Girls Outsmart Boys on Matriculation Exams in 2008
In the humanities, more girls took the matriculation exams and scored higher than their male counterparts. In literature, 2,415 girls took the exam versus only 585 boys. The women scored an average of 83.3 while the guys scored an average of only 79.4.
In English, 2,000 more girls took the exam and scored an average of 85.79 versus the guys, whose score was 85.77. The differences were more distinct in social studies, where 7,182 girls took the exam versus 2,888, and in citizenship, where girls scored an average of 78 versus the guy's 73.3. In Bible, the girls outscored the guys 78 to 73.3.
In chemistry and biology, the girls also managed to match or outperform the guys. In chemistry, 4,594 girls took the exam versus 2,798 – both groups scored an average of 84. In biology, 7,108 girls took the exam versus 3,942 boys and scored an average of 83.5, while the boys's results were 81.
In physics, mathematics, and mechanics, more boys took the exams than girls, but the average scores of the two groups were approximately equal.
Earlier in the summer, the Ministry of Education released statistics showing that overall high-school matriculation results have dropped. In 2008, only 44.4 percent of students finished their matriculation exams – in 2007 that number had stood at 46.3 percent. In the Arab sector, matriculation rates dropped from 35.53 percent to 31.94 percent.