Thursday, 20 August 2009

Netanyahu's proposal for 'lasting peace' - and a human rights response
By Chibli Mallat, Muhammad Aburdaini and Sharhabeel Al Zaeem 
Daily Star staff
Thursday, August 20, 2009

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For the State of Israel as the nation-state of the Jewish people

By Benjamin Netanyahu

For a Federal Israel-Palestine: A human rights response

Netanyahu's proposal for 'lasting peace' - and a human rights response

For the State of Israel as the nation-state of the Jewish people 


By Benjamin Netanyahu 


For a Federal Israel-Palestine: A human rights response 


By Chibli Mallat, Muhammad Aburdaini, Sharhabeel Al Zaeem 


Editor’s note: The following is a detailed response to the Israeli Prime Minister’s important speech at the Israeli National Defense College Graduation Ceremony on August 3, when he explained his “foundations” for 
a “lasting peace.” On today’s law page, two Palestinians and a Lebanese – Muhammad Aburdaini,Sharhabeel Al Zaeem and Chibli Mallat – discuss his proposals, while putting forward alternative foundations in a fresh initiative based on human rights and a federal future for Palestine/Israel. Mr. Netanyahu’s words are reproduced in full, minus a few deletions relating to the occasion, with our response following each part of his speech.