Instead we're subjected to an 'interview' that basically consists of a diatribe by O'Donnell interspersed with him yelling over any of Schiff's attempts to answer.It's an amazing display, even for Mess NBC. In an actual news organization, O'Donnell would be fired forthwith.Monday, August 10, 2009
Obama's Final Solution To Free Speech..
Sunday, August 09, 2009
Book Review: Ann Coulter's "Guilty"
Ann Coulter's latest is based on an interesting premise..that the Leftist establishment loves posing as victims and defending its self-chosen underdogs while in reality it is the primary victimizer of others. While the Left spends a great deal of time turning purple with indignation over the supposed insensitivity and inhumanity of conservatives, when it comes to the Left's own perceived political opponents they are far more likely to abandon any notion of restraint, ethics or simple decency to demonize holds barred.
This is exactly what ex-Speaker of the House Tom DeLay was talking about (just before all the charges against him were tossed out of court) when he said that these days, the Left isn't satisfied with merely driving you out of politics - they want to destroy every facet of your life.
The first line of the book is one of those killer lines Coulter has a knack for coming up with - "Liberals always have to be the victims, particularly when they are oppressing others."
The examples Coulter uses to beef up her premise are all solid, witty, and well written.The treatment of Joe the Plumber and Sarah Palin, the virtual take over of the media by the Left and the bias that results, the deliberate downplaying of scandals involving Democrats and the vast media inflation of anything crooked even alleged of a Republican, and of course, the shameful media whitewash of anything remotely questionable about Barack's all there, and more.
And as always with Ann Coulter, meticulously sourced. You may not agree with her conclusions or with her way of putting things,but you'd have to be an idiot - or a Leftist with tunnel vision - to try and shake her facts.
Particularly interesting is an entire chapter on one of the primary victim classes in American life, single mothers. While some of what she has to say on the topic is overly simplistic ( "Having money doesn't make you middle-class. The secret to being middle-class in America is: keep your knees together before marriage and graduate high school.")a lot of itneeds to be said.
To Coulter, the glorification of single motherhood and children born out of wedlock is part of the Left's war on the traditional American nuclear family.And her take on the damage done to society as a whole statistically by the concept of 'fashionable' single motherhood is spot on. For instance, as she reveals, when you factor out children born out of wedlock, the economic disparity between blacks and whites virtually disappears.
The book is a guilty pleasure to read, as mordantly funny and uncompromising as most of Ann Coulter's output. It would be an interesting experiment for someone on the Left side of the spectrum to read this with an open mind and actually examine the ideas Coulter presents.And I promise, if you do it, we'll never out you to your intolerant Leftist'll just be our little secret.
Definitely recommended.Iran May Charge Three Americans Captured In Iran With Spying
Iran has moved the three American hikers it captured when they accidentally strayed over the border near Kurdistan to Tehran. They do not consider them tourists who made a simple mistake and are openly considering charging them with espionage:“Surely we can say that they came as spies,” said Mohammad Karim Abedi, a hard-line lawmaker, speaking on Iran’s state-run Al-Alam TV. “The concerned authorities will decide whether they were spies or not. If it is proven that they were spies, the necessary legal procedures will be sought against them.”
“The U.S. forces are trying to leave some security elements behind, after leaving Iraq,” Abedi added. “It’s unacceptable to penetrate Iran’s borders this way. … We condemn this.”
One thing no one is mentioning in the media is that aside from being Americans, all three happen to be Jews. Don't be surprised if they end up 'confessing' to be spies for Israel as well as America. As a matter of fact, charging them with being spies for the Zionists rather than for the CIA might be a good tactic for the mullahs, given the widespread Jew hatred in Iranian society.
Shane Bauer is a journalist from California, and his credits include writing for Left-oriented pubs like the San Francisco Chronicle, The Nation,Mother Jones and New American Media. He was captured with his girlfriend, Sarah Shourd and Joshua Fattal, whose family originally came from Iran and who writes for Jewish Week.
The idea that these three are 'spies' is ludicrous on the face of it. None of them are fluent in Farsi ( although Bauer speaks Arabic and is reportedly an Arabophile), were carrying none of the sort of advanced photographic or communications gear you would expect spies to have. And the trio were conducting their trip on a shoestring, staying in budget accommodations.
What Iran is looking for here is a chance to further humiliate the Obama Administration, especially after Obama backtracked on Robert Gibbs' gaffe in referring to Ahmadinejad as 'the elected leader of Iran'.
And of course, remove the spotlight from those continually spinning centrifuges.
The last hostage the US redeemed from Iran was journalist Roxana Saberi, who was sentenced to 8 years for reportedly practicing journalism without permission(!).
The price for her freedom was the release of five Iranian Qods Force operatives captured by the US while fighting against us in Iraq.
Rest assured, the Iranians are going to demand a much higher price for the release of these three 'Zionists', and they will milk this for all it's worth.
It appears Obama's 'unclenched fist' towards Iran isn't working so well.Why Conservatives Should Avoid MSNBC - Or, How The Left 'Debates'
One thing I've never been able to figure out is why conservatives or anyone else who deviates from the neo-Marxist line bother with the dinosaur media.
As Sarah Palin found out, expecting them to interview anyone they disagree with fairly and objectively is about as likely as making a rope out of beach sand.
And that goes double with having them moderate any political debates.
Today's example is Larry 'creepy liar' O'Donnell, who was filling in for Lefty host Ed Schultz and had Peter Schiff on as a guest.
Schiff is the man who accurately predicted the current economic meltdown before it happened and has a lot of thoughts on the right way to go about extricating ourselves. In addition he's been openly considering a run for the senate against incumbent Senator Chris Dodd ( D-Countrywide) and likely has something to say about the current healthcare legislation and the financial implications, as well as Schiff's ideas about alternatives to the current bill.
All of these would be legitimate fodder for an interview.
The bad thing is that O'Donnell isn't unique..he's simply more obvious and less polished and insidious than say, Charlie Gibson or Brian Williams.
Schiff is apparently new to this sort of tactic, so hopefully this was a teachable moment for him. The only way to deal with braying loudmouth buffoons like O'Donnell is either to not deal with them at all by refusing to let them interview you or to simply laugh at them and pay them back in kind ala' Ann Coulter.Although even La Coulter probably wouldn't soil herself dealing with someone like O'Donnell.
Monday, 10 August 2009
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Britannia Radio