DEBKA-Net-Weekly Exclusive Report August 4, 2009, 7:08 PM (GMT+02:00) Disillusioned by Tehran's rebuffs, US president Barack Obama is switching tactics for arresting Iran's drive for a nuclear bomb. The coming DEBKA-Net-Weekly outlines these tactics, starting with harsh sanctions backed by preparations for near-term military action, in which Ahmadinejad's Revolutionary Guards may be first in the US line of fire. Don't miss this exclusive - and much more - in the next DEBKA-Net-Weeklyout Friday. To subscribe to DEBKA-Net-Weeklyclick HERE . DEBKAfile Special Report August 4, 2009, 7:07 PM (GMT+02:00) In defiance of beefed up security, opposition groups have called for demonstrators to gather in front of the Majlis in Tehran and other cities Wednesday, Aug. 5, when Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is sworn in for a second term as Iranian president. The White House, German chancellor's office and the French Elysee have announced they will abstain from congratulating him. DEBKAfile Special Report August 3, 2009, 4:56 PM (GMT+02:00) MOP penetrates 61 m. underground before exploding The Obama administration has indicated for the first time that diplomatic engagement is not its only option for grappling with Iran's nuclear weapons drive,DEBKAfile's military sources report. If Congress shifts enough funds to the program, the radar-evading B-2 bomber would be capable of carrying the non-nuclear, 30,000-pound Massive Ordnance Penetrator, MOP which is designed to destroy deeply buried bunkers, by July 2010. US NSA James Jones dictated Fatah list DEBKAfile Special Report August 3, 2009, 9:42 AM (GMT+02:00) To meet a US demand, Israel has permitted the entire Fatah leaderships of Syria, Lebanon and Jordan - some 500 functionaries - to enter the country for the first Fatah general conference in 25 years which opens Tuesday, Aug. 4 in Bethlehem. Among them are notorious terrorists responsible for multiple-murder attacks on Israelis. Some want to stay. DEBKA-Net-Weekly: Obama switches from dialogue to squeeze on Iran
Street protests called for Ahmadinejad's swearing-in Wednesday
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Tuesday, 4 August 2009
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Britannia Radio