Saturday - Conference: 9.00am-5.00pm
Saturday - Dinner: 7.30pm-10.30pm
Sunday - Conference: 9.30am-3.45pm
Sunday - Drinks Reception: 3.45pm-5.00pm
The National Liberal Club
One Whitehall Place
London SW1A 2HE
United Kingdom
Sign up now for Liberty 2009 the Annual Conference of the Libertarian
Alliance - held in association with the Libertarian International. To
confirm your place make out a cheque for £85 (100 Euros or 140 $US), made
payable to the 'Libertarian Alliance', and post it to: Libertarian
Alliance, Suite 35, 2 Landsdowne Row, London W1J 6HL, United Kingdom.
Alternatively, you can pay electronically via the LA's homepage at
To be held in London on Saturday 24 and Sunday 25 October 2009 at the
National Liberal Club the programme includes Professor Tibor Machan, Dr.
Anthony J. Evans, Dr. Richard Wellings, Babek Farrahi, Dr. Jan Lester,
Josie Appleton, Sophie Robbins, Dr. Sean Gabb, Myles Jackman, Shane
Frith, Mark Littlewood, Chris Mounsey, Jock Coats, Perry DeHavilland,
David McDonogh, Christian Michel, David Davis, David Farrer, David Carr,
Nigel Meek and Dr. Tim Evans.
This year's subjects include: Showcasing the UK Libertarian Party; the
Philosophy of Ayn Rand; the Urgent Need for a Rediscovery of the Private
Supply of Public Goods; A Libertarian Critique of the European Union; A
Libertarian Critique of Karl Popper; Sex Censorship Versus Freedom;
Thoughts of a Libertarian Muslim; A Libertarian Perspective on Being Home
Educated; the Prospects for Classical Liberal ideas in the Liberal
Democrat and the Conservative Parties and; Banking, Honest Money and the
Free Market.
This year's programme includes the Annual LA Dinner and Awards Ceremony
on Saturday evening and a Drinks Reception on Sunday afternoon. Although
this will be the largest LA Conference for many years spaces remain
limited and will only be allocated on a first come first served basis.
Please note that while the conference fee includes the LA Annual Dinner
and Sunday's Drinks Reception it does not include other meals or
accommodation - which have to be arranged separately.
Booking details:
Sean Gabb
Director, The Libertarian Alliance (Carbon Positive since 1979) Tel: 07956 472 199 Skype Username: seangabb
Wikipedia Entry:
Buy these novels by Richard Blake: "Conspiracies of Rome"
<> ("Fascinating to read, very well written, an
intriguing plot" Derek Jacobi); "Terror of Constantinople"
<> ("Nasty, fun and educational" The Daily