Anthony J. Hilder's New World Order (Real Audio Player Needed)
"We are grateful to the Washington Post, The New York Times, Time Magazine and other great publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected their promises of discretion for almost forty years. It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subjected to the lights of publicity during those years. But, the world is now more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a world government. The supranational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national auto-determination practiced in past centuries."
David Rockefeller Baden-Baden, Germany 1991
"Rarely have Americans lived through so much change, in so many ways, in so short a time. Quietly, but with gathering force, the ground has shifted beneath our feet as we have moved into an Information Age, a global economy, a truly new world."
President William Clinton State of the Union Address 1998
"We must all be profoundly grateful for the magnificent achievements of our forbearers in this century. Yet perhaps in the daily press of events, in the clash of controversy, we don't see our own time for what it truly is – a new dawn for America."
President William Clinton State of the Union Address 1999"...all of us here at the policy-making level have had experience with directives...from the White House.... The substance of them is that we shall use our grant-making power so as to alter our life in the United States that we can be comfortably merged with the Soviet Union."
H. Rowan Gaither, Jr., President - Ford Foundation
(as told to Norman Dodd, Congressional Reese Commission 1954)
"They [the Soviets] induce the Americans to adopt their own 'restructuring' and convergence of the Soviet and American systems using to this endthe fear of nuclear conflict.... Convergence will be accompanied by blood baths and political re-education camps in Western Europe and the United States. The Soviet strategists are counting on an economic depression in the United States and intend to introduce their reformed model of socialism with a human face as an alternative to the American system during the depression."
Anatoliy Golitsyn The Perestroika Deception 1990
"Those who hope that we shall move away from the socialist path will be greatly disappointed. Every part of our program of fully based on the principle of more socialism and more democracy."
Mikhail Gorbachev Perestroika - New Thinking for Our Country and the World 1988"The New Deal is plainly an attempt to achieve a working socialism and avert a social collapse in America; it is extraordinarily parallel to the successive 'policies' and 'Plans' of the Russian experiment. Americans shirk the word 'socialism', but what else can one call it?"
H.G. Wells The New World Order 1939
"The sacrifice of personal existence is necessary to secure the preservation of the species."
Adolph Hitler Mein Kampf 1923
"The task of saving the earth's environment must and will become the central organizing principle of the post-Cold War world."
Senator Al Gore Putting People First 1992
"Our ideology is intolerant...and peremptorily demands...the complete transformation of public life to its ideas."
Adolph Hitler cited in The Psychopathic God 1977
"What we're talking about is creating new forms of life on the basis of new values."
Mikhail Gorbachev From Red to Green Audubon magazine 1994
"Our overriding environmental challenge tonight is the worldwide problem of climate change, global warming, the gathering crisis that requires worldwide action."
President William Clinton State of the Union Address 1998"I am a Communist, a convinced Communist! For some that may be a fantasy. But to me it is my main goal."
Mikhail Gorbachev New York Times 1989
"Now that we are rid of this syndrome of imposing the communist model on people, now that we've given them the chance to get rid of this dogma, I have to tell you Americans that you've been pushing your American way of life for decades. You thought it was perfection itself, the ultimate achievement of human thought... There has to be a different approach... Americans have to be more modest in their desires. We have to stimulate human qualities in people rather than greed."
Mikhail Gorbachev From Red to Green Audubon magazine 1994
"Please remember one lesson of the 20th century. One cannot force happiness, impose happiness on nations by imposing any kind of utopia on others. The Communist model of society was a kind of imposed utopia for which the Russian people in particular paid a great price. Still, sometimes we see that attempts are being made to impose some other kind of model on the entire world - maybe a Westernized or Americanized model... This is not the way to go because this can only create conflict."
Mikhail Gorbachev Northeastern University 1998
"Socialism has a bad name in America, and no amount of wishful thinking on the part of the left is going to change that.... The words Economic Democracy are an adequate and effective replacement."
Derek Shearer cited in Reason 1982
"More socialism means more democracy, openness and collectivism in everyday life..."
