Only in Governmentland - THE bankrupt State of California has paid out over $682 million in IOUs. Small businesses are expected to pay taxes based on the IOU “income,” but at the same time they refuse to accept the IOUs as tax payments. Lead plaintiff Nancy Baird filled her contract with California to provide embroidered polo shirts to a youth camp run by the National Guard, but never was paid the $27,000 she was owed. She says California "paid" her with an IOU that two banks refused to accept - yet she had to pay California sales tax on the so-called "sale" of the uniforms. Nancy Baird, your task on Monday morning is to seek out customers who will actually pay you instead of diddle you with worthless scraps of paper. HOWEVER much government mouthpieces laud the French health system, however celebratory the propaganda, the iron laws of economics will not be denied; the French health system is bust. What you would like is irrelevent, what you think best is beside the point, you can have only what you can afford. If you spend more than you can afford you will go out of business. So as the federal government strongarms the American people into accepting health care planning by state-central control, the French are looking to learn ... from the United States.
Now California Doesn't Recognise Its Own Currency
Saturday, August 8, 2009 At 07:19PM
The French Health System Is Bust
Saturday, August 8, 2009 At 06:57PM