone
conversations and collecting evidence used to condemn and then execute any anti-NAZI person.
Prince Christoph’s Sister-in-Law Queen Elizabeth II:
She has read out in Parliament several undemocratic treaties and accords which
amalgamate the Ancient nations of the continent into a European SUPERSTATE.
It’s what her family have always wanted.
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Here we see NAZI Prince Christoph with his SS Skull & Bones insignia (on centre of cap).
This Skull & Bones emblem was known as the Totenkopf - or “Death’s Head”.
It is a reference to the Baphomet heads of freshly decapitated people which were steeped in human blood and opium and then infused with the spirit of a dead person or evil spirit
- this form of necromancy was practiced by the Knights Templar in the 11th and 12th centuries.
The Templars were one of the inspirations behind the formation of the NAZI SS Elite.
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Not only that, Prince Christoph was also awarded a special SS ritual dagger
by SS-Gruppenfuehrer Heydrich.
A ritual dagger is one of the most important instruments in magical ritual -
often called an athame.
I have one of these ritual daggers in my collection and it has a cord wrapped around the handle
which could be used to mark out a magic circle on the ground.
The ceremonial dagger presented to the Duke of Edinburgh's brother-in-law was no small fry
gift - Heydrich was amongst the top four leaders of the Third Reich - and an
honorary, hand made dagger such as this was a prime gift reserved for the elite
of the elite.
See it in my last film;
Let history now record in plain view that Sophie, Prince Philip's sister, married
this Deaths Head NAZI - and this meant that one of the senior of all NAZIs was
intimately close with the "British" royals. Prince Christoph held the rank of
Oberfuhrer of the Third Reich, and as a sign of thanks to his chief Yes Man,
Adolf Hitler, Prince Christoph named one of his children Karl-Andreas-Adolf.
That means that the present Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh, has a nephew
called Adolf!
I would presume that Prince Adolf would still be alive - and I intend to bring my readers more news of these present day royals who were the progeny of the murdering Third Reich...
I wonder what he does for a living?
Prince Christopher's brother was Prince Philip "Auwi" of Hesse-Cassel - he too
was a royal doyen of the NAZIs, who had joined the National Socialist party in
1930, becoming the Nazi governor of the provincial principality of Hesse in
Also, let us not forget that the Duke of Edinburgh's eldest sister, Cecile, joined
the NAZI party on May 1st 1933 - her NAZI membership number was 3515493 -
she was, therefore, no innocent bystander in the slaughter perpetrated by the Third Reich.
The $54,000 dollar question is, of course, was Prince Philip a NAZI himself?
Well, let history be the testament to that - Prince Philip was educated in
Germany at the Salem Palace school where students and teachers exchanged
"Heil Hitler" salutes to each other as they passed in the corridors!
The Duke frequently visited his cousins and brothers-in-law in Germany for
hunting trips which were NEVER revealed to the press - even at times when
Germany and Britain were meant to be at loggerheads with each other.
These hunting trips, where Prince Philip was welcomed as a fellow Germanic royal,
and given extraordinary banquets of fresh game pie and roasts (whilst British
people starved in line for a ration book to buy an ounce of butter) were going
on during and immediately after the Holocaust.
Prince Philip and several members of his family have since been quoted that -
at the time - "...Hitler seemed to have some good political policies", and Prince
Philip has once said that the plan to re-build Germany and make Germany a
pre-eminent power was "very appealing" to he and his family.
So, where does this leave us in the modern age?
Well, sweeping aside ready to be examined at a later date, I shall resist the
temptation to repeat the quotes of Harrods boss Mr AlFayed, who has, in no
uncertain terms, described Prince Philip using NAZI-type phraseology and
War is a ritual:
a sacrifice ordered by Royal Families who have had a centuries-old fascination with the Occult.
War in Europe happens because the Royals want to create a SUPERSTATE - not because of conflicts naturally occurring between nations.
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Well, sweeping aside ready to be examined at a later date, I shall resist the
temptation to repeat the quotes of Harrods boss Mr AlFayed, who has, in no
uncertain terms, described Prince Philip using NAZI-type phraseology and
has, intimated in public that it was perhaps Prince Philip who gave the order to
assassinate Princess Diana - but that whole subject shall be dealt with in a
later chapter - for now, let us consider the Here and Now...
Very soon, in the present era, the British people will soon witness a coronation
- a ritual - perhaps we may even see two coronations in quick succession (as
was the case between the 1930s and 1950s).