Mikhail Gorbachev Perestroika - New Thinking for Our Country and the World 1988"This new and complete Revolution we contemplate can be defined in a very few words. It is (a) outright world-socialism, scientifically planned and directed, plus (b) a sustained insistence upon law, law based on a fuller, more jealously conceived restatement of the personal Rights of Man, plus (c) the completest freedom of speech, criticism, and publication, and a sedulous expansion of the educational organization to the ever growing demands of the new order....
Putting it at its compactest, it is the triangle of Socialism, Law, and Knowledge which frames the Revolution that may yet save the world."
H.G. Wells The New World Order 1939
"I would think that, if you understood what communism was, you would hope, you would pray on your knees that we would become communist."
Jane Fonda Michigan State University 1970
"Communism is one of the options that can improve people's lives."
Tom Hayden New York Times 1975
"I've always been a strong U.N. proponent.... Who was that guy who had the round table? Arthur? One for all, all for one."
Ted Turner CNN Interview with Larry King 1997"We will proceed toward better socialism rather than away from it. We are saying this honestly, without trying to fool our own people or the world. Any hopes that we will begin to build a different, non-socialist society and go over to the other camp are unrealistic and futile. Those in the West who expect us to give up socialism will be disappointed."
Mikhail Gorbachev Perestroika - New Thinking for Our Country and the World 1988
"The crisis [the Great Depression] discovered a great man in Franklin Roosevelt...None too soon he has carried America forward to the second stage of democratic realization. His New Deal involves such collective controls of the national business that it would be absurd to call it anything but socialism, were it not for a prejudice lingering on from the old individualist days against that word...Both Roosevelt and Stalin were attempting to produce a huge, modern, scientifically organized, socialist state, the one out of a warning crisis and the other out of a chaos..."
H.G. Wells The Fate of Man 1939
"I doubt if these two fine, active minds [President and Mrs. Roosevelt] have ever inquiried how it is they know what they know and think as they do. Nor have they ever thought of what they might have been if they had grown up in an entirely different culture. They have the disposition of all politicians world over to deal only with made opinion. They have never inquired how it is that opinion is made."
H.G. Wells The Fate of Man 1939
"The Soviet transition to a new political structure shows that the Soviet strategists are thinking, planning and acting in broad terms, way beyond the imagination of Western politicians. For this reason Western politicians cannot grasp the fact that the Soviet intention is to win by 'democratic' means. Through transition to a new system, the Soviets are revitalising their own people and institutions, and they are succeeding. Contrary to Western belief, they are holding their ranks together."
Anatoliy Golitsyn The Perestroika Deception 1990"But, you will say, we destroy the most hallowed of relations, when we replace home education by social....
The Communists have not invented the intervention of society in education; they do but seek to alter the character of that intervention, and to rescue education from the influence of the ruling class."
Karl Marx and Frederich Engels The Communist Manifesto 1888 edition
"10. Free education for all children in public schools... Combination of education with industrial production,"
Karl Marx and Frederich Engels The Communist Manifesto 1888 edition "Article 26 (1) Everyone has the right to education. Education shall be free, at least in the elementary and fundamental stages. Elementary education shall be compulsory. Technical and professional education shall be made generally available and higher education shall be equally accessible to all on the basis of merit."
United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights 1948
"The Information Age is, first and foremost, an education age, in which education must start at birth and continue throughout a lifetime. Last year, from this podium, I said that education has to be our highest priority. I have something to say to every family listening to us tonight: Your children can go on to college.... Because of the things that have been done, we can make college as universal in the 21st century as high school is today. And, my friends, that will change the face and future of America."
President William Clinton State of the Union Address 1998
"Now, there are more children, from more diverse backgrounds, in our public schools that any time in our history. Their education must provide the knowledge and nurture the creativity that will allow our entire nation to thrive in the new economy."
