Monday 17 August 2009

Dear Newsmax Reader:

There was such heavy demand for our sponsors emails yesterday,
many readers had trouble clicking through the links below.
We are resending this important message in case you missed it.

Please read Dick Morris very urgent message on what Obama is
trying to do to ram his health care take over through the Senate --
and how you can help the League of American Voters to stop them.

An Urgent Message from Dick Morris for the League of American Voters

Dear Friend:

I am supporting only one organization to stop Obama's healthcare program: the League of American Voters. And I am encouraging concerned Americans to funnel their support to the League as their main venue for donations.

I believe the League has the most effective program to confront directly and stop Obama's radical healthcare takeover plan.

Obama is moving to ram through Congress his plan and all our resources need to be focused to stop him.

Please donate today and help put its powerful ad on air by Going Here Now.

Also read the League's urgent message below!

Dick Morris

Obama Caught in AARP Lie, More to Come

Dear Supporter:

In our last message, we warned that Obama was on the run, desperate to get his radical health plan rammed through Congress.

But Obama's falling poll numbers, and the fact that outlets such as Fox News and Newsmax are fully informing Americans about the dangers of the plan, have hurt him and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's efforts for their healthcare fiasco.

They are desperate. Obama out-and-out lied this week when he claimed that the AARP, the nation's largest seniors organization, backed his healthcare plan.

The organization does not support it.

Nancy Pelosi has even compared citizens protesting against the health plan with Nazis.

These futile attempts of Obama and Pelosi to twist reality prove that our efforts are working!

This weekend, we will begin our national TV ad campaign. We are rolling out our powerful new TV ad — devised by Dick Morris, our chief strategist.

Dick's ad exposes how Obama's plan will lead to healthcare rationing if he succeeds in adding 50 million people to the government system.

You can see the TV ad and donate by Going Here Now.

Remember, you can't let your guard down. Obama and the Democrats know they no longer have the 60 votes to pass the radical health plan in the Senate.

We are told they are working behind the scenes to change long-standing Senate rules so that they can pass their health plan with just 50 votes!

This is again a desperate measure and an attempt to subvert our democratic and constitutional system.

I can assure you the League of American Voters is working day and night to stop Obama's plan.

We are also preparing for contingencies.

When Congress returns after Labor Day, we must line up all our forces for the final battle.

I realize many people are on vacation or feel confident we can defeat Obama's plan.

Please don't fall victim to overconfidence.

It is critically important that you join with the League of American Voters today and help us defeat Obama.

Please Go Here Now to Donate.

Thank you.


Bob Adams
Executive Director

P.S. Next week, we want to roll out our powerful TV ad to eight more states. We have a goal to raise $5 million for our campaign to stop Obama's plan. We are well on our way to this goal, but we need more help. Please take a moment today and show your support — Go Here Now.

Paid for by the League of American Voters. Contributions to the League of American Voters are not tax deductible as charitable contributions for federal income tax purposes. Contributions from individuals and corporations are permitted by law and welcome.