Wednesday, 5 August 2009

It's time to Go !
Our Mission for Freedom County




Linda Hunnicutt  

Have you thought about your future lately?

Is your head in the sand or up another orrifice ?

Do you believe all the doom and despair news ?

Do you believe in part of it ?

Can you see the light at the end of the tunnel or is it just a gaping black hole?

Have you done everything you can to insure your family a place to live, food to eat and water to drink?


We have been telling everyone for years to get ready for the worst, yes we have been one of the air heads that believe bad things are in store for us as we have just allowed ourselves to be lulled into a mental state of euphoria with TV, Radio and even our music.

We have been calmed with chemicals in our water, food and air. We have had our minds turned off with the computers, videos and games to entertain us and keep our minds from grasping the idea that something is changing in our country. We have allowed perverts and criminals to con us into political correctness and the mind set that up is down and right is wrong.

Where did it all start?

Who knows, it just slipped up on us without a flashing warning sign.

Now it is upon us, staring us in the face, people are starting to feel the pinch as the actions of our government touch their personal lives through high prices, loss of liberties, laws which are unrelentless in their take over of our everyday life. Total control over every American life seems to be the objective while allowing our country to be over run by non tax paying people who we support with our hard earned dollars.

Where is the middle class, Church going, hard working, tax paying American Family? The mother is working, the kids are in child care, the father is working or non existent and absent from the family as a role model and most of the Fathers that are still with the family are milktoasts.. Does the phrase " Wait till your Father gets home" mean anything today? Hell no... Children are in charge now, they know they can get away with anything as there is no disipline from the parents. The parents are disiplined by the Justice system. We have allowed the system to take away our Parental rights and responsibilities as it was so much easier than to do the work ourselves. If Johnny acts up put him on drugs, if Johnny steals it is because he was unhappy or even abused, if Johnny kills someone it is because his mind has been blinded by the video games he plays, if Johnny reports his parents for abuse he is a good kid and deserves a reward and attention not to mention he gets therapy. Who are these therapists? What experience do they have that enables them to counsel your children ? What life experiences do they have that you don't? Why do you trust your childrens mind to people you don't know, are trained in brainwashing and have no life experience other than out of a book? A book written by who? What expert can know how every mind works, thinks and what gives anyone the ability or the right to imbed in our minds one concept? Aren't we all different? Not any more. We are like a flock of lemmings all following one concept that has been written by evil and twisted people who wish to inflict their own concepts on everyone else making us all the same.. Rubber Stamped Idiots...

Now the time is near that it will all fall down around our ankles, the country cannot withstand the onslaught that has been brought on by our ignorance and apathy. Now we will pay the price. How many will survive? Thankfully nature will kick in and the strong will survive and the weak shall perish. Don't be a weak person now if you want to survive and save what is left of your family, country and beliefs.

Everyone needs the ability to have their own food, water and supplies on hand for at least a year. That means a lot of thinking on your part. What do you need to survive every day? Not what you want but what is essential to your survival.

Don't tell people what you have stored, keep your mouth shut for once, just quietly start stashing your supplies for future use for your family. You cannot save the world not even your neighbors and extended family. SAVE YOUR FAMILY. Think about what is most important to you, if it is property, belongings, prestiege, etc you have already lost the battle.

What can you do to insure that your family has a fighting chance to survive and even prosper with the upcoming crisis?

Store food, water, supplies which will sustain your life not your lifestyle. Lifestyles will be very different in the coming year.

Gather together with like minded people, make communities to work together and protect each other.

Move to a more remote area, away from cities and large towns.

Stop worrying about your credit, pay only what you have to in order to remain in a home for shelter. Spend your money on suppies. Don't worry about money it won't mean much but you can use your products for barter, even that will be dangerous as once people know you have a item they will tell others and you may be overrun with people determined to take what you have.

Look at our site :

We are planning on how to survive comfortably among others who are sensible and not afraid to be prepared, to be responsible for their own lives and the lives of their neighbors.

We have 500 acres which will be our community, we will not be dependent on any government agency for our power, food, water or supplies. We will build a life for the future, we will make sure our children have a chance to grow up and be responsible citizens.

We will not be in that line waiting for Government help.

Government Help is where all the problems started in the first place.

You can do the same thing, seek out people who are active, and band together to protect and support each other, help out with necessary work to insure the safety of each family. Share the work, share the responsibility, be swift in removing those that are there for a free ride, shun those that tell you everything is OK and keep on spending, playing, having fun. They are oblivious to the problems or part of the infiltrators that wish to see this country fail miserably. It is time to get serious about what you plan on doing, make a decision to either start preparing or give up and report to a facility where Big Brother can take care of you, not in the fashion you are used to but like a piece of crap not worth the effort to sustain. You will be a worthless eater, you will not survive unless you do a lot of boot licking.

I don't like the taste of dirty leather and will not lick at the boots of anyone. I was born with a mind of my own, a will to survive and a desire for a decent life for me and my children. My upbringing was such that I was proud to be a American. Proud of our Flag. Proud of our form of government and proud to be a Christian.

I won't allow that to be taken from me easily. I will be a survivor. My family will survive. We will live to see our country revert back to what it was before the Communistic Politically correct regime took over. We will again be a working nation with our factories and workforce proud of our products and independence. The New World Order and United Nations and the World Health Org. can kiss my big fat butt. I will not comply. I will not take their shots, I will not eat their poison food and I will not drink their drugged water. I will not be brainwashed into their way of thinking, I will not falter and give in or up under any circumstance. I will die before I give up my birthright and beliefs.

How many of you are ready to give your all to save what is left of this country and our life style? Will you be willing to give up your freedom for your life? Will you be one of those that turn in your neighbor to gain some iota of safety? Don't believe the BS you will be the first on the firing line of destruction.

The only answer is a steadfast determined populace that refuses to be ruled by evil and perverted men that have lied, stolen and killed to reach the top of the pile of garbage that rules this country now. It is time to take the garbage out. Clean house. Start fresh with real men and women who have some common sense and decency.

The time is now at hand to make a decision. It's up to each of you which way this country will go.


God Bless all of you and I give you my most earnest heartfelt wishes for your good health and safety in the coming weeks and months we will have to endure now.