Wednesday, 19 August 2009

Dear Newsmax Reader:

Please find below a special message from our sponsor, The National Republican Trust PAC. They have important information to share with you.

Urgent Message from Scott Wheeler
Executive Director

Dear Newsmax Reader:

As you know, we have led the fight as true conservatives, the Republicans you can trust, against Barack Obama, Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid.

Right now we are fighting the Democrats socialist agenda to take over our health care system.

We have also been unafraid of holding Republicans accountable when they sell out our American values, as we did with Arlen Specter.

The Washington Times says The National Republican Trust PAC “promotes candidates who support conservative values including limited government, lower taxes, strong national defense and free-market economics.” If those are your values too then you will be anxious to see how we are fighting Obama care in the trenches.

The National Republican Trust PAC uses your help to get television commercials on the air and get results.

See our latest ad airing right now . . . Go Here Now.

And we are a lean fighting machine. In fact, recently we received a letter from the Federal Election Commission asking us how we operate such a large political action committee with such low overhead. Can you imagine that? The federal government telling us that SO MUCH of your donations were going for what we say it is they wanted to know how we were operating with such low overhead. We are not part of the inside establishment that makes money off of both sides. Everyone in the media recognizes The National Republican Trust PAC as a grass roots force that has had tremendous impact.

Our secret weapon is YOU — with your help we can stop Obama care.

Obama is now shifting strategy now so now, more than ever, we need to fight. Our current television commercial is geared to appeal to a mass audience that will cause Democrats to think twice before voting for socialized medicine. In a recent poll, 82 percent of Americans felt that the budget deficit was more important than healthcare. Watch our ad Go Here Now and see how effective it will be in strengthening public opinion against Obama care.

Please help us fight on . . . Go Here Now. We forced Obama to change strategies but please be aware that this is not the end of his socialized medicine scheme, it is crucial that we continue to fortify our opposition and get this stopped before it is too late.

We are on the verge of stopping Obama's socialist healthcare scheme. Because of you we were able to force the Democrats to delay a vote until after the August recess. Now we are in the fight of our lives to stop this government run boondoggle once and for all. Americans are waking up all across the country and that is due in a big way to our ad that is now running nationwide.

Go Here Now to see the ad . . .

The good news is that we can stop the Democrats takeover of our healthcare system but we need your help right away.

Go Here Now to help keep this ad running through the congressional recess.

We must keep this ad on the air to keep Americans turning out to townhall meetings to remind the Democrats that if they go along with Obama, Reid and Pelosi on this outrageous power grab of our private healthcare they won't be reelected next year.

It is critical now for us to air this television commercial as many times as possible between now and the time when congress comes back in session to remind them of how angry the nation is about the prospect of Obama care.

Go Here Now to keep this commercial on national television . . .

The National Republican Trust PAC is the one group that can stop this bill.

The mainstream media has acknowledged how effective we have been in our one year existence.

CNN reminded once Republican Senator Arlen Spector that "the powerful" National Republican Trust PAC was now going to oppose him because of his vote in favor of Obama's nearly trillion dollar stimulus boondoggle and he got the message from us loud and clear and became a Democrat, which is where he belongs, he rarely voted for conservative issues and usually sided with the far left Democrats.

The Democrats are on the march and they are coming after our liberties and we are at a very crucial point.

With your help we can win this but we must push back hard. We need your help.

I know you all are fighting at the town hall meetings, making your voices heard, we are on the frontlines here in Washington DC fighting them tooth and nail too.

Go Here Now to help us continue to fight  . . .

Instead of listening to the concerns of the American public, Obama, Pelosi and Dingy Harry Reid are viciously attacking all of us who believe in America. In an unthinkable op-ed in the USA Today, dissenting voices are labeled as "un-American" by Speaker Pelosi and Democrat Majority Leader Steny Hoyer.

But we American taxpayers have had enough. We don't deserve to be attacked or diminished for wanting to protect the future of our country from irreparable damage from the government's out-of-control spending binge.

Obama, Pelosi and Reid brought this uprising on themselves. Uncontrolled spending and an unprecedented expansion of government ignited this movement. We are in this battle together and we can win together . . . please help us keep this fight going by Clicking Here and sending a message to Washington that can't be ignored by the cowards who are supposed to represent us.

Instead of listening, many congressional leaders are rethinking or even canceling any public meetings. They are going into hiding.

Attacking any dissenting opinions and hiding from your constituents does not qualify as leadership. If the cowards in Congress can not stand up to Pelosi's liberal agenda then they need to be kicked out of office and that is what we at The National Republican Trust PAC are doing . . . help us by Going Here Now.

Despite falling poll numbers, skyrocketing federal deficits, high unemployment rates, the Obama, Pelosi, Reid team continue to ram massive spending initiatives through Congress including the trillion dollar government takeover of health care.