President William Clinton State of the Union Address 1999
- Democracy
Army Training Manual Concerning Citizenship 1928
"Armament should be an illegality everywhere, and some sort of international force should patrol a treaty-bound world. Partial armament is one of those absurdities dear to moderate-minded 'reasonable' men. Armament itself is making war. Making a gun, pointing a gun, and firing it are all acts of the same order. It should be illegal to construct anywhere upon earth any mechanism for the specific purpose of killing men. When you see a gun it is reasonable to ask: 'Whom is that intended to kill?'"
H.G. Wells The New World Order 1939
"...I would like to be clearly understood...we, the Soviet people, are for socialism.... We want more socialism and, therefore, more democracy."
Mikhail Gorbachev Perestroika - New Thinking for Our Country and the World 1988
"Hitler's dictatorship differed in one fundamental point from all its predecessors in history. It was the first dictatorship in the present period of modern technical development, a dictatorship which made complete use of all technical means for the domination of its own country. Through technical devices like the radio and the loud-speaker, eighty million people were deprived of independent thought. It was thereby possible to subject them to the will of one man..."
Albert Speer, Hitler's Minister for Armaments (at his trial after World War II)"It's my conviction that the human race has entered a stage where we are all dependent on each other. No other country or nation should be regarded in total separation from another, let alone pitted against another. That's what our communist vocabulary calls internationalism and it means promoting universal human values."
Mikhail Gorbachev Perestroika - New Thinking for Our Country and the World 1988
"Thanks to the leadership of Vice President Gore, we have a government for the Information Age, once again a government that is a progressive instrument of the common good, rooted in our oldest values of opportunity, responsibility and community, devoted to fiscal responsibility, determined to give our people the tools they need to make the most of their own lives in the 21st century, a 21st century government for 21st century America."
President William Clinton State of the Union Address 1999
"Tonight, I propose a 21st Century Crime Bill to deploy the latest technologies and tactics to make our communities even safer. Our balanced budget will help put up to 50,000 more police on the street in the areas hardest hit by crime, and then to equip them with new tools from crime-mapping computers to digital mug shots. We must break the deadly cycle of drugs and crime. "
President William Clinton State of the Union Address 1999
"In 1931, when Brave New World was being written, I was convinced that there was still plenty of time. The completely organized society, the scientific caste system, the abolition of free will by methodical conditioning, the servitude made acceptable by regular doses of chemically induced happiness, the orthodoxies drummed in by nightly courses of sleep-teaching - these things were coming all right, but not in my time, not even in the time of my grandchildren....Twenty-seven years later,...I feel a good deal less optimistic... In the West,...individual men and women still enjoy a large measure of freedom. But...this freedom and even the desire for this freedom seem to be on the wane."
Aldous Huxley Brave New World Revisited 1958"When I say that peace must be planned on a world basis, I mean quite literally that it must embrace the earth.... And it is inescapable that there can be no peace for any part of the world unless the foundations of peace are made secure throughout all parts of the world.... Its accomplishment depends primarily upon acceptance by the peoples of the world.... So unless today, while the war is being fought, the people of the United States and of Great Britain, of Russia and of China, and of all the other United Nations, fundamentally agree on their purposes, fine and idealistic expressions of hope such as those of the Atlantic Charter will live merely to mock us... They will become real only if the people of the world forge them into actuality."
Wendell L. Willkie One World 1943
"The Soviet strategy of 'perestroika' must be exposed because it is deceptive, aggressive and dangerous. Gorbachev and 'glastnost' have failed to reveal that'perestroika' is a world-wide political assault against the Western democracies.... It must be revealed that 'perestroika' is ... not just Soviet domestic renewal but a strategy for 'restructuring' the whole world.... Gorbachev's renunciation of ideological orthodoxy is not sincere or lasting, but a tactical manoeuvre in the cause of the strategy. The Soviets are not striving for genuine, lasting accommodation with the Western democracies but for the final world victory of Communism..."
Anatoliy Golitsyn The Perestroika Deception 1990"In this sense, the theory of the Communists may be summed up in the single sentence: Abolition of private property."