In the light of the evidence I have so far put forward, we must consider the fact that the present
Queen of Britain and the Commonwealth, Queen Elizabeth "Lilibet" Sachsen-Coburg
und Gotha is married to Philip Schlesweg-Holstein-Sonderburg- Glucksburg-Battenberg.
It will soon come to pass that Prince William, the son of the assassinated Princess Diana and second in line to the British throne will take over the royal house of ‘Windsor’.
Let us never forget that Prince William's heritage on the paternal side is the Sachsen-Coburg und Gotha-Battenberg clan - and that several members of this royal cabal are directly
responsible for murder, rape, torture and heinous genocide in the NAZI era
which ended just 65 years ago...
And on Prince William's mother's side of the family - the Spencer Churchills -
Prince William has Lord Randolph Spencer Churchill who was outed in my film
Murdered by the Monarchy as the leader of the Jack The Ripper gang.
Poor kid. God save the King! The British NAZI Prince...
By now, those leather elbowed, tweed jacketed historians who I run
into whilst perusing the archives of great museums and libraries of the world
shall be twitching with expediency...
Are there more skeletons in the British Royal cupboard?
Oh yes, there are entire cemeteries of secrets as far as the "British" Royals are concerned!
The distant fear in the eyes of these historians I sometimes meet often suggests that they are scared of falling foul of the Buckingham Palace lackies who award CBE, OBE and the odd KCB awards to historians...
Receiving an award from this type of murdering oligarchy is, as I am sure any
sane person would agree, is something that should be returned to Buckingham
If Prince William becomes King, he will be under immense pressure to continue the Work of Ages - and create a European SuperState, regardless of whether this throws dozens of nations into chaos or war.
Currently, the European part of the ‘New World Order’ is being sneaked in using underhanded,
undemocratic legislation and managed by disgraced ministers such as Peter Mandelson.
Prince William will have to decide if he a Prince For The People - like his mother -
or is he to become yet another cruel thug to wear a British crown?
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Receiving an award from this type of murdering oligarchy is, as I am sure any
sane person would agree, is something that should be returned to Buckingham
Palace - which is exactly what John Lennon of the Beatles did when he was
given an honour in the 1960s...
An important question at this juncture is; were there NAZIs inside the British
royal family?
I shall now elucidate my readers about a British Royal NAZI - a primeval force of hatred and a veritable royal killing machine born in Britain, a former resident at the tax payer's expense in the fine palaces of Great Britain, a man who was educated as a British royal... a man who was to become the leading light to Hitler and one of the most senior Royals to don the uniform of
a NAZI psychopath; his name: Prince Carl Eduard Herzog Sachsen Coburg und Gotha...
The life story of the Duke of Edinburgh's cousin - Duke Carl Eduard Herzog Sachsen Coburg und Gotha - shall now be revealed for the first time in print...
He was Queen Victoria's favourite grandson and lived a life of extreme
privilege at the British tax payer's expense.
This young "Prince Charlie", as the royal spin doctors of the age dubbed him, was one of the richest and highestranking men in Britain - and Germany.
He was a Knight of the Garter, and the first cousin to many European kings and emperors.
To show his astonishing gratitude to the British people who had clothed and fed this Duke
since birth, "Prince Charlie" enrolled into the German army and fought for the
Kaiser in World War I - just as Hitler had done.
As you can see, this British royal Prince-Duke loved the British people!
A few years after the end of the first world war, along with more than a dozen
other Germanic-British traitor Royals, on May 1st 1933, Prince Carl-Eduard
joined the NAZI party (membership number 2560843), he joined the same
day as the Duke of Edinburgh's sister, Cecile - how quaint!
From that moment on, the British born Royal NAZI Prince Charlie supported and engineered
Hitler's rise to power.
He and his Germanic royal cousins side stepped the limitations of the Weimar Republic and continued the policy of nihilism and utter destruction which the German Royal Political Elite had inflicted on mankind between 1914 and 1918.
Born on the 19th of July 1884 at Claremont House in Surrey, the British Royal Familiy's geneological records show him listed in the Family Tree as "His
This obnoxious, evil little thug, “Prince Charlie” grew up in Britain, took his fill off the tax payer and then went off to fight against Britain with the Kaiser...
Not only that, he became one of the Architects of the Third Reich. Thoroughly Royal
and thoroughly evil...
Was “Prince Charlie Coburg” the “AntiChrist” who Hitler claimed to have met?
NAZI High Society: 1943.
Hitler sits amongst the tiaras, Princes and Princesses who have employed him to carry
out an evil global plan of genocide.
