The Salford MP dismissed the idea that the attack could be the result of anger over her expenses claims. She said it was "teenagers with nothing to do on a hot afternoon". She added: "This is just the actions of a tiny minority." When asked if she thought the attack was part of a vendetta against her, she added: "I don't think so. It's a bit pathetic." After the attack Ms Blears was seen sitting in the rear of her dark-coloured vehicle in Weaste, and making a call on her mobile phone. She reported the attack to police and then got a lift home with a friend. Her husband Michael waited for the RAC to arrive. In May the Telegraph revealed that Ms Blears used the rules to lawfully avoid paying capital gains tax. She later wrote out a cheque for £13,000 in a last-ditch attempt to save her career and appease voters in the Salford constituency where she grew up and which she has represented since 1997. Ms Blears then announced her resignation from the Cabinet as Communities Secretary the day before the European and local elections. She was pictured wearing a brooch which said "Rocking the boat". The move angered many Labour Party members. She then overcame an attempt in her local party to force her to step down as MP. Constituent Norman Eaton, 51, who spotted Ms Blears in her car after the attack, said: "This is the people of Salford telling her that they don't accept what she has done. "She was with a couple of minders and her husband. Lots of people saw them and people know it's her car. "They came back and the front window was damaged and the tyres had been slashed. They tried to drive off, but they were going nowhere. Next thing, police vans turned up." A spokesman for Greater Manchester Police said: "At about 6.25pm on Sunday police in Salford were called to Cemetery Road, Weaste, following a report that a car had been damaged. "Between 5pm and 6.15pm, offenders had smashed the windscreen of a parked grey Citroen Xsara Picasso and slashed all four tyres. No-one was injured in the incident and officers are now investigating."Hazel Blears's car smashed up while she speaks to voters
Former cabinet minister Hazel Blears's car was attacked in Weaste, Greater Manchester, on Sunday night while she canvassed voters.
By Nick Allen
Published: 11:14AM BST 10 Aug 2009 Vandals smashed the windscreen of her Citroen Xsara Picasso and slashed all four of its tyres while she was knocking on doors to speak to voters.
Monday, 10 August 2009
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Britannia Radio