Dear Friend, It is my honor and privilege to sit in (guest host) next week for Laurie Roth on her 3-hour, the nationally syndicated "Roth Show". Show time: 6:00 - 9:00 ET (3-6 Pacific) In Monday's first hour, I will interview the producer and director of the new video Demographic Bomb, and its implications for the economy and stock markets. During hours 2 and 3, Dr. Russell Blaylock, M.D. will discuss, with great authority, the Swine Flu hoax and the coming vaccine scam. This is a must-hear segment! On Tuesday, the first guest will be Dr. Michael Coffman discussing the disastrous Cap & Trade legislation, and why global warming is a total fraud that actually promotes global governance. On Thursday, I will be broadcasting live from the 10th Annual Freedom 21 conference in Oklahoma City where some of the best minds in the country will assemble to build strategies to restore liberty and freedom in our country. There will be a great lineup of guests! PLEASE TUNE IN! Go to for more information about the show and Laurie Roth. The show is syndicated on the IRN-USA radio network (, and you can go there to locate a local radio station that carries the show or listen live over the Internet. At show time, click below to go to the IRN-USA Radio Network: The Roth Show / IRN-USA Radio Network Please mark on your calendar to join me on The Roth Show! Callers may call in during the live airing of the show. The show is rebroadcast in several areas at different times. Oh... would you please tell some friends and family to listen in with you? Regards, Patrick Wood, Editor
Thursday, 6 August 2009
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Britannia Radio