Without the support of the British- Bavarian Princes, the NAZI movement would
not have been legitimized in the minds of the German people.
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The Bavarian-British Royal Families own vast amounts of Crown Jewels.
Most of the objects are fashioned to include occult symbols such as the MALTESE
CROSS, which was the symbol of the Knights Templar.
Above, is pictured a sceptre, which is an elaborate version of a magic wand.
The Danish Crown Jewels are owned by members of Prince Philip’s Germanic-Danish
Schleswig-Holstein Sondersburg-Glucksburg Royal Family.
Like most crowns, the jewels around the headband follow the same order as the EPHOD breastplate used for spirit divination by the Hebrew Levite Priesthood.
Born on the 19th of July 1884 at Claremont House in Surrey, the British Royal
Familiy's geneological records show him listed in the Family Tree as "His
Royal Highness Prince Leopold Charles-Edward, second Duke of Albany, Earl
of Clarence and Baron Arklow".
King George the fifth was his first cousin - and so was Kaiser Wilhelm II of
Germany, and he was also related to Russia's last Czar, Nicholas II.
Unfortunately, for the present "British" royal family, their "musical chairs"
with the geneological records available to authors such as myself has failed to
hide the fact that this outright supporter - indeed, an architect of the Third
Reich - a British born Prince-Duke was related directly to Prince Philip, the
Duke of Edinburgh and Queen Elizabeth II.
In 1899, the dualist nature of the Bavarian-British royal household, headed by
Queen Victoria, soon became apparent, when the young Prince Charles
Edward (sometimes referred to in the tabloid media of the day as "Charlie
Coburg") renounced his English, anglicized name and became Prince Carl-
Eduard, Duke of Sachsen-Coburg und Gotha...
As was his German birthright, Prince Carl-Eduard took up the head of the Bavarian Royal
household in the town of Gotha - the exact same town in which Duke Ernst
Saxe-Altenburg had sponsored and funded Adam Weishaupt of the Bavarian
In fact, Duke Ernst II Saxe-Altenburg was a member of the inner circle of the Bavarian Illuminati.
No less than a dozen castles in Germany and Austria (worth in today's market
at least 3 billion euros), several luxury hotels, apartments in the best roads of
Munich, forest hunting lodges, several rural villages, thousands upon
thousands of hectares of prime agricultural land and even a power station in
Bavaria came under the control of Prince Charlie.
He was a British-Bavarian Prince-Duke with a multi-million pound income... and he intended, like more than 250 of his fellow Royal bretheren, to bring about the Age of Horus and
destruction which Aleister Crowley predicted in his 1904 spirit invocations
which had precipitated the publishing of The Book of The Law.
Whilst Europe (and indeed the USA) were suffering the 1930s "depression" (which is yet another episode of the fake recession 'boom'n'bust' technique used in world politics to breed an air of fear and greed into the populace) Prince Charlie strutted about his Bavarian kingdom, admiring his hoards of antiquities.
Some of the family antiquities and manuscripts included first edition copies of Adam Weishaupt's diatribes about how to remould Europe using covert political and financial tactics- and Prince Charlie busily set about the business of bringing the tax payers of Europe to their knees with an onslaught of NAZI horror.
In preparation for the bloodbath to come, this NAZI prince was enrolled at a
tender age into Germany's top military academy by the Kaiser, who then
married off Charlie to his own niece, Victoria, by whom he had three sons and
a daughter.
(I will save the reader from the obvious incestuous, nay, pedophilic activity of the royals).
In 1914, the first world war was declared following the assassination of the heir
to the Austro-Hungarian throne, the Archduke Franz Ferdinand - a plot managed
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In 1914, the first world war was declared following the assassination of the heir
to the Austro-Hungarian throne, the Archduke Franz Ferdinand - a plot managed
political assassination which provided an "excuse" to launch a European bloodbath.
Prince Charlie put on his spiked German military helmet, and obeyed the Kaiser, helping to launch attacks against Britain - the country of his birth.
After the war ended in 1918, Prince Charlie officially allied himself (along with
nearly three hundred other German Princes) with the extreme right-wing
NAZIs led by the charismatic and ranting former army corporal - Adolf Hitler.
By 1933, when Hitler seized power as Chancellor of Germany, Prince Carl-
Eduard, Duke of Sachsen-Coburg und Gotha was among Hitler's most fervent
As an example of how inter-related the British and Bavarian Royal elite were/are, Prince Charlie returned to Britain in 1936 to attend George V's funeral - of course, he wore German military attire, complete with a stormtrooper's spiked metal helmet!
