Posted on Wednesday, August 26th, 2009 and is filed under Investments. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site. 99 Thoughts for College-Age People - From had the opportunity to reproduce an interview that Human Events had done with forecaster extraordinaire Gerald Celente, President of Trends Research Institute, several days ago – and the future he predicts looks bleak indeed. In fact, as Mr. Celente sees it, the Great Depression will seem like a mild recession as what waits for us in 2011 hits with the force of a Katrina financial hurricane. In case you’re wondering who Mr. Celente is (if this is still possible), he’s appeared – along with his predictions – on Oprah, CNBC, Reuters, NBC, PBS, BBC, the Glenn Beck Show – the list goes on an on. His Trends Report has been successfully predicting the major future trends impacting our lives for 3 decades, including calling the dot com crash back in the 1990’s. Mr. Celente’s forecast on our impending future is based on his study of history. He says we are bent on destroying our currency, bankrupting our government, and unleashing a violent citizen-against-citizen eruption as the economy collapses into chaos and marshal law fascism. Quite a claim. And God help us if he is right – again. “We’re sounding the alarm about the ongoing downward economic cycle,” Gerald told Human Events. “In 2002, we predicted that the collapse of the American empire would fall like the World Trade Center in a thunderous crash – in slow motion before our eyes. And now it’s happening.” Mr. Celente follows over 300 trends: family, crime, war, education, consumer & business patterns which TRI synthesizes to predict the future. “The US is becoming a shadow of what it used to be. Take education for example. The OECD group of developed countries ranks quality of life, education, health care of its member nations. The US is now falling down the table as one piece of data after another shows America is in decline. We’re no longer Win, Place or Show in quality of life, education, longevity… all the essentials where we used to be #1. And our economic underpinnings are failing.” Mr. Celente puts part of the blame squarely on the federal government, and especially FED Chairman Bernanke and Treasury Secretary Geithner, and warns us not to believe a word they say “They’re the same people who didn’t see it coming – are now telling us the worst is over, that ‘green shoots are spouting upwards’. But they were wrong before. They’re wrong on this too.” “When you pump out tons of money manure into this system based on nothing – printing press paper, it’s like giving a patient with a chronic disease a pain killer – it won’t cure the patient.” “But let’s go beyond the economics. Our whole Constitution has been abrogated. The president simply writes an Executive Order to do whatever he wants. Nationalize the banks, take over the insurance industry, automobile industry, health care industry… None of it is constitutional.” When did the problem begin and How Can We Protect Ourselves? “After Dwight Eisenhower – our last great president – the Allied Supreme Commander in WWII – who warned us of the dangers of the military-industrial complex. We’ve become completely corrupted.” “We became enmeshed in foreign entanglements. We forgot the lesson of England – and how their global imperial overreach destroyed their empire.” Only you can answer the second question; we’ve written this letter to help you with the second. Gold enthusiasts have long touted the yellow metal’s time-tested store of value. But, contrary to popular opinion, gold isn’t always the best investment when times get tough – and we have the analysis to prove it. Our friends at Elliott Wave International have just released a brand-new eBook that will help you decide just how – and when – gold and silver should be put to work in your portfolio. Among the unique insights in this free eBook are 6 eye-opening tables that reveal how gold and silver performed vs. stocks and T-notes during each of the 11 recession-expansion cycles of the past 100 years. These tables alone are worthy of a high price tag, but you can download them for free. You’ll also get valuable analysis for gold stocks, precious coins and more – all at no cost. If you have even the slightest interest in gold and silver, you must consult this free 40-page eBook now. It will show you how to invest in precious metals safely and successfully like no other resource can.Interview with Economic Forecast Expert Gerald Celente
It’s the end of the world as the Greater Depression hits after 2010’s failed “W-recovery”
Friday, 28 August 2009
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Britannia Radio