Thursday, 13 August 2009

Exeter Pupils May Trial Swine Flu Vaccine

'Children in Exeter could be among the first to be inoculated  against swine flu. A team of researchers has applied for funding to test a vaccine for the disease ahead of a mass vaccination programme in the autumn.

If the Government gives the go-ahead, parents will be able to put their children forward to be part of the trial to see if there are any side-effects with vaccines that have been developed to deal with the H1N1 virus. The research will help the Department of Health decide whether it is safe to vaccinate youngsters against swine flu.'


Thursday, 13 August 2009

The Australian Climate Sceptics

'Anthropogenic or man-made Global Warming (AGW) alarmism is the biggest con, fraud, hoax, swindle, deception and mass hysteria in the history of modern civilization, because climate changes naturally. The Climate Sceptics support all practical measures to prevent environmental degradation. We support the development of cleaner and more efficient sources of energy.

Unfortunately governmental taxes to stop climate change are a colossal diversion of funds from core obligations, and Emission Trading Schemes (ETS) will do absolutely nothing for the Murray-Darling basin, the Great Barrier Reef, or land degradation - just as it will do absolutely nothing to stop climate change.'