Prince Charlie's most disgusting contribution to the genocide tactics of the
Third Reich came when he took over the presidency of the German Red Cross.
His bloodlust soon became apparent, presiding over a horrific programme of enforced euthanasia, in which 100,000 mostly disabled people, including children, judged by the Nazis unworthy of life, were murdered.
After this first holocaust - which was a mere appetizer for the mass carnage about to be unleashed from 1939 onwards -
the Royal Third Reich was Why is Hitler looking so worried?
Perhaps because the man sitting next to him, the evil Prince Charlie Coburg, is the “Intrepid and Cruel AntiChrist” which Hitler confessed he had met during the second world
The British-Bavarian Royal Families funded, supported, managed and legitimized the wholesale slaughter of millions, leaving many with horrific injuries - they were called the “living dead” of
world war 1.
It is impossible to overstate the HORROR which these evil royal princes committed.
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After this first holocaust - which was a mere appetizer for the mass carnage
about to be unleashed from 1939 onwards - the Royal Third Reich was
promoted worldwide in newspapers and magazines as the "new Germany" - a
new Fatherland - a place where genetically engineered blonde haired, blue
eyed athletic members of the Master Race paraded in Solstice fire rituals at
specially constructed stadiums - often receiving awards from the many Royal
Princes, Dukes, Princesses and Duchesses who had funded and supported this
new NAZI fascist state.
There can be no doubt that the German people found reassurance with the NAZI ideals of mass genocide, after seeing the Royals strutting around wearing NAZI uniforms and Swastika armbands!
Hitler even made the cover of TIME Magazine - which is no surprise, as the senior editorial staff have had more than one member of the infamous Skull & Bones secret society on Magazine’s board of directors.
In fact, the Third Reich loaned money from American banks - and a secret enclave within the
Yale Skull & Bones, called “CELL D115” helped to arrange loans for industrialists such as Fritz Thyssen, who in turn channelled money through to the NAZIs.
In fact, some of these loans were in part managed by Prescott Bush -
the grand father of George W. Bush.
Following millions upon millions of deaths, where attrocities previously
unknown to the human mind were perpetrated - such as making lampshades
from the skin of inmates at concentration camps - a farce called the
Nuremberg Denazification Trials was staged for the world's media
following the explosive nuclear climax of the second world war...
The trials were ridiculous in the fact that many NAZIs had already donned
business suits, escaped Germany and some had even been recruited and given
In this photo, we see an English speaking American attorney representing Prince
“Auwi” Philipp at the denazification trials.
This evil old prince had consistently funded, supported and helped manage the Kaiser’s
genocide plans in world war one, and then went on to join the ranks of the NAZIs (NAZI Party
membership No. 418991), attempting to achieve a total invasion and occupation of all the
independent nations of Europe and put them under the control of the Bavarian-British Royal
The Abdicated British “Traitor King” Edward (real name David Sachsen-Coburg und Gotha) spoke fluent German and received (and returned) “Heil Hitler!” salutes, during his inspection of NAZI SS troops, in October 1937.
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This is Hitler, in negotiations with Prince Regent Paul of Yugoslavia and Princess Olga
in Berlin, June 1939.
following the explosive nuclear climax of the second world war...
The trials were ridiculous in the fact that many NAZIs had already donned
business suits, escaped Germany and some had even been recruited and given
plush villas in the USA via the Project Paperclip operation.
ODESSA - a super secret cabal of top NAZIs had already established a global
network of safe houses and "rat lines" which ferreted away many of the senior
NAZIs - some even donned the robes of priests and cardinals and became
guests at the court of St Peter's in Rome.
At these trials, defiant to the last, the British NAZI Prince Charlie pleaded "Not guilty!".
In fact, he even claimed he had acted honourably and did not know of any crimes by the Third Reich!
Therefore, I hereby say now, via the pages of this article, let history not forget the important leading role Prince Carl-Eduard Sachsen-Coburg und Gotha had in the wholesale carnage and destruction which de stroyed the lives of so many millions and millions of people.
He would be labeled a Dajaal by many muslims - and this is a subject that I
The events outlined here happened just 65 years ago. I have invested a great deal of
time and expense researching the ambitions and goals of the British-Bavarian Royal
Elite, and I sincerely hope that History does NOT repeat itself...
It is through serious research and then a willpower to manifest a compassionate
solution that we shall all prevail and free ourselves of tyranny.
Live Free or Die.
This article is a copyrighted work owned by CHRIS EVERARD.
All rights reserved.
© Christopher Everard 2009 -
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