It was entirely predictable that the BBC would present Bill Clinton's North Korean visit in glowing terms. Have a listen here to what is seven minutes of one sided opinion. The perfectly reasonable view that Clinton's visit merely gives legitimacy to the tinpot tyrant Dear Leader is absent. I suppose since it was Clinton who when President facilitated the Dear Leader getting nukes in the first place it is appropriate that he return to the scene of the crime but it really is poor form that the BBC presents this entire issue in positive terms when in fact many people see this as rank amateur Obama diplomacy. But hey - the two American journalists have now been released so all is well and another example of how good Bill Clinton really is. Honest.
Ann Owers, Chief Inspector of Prisons, is a BBC favourite. Her liberal values resonate with the State Broadcaster and she was on this morning criticisingCookham Wood Young Offenders institute. For good value, universal Francis Crooke from the Howard League for Penal Abolition was also given a scathing quote on the "brutality" of the prison regime. The BBC meme is always the same - if we must send young criminals to Prison then the objective should beeducation. The idea that thugs get punished is just simply unacceptable to the liberal elite and when it's not the police that are being criticised, it is prison staff. The concept that young criminals are responsible for their own deprivation of liberty is just not on the radar. Maybe we should close on Prisons and turn them into early learning centres?
Only On The BBC ...
>> TUESDAY, AUGUST 04, 2009
There's concern about the number of prisoners released early from prison on license who go on to kill or commit serious crime while still under 'supervision' :Criminals on probation committed more than 1,000 serious crimes over the last two years, including nearly one murder a week in England and Wales.
The government figures give details of the 1,167 offences committed by people being supervised by probation officers.
The total included 94 murders, 105 rapes and 43 arson attacks.
Only a BBC producer could decide that the best person to interview on the topic is someone who believes the problem to be, not that criminals are being released early from prison, but that they were sent there in the first place.
As I've pointed out before, Frances Crook of the Howard League For The Abolition of Punishment must be able to find her way to the Today studios blindfold by now.
Few will doubt the calibre of person the BBC employs.A BBC television presenter who left a teenager scarred for life after attacking him with a 3ft wooden pole is facing jail. Former Watchdog and Holiday reporter Ashley Blake admitted his career was in ruins after he tried to cover up the confrontation at a bar he owned. Blake, a host on regional news show Midlands Today, swung the patio umbrella pole above his head before striking Greg Jones in the face. Mr Jones was 17 at the time of the incident last January. It has emerged that Blake had held down several prestigious reporting posts at the BBC despite having a lengthy criminal record. He has previous convictions for theft, handling stolen goods and driving while disqualified.
Wow - the BBC must have a fascinating recruitment process that can facilitate such a person to obtain such a lucrative position.