Here is your Crux PM update:
Probably the best investment video you'll watch all month
Obama's numbers have gone mad… "entire budget is discredited."
The stock market rally is a fraud
...and this is why.
China's "rare metals" export ban could destroy technology
There's no substitute... and only China has them.
The single best explanation of Barack Obama's agenda we've ever read
This should be read – and reread - by everyone in America. Print it off and post it all over your neighborhood. Forward it to everyone you know.
Bankrupt Dykstra now living in his car
Destitute ex-ballplayer may have destroyed his home to collect insurance money...
The Ted Kennedy obituary you didn't read… but should
Why doesn't the mainstream media say a word about this?
World's best money manager piling into this sector AGAIN
Paulson making another big bet on financials...
Brian Hunt
Editor in Chief, The Daily Crux
Thursday, 27 August 2009
Posted by
Britannia Radio