We literally cannot afford to let this happen! They have spent all of our money. We must act now before they bankrupt our nation!

Go Here to Stop Them . . .

The National Republican Trust is committed to lead this the fight against excessive spending and expanding government. We have committed to run national television ads as well as strategically placed congressional district ads to stop the runaway-spending spree and government take-over of health care.

To See the Ad — Click Here Now.

Please support The National Republican Trust and help us keep this ad on the air — Go Here Now.

Attack the Movement

The campaigner in chief has already put his political machine on the attack.

The Democrat party led by the infamous community organizer just released a new ad that labels any dissenters attending townhall meetings as an "Angry Mob" and cast all of these concerned

Americans as pawns of high-level Republican political operatives.

This shouldn't surprise anyone. Democrat leadership along with the mainstream media cast the same negative view on the hundreds of thousands of Tea Party participants earlier this year.

The Obama team claims any dissenting anger is artificially manufactured by right wing radicals. Check the polls, this is not an artificial or staged movement.

The raw emotions being expressed at these townhall meetings are not just rooted in anger. They are more intense than we have seen in decades because they are fueled by fear. The fear of what Obama, Pelosi and Reid are doing to reinvent the American dream. The fear of the debt our children, grandchildren, great-grand children and future generations will be forced to bare because of their radical agenda.

Making a List

The depths to which the Obama political machine will stoop to pursue their agenda have no end. Last week, the White House asked that citizens report any "emails" or even "casual conversations" that seem to be "fishy" or "scary" in regards to the health care debate.

This is an unprecedented move and is even more scary and fishy when put into the context of the health care debate.

If passed, Obama's government run health care system would have the government determine who gets care. It is not a stretch to think that a politically appointed Bureaucrat with the power of life and death health care rationing could use this list or other publicly available documents to make decisions.

Just look at the way Obama is using his position to allocate stimulus money to reward his sup-porters and punish his opposition.

We cannot let them get away with these Chicago thug like political tactics. The National Republican Trust will continue to fight these tactics and stop their excessive spending.

Please support The National Republican Trust and keep our ad on the air — click here to donate.

Heading Toward Financial Disaster

Pelosi, Reid and Obama are spending money faster than any government in the history of the world.

Until they are stopped our country will remain on the road to financial disaster.

The nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office recently reported that the federal deficit for fiscal year 2009 reached a staggering $1.3 trillion in July. Instead of curbing spending in the wake of this news, the Obama, Pelosi, Reid team ramped up their efforts for a trillion dollar health care scheme.

In just a little more than six months the Democrat's socialist agenda has increased domestic spending by more than 80%.

Despite that unbelievable increase, the gaffe riddled Biden said we have to spend more if we want to get out of this recession. The only problem was it wasn't a gaffe.

Sadly this is the way the socialist leaders in the Obama Administration and the Democrat controlled Congress think. More government control and more government spending is always the answer. This spending is unsustainable but new massive spending initiatives continue to come down the pike.

Lets look at a few more of the Spending Dream Team's absurd highlights:

  • Obama, Pelosi and Reid have already bailed out the banks, taken over the auto industry and passed a $767 billion stimulus package (before anyone had a chance to read it).
  • Despite numerous campaign pledges to read the budget line-by-line, cut wasteful spending and eliminate earmarks, President Obama signed an inflated budget with more than 9,000 earmarks.
  • The Congressional Budget Office has reported that the Obama-pushed government health care plan will cost more that $1 trillion, will not lead to lower costs and will add significantly to the federal deficit.
  • Instead of protecting the future of our country and capping federal spending, Obama, Pelosi and Reid are looking into ways to cap private sector executive pay. Capping pay is the fastest way to drive the best and brightest out of our country.
  • Obama pledged no taxes increases on anyone deemed "not rich." This was quickly broken as he signed a 60-cent excise tax on cigarettes earlier this spring. This regressive tax heavily burdens the working poor.
  • If Obama, Pelosi and Reid successfully pass their Cap and Trade climate change legislations it will be the single largest tax increase in the history of the world.
  • Despite blasting the auto executives for traveling to Washington in a corporate jet, Pelosi and pals just purchased eight jets to chauffer them around at a $550 million price tag to us, the taxpayers.
  • It took the Obama administration over three months to find ways to cut $200 million by eliminating paper copies, removing unused phone lines and buying supplies in bulk. It took Congress less than a week to find $2 billion for the cash for clunkers gimmick.

This uncontrolled spending with no accountability is absolutely absurd and must be stopped. Together we can do it. We can stop the socialization of America. We can stop the runaway spending and ensure the country we love will still be here for our children and grandchildren.

Please support The National Republican Trust and keep our ad on the air — Go Here Now.