Monday, 24 August 2009
More things which may have been overlooked - - -
Mandelson in charge - from abroad
Business Secretary Lord Mandelson has taken over the day-to-day running of Britain, although he is still abroad. He has been on holiday in Corfu this week. (BBC Online 7/8/09)
Foreign Office to fund foreign gay rights campaigns
The foreign office is to fund equal rights activists in countries with a record of homophobia. [Do we have to go looking for other peoples’ problems? -cs] (Telegraph 17/8/09)
Guy Burgess abused BBC expenses
Guy Burgess, one of the Cambridge Five traitors, lived a life of big bar bills and first class travel tickets on the BBC expenses system, according to documents made public by the corporation. [Oooh! It’s a pity he betrayed his country but a real scandal that he abused his expenses. If he were around now he’d be furious at the MPs! -cs] (Telegraph 18/8/09)
“Dan Hannan is a boggle-eyed, slap-headed, unpleasant, revolting, heartless, ****-brained, attention-grabbing, foetid excuse for a prick.” (Charlie Brooker on C4)
...And Channel 4 want licence fee payers' money to make MORE programmes like that [And Charlie Brooker is a foul mouthed slob -cs] (Conservative Home 19/8/09)
MoD ‘missing’ £6.6bn of hardware
Ministers have ordered a shake-up at the Ministry of Defence after auditors were unable to find £6.6bn ($10.9bn) of equipment, including about a sixth of all vehicles, weapons and radios used by troops.
The patchiness of the MoD’s record keeping suggests that officials have been taking critical resourcing decisions for Afghanistan without knowing where billions of pounds of equipment is located or whether it is in good repair. [Maybe someone’s flogged it off to the Taliban? -cs]
(Financial Times 20/8/09)
Faulks risks Muslim anger after dismissing Koran
Sebastian Faulks, the best-selling author, has risked angering Muslims after claiming the Koran has "no ethical dimension" and dismissing the words of Muhammad as the "rantings of a schizophrenic" [Well, he’s certainly made sure that they’ll be angry -cs] (Telegraph 24/8/09)
Benn - “howling hypocrisy”
Hilary Benn, the Environment Secretary, was accused of “howling hypocrisy” after failing to dispose of rubbish correctly. Black bins outside his house which are destined for landfill sites, were found to contain materials that could have been recycled.
Mr Benn said he was committed to recycling but had been away. He indicated his grown-up children had failed to put the items in the proper bins. [And the man’s a near neighbour of mine. Rather a mean trick to grass on his children! Who’s checking on HIS sack and why ? -cs]
(Telegraph 24/8/09)
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Britannia Radio