Karl Marx and Frederich Engels The Communist Manifesto 1888 edition
"1. Abolition of property in land and application of all rents of land to public purposes."
"3. Abolition of all right of inheritance."
"7. Extension of factories and instruments of production owned by the State; the bringing into cultivation of waste-lands, and the improvement of the soil generally in accordance with a common plan."
Karl Marx and Frederich Engels The Communist Manifesto 1888 edition "To keep global resource use within prudent limits while the poor raise their living standards, affluent societies need to consume less.
Population, consumption, technology, development, and the environment are linked in complex relationships that bear closely on human welfare in the global neighbourhood. Their effective and equitable management calls for a systemic, long-term, global approach guided by the principle of sustainable development, which has been the central lesson from the mounting ecological dangers of recent times. Its universal application is a priority among the tasks of global governance."
United Nations Our Global Neighborhood 1995
"This World Youth movement claims to represent and affect the politico-social activities of a grand total of forty million adherents - under the age of thirty...It may play an important and increasing role in the consolidation of a new world order."
H.G. Wells The Fate of Man 1939
"Directly we grasp this not very obscure truth that there can be, and are, different sorts of money dependent on the economic usages or system in operation, which are not really interchangeable, then it becomes plain that a collectivist world order, whose fundamental law is such a Declaration of Rights as we have sketched, will have to carry on its main, its primary operations at least with a new world money, a specially contrived money, differing in its nature from any sort of money conventions that have hitherto served human needs. It will be issued against the total purchaseable output of the community in return for the workers' services to the community."
H.G. Wells The New World Order 1939
"It is a historic fact, recurrent enough to be called an economic law, that capitalism, which builds up great civilisations, also wrecks them if persisted in beyond a certain point. It is easy to demonstrate on paper that civilisation can be saved and immensely developed by, at the right moment, discarding capitalism and changing the private property profiteering state into the common property distributive state.... Not until the two main tenets of socialism: abolition of private property (which must not be confused with personal property), and equality of income, have taken hold of the people as religious dogmas, as to which no controversy is regarded as sane, will a stable socialist state be possible."
George Bernard Shaw Socialism 1926 Encyclopedia Britannica
"A really efficient totalitarian state would be one in which the all-powerful executive of political bosses and their army of managers control a population of slaves who do not have to be coerced, because they love their servitude. To make them love it is the task assigned, in present-day totalitarian states, to ministries of propaganda, newspaper editors and schoolteachers.... The greatest triumphs of propaganda have been accomplished, not by doing something, but by refraining from doing. Great is truth, but still greater, from a practical point of view, is silence about truth."
Aldous Huxley Brave New World foreword to 1946 edition
"If most of the divisions and barriers of the period of the sovereign states had disappeared, if there were no longer castles, fortifications, boundaries and strategic lines to be traced, there were still many indications that the world was under control and still not quite sure of its own good behaviour. The carefully planned system of aerodromes to prevent any untoward developments of the free private flying that had been tolerated after 2040 was such an indication, and so was the strategic import plainly underlying the needlessly wide main roads that left no possible region of insurrection inaccessable. From the air or on a map it was manifest that the world was still 'governed'. The road system was like a net cast over a dangerous beast."
H.G. Wells The Shape of Things to Come 1936
"The Party seeks power entirely for its own sake. We are not interested in the good of others; we are interested solely in power. Not wealth or luxury or long life or happiness; only power, pure power....Power is not a means; it is an end. One does not establish a dictatorship in order to safeguard a revolution; one makes the revolution in order to establish the dictatorship....
If you want a picture of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face - forever."
O'Brien to Winston
George Orwell 1984 1949
"To that world assembly of sovereign states, the United Nations, our last best hope in an age where the instruments of war have far outpaced the instruments of peace, we renew our pledge of support - to prevent it from becoming merely a forum for invective - to strengthen its shield of the new and the weak - and to enlarge the area in which its writ may run."
John F. Kennedy Inaugural Address 1961
"To destroy arms, however, is not enough. We must create even as we destroy - creating world-wide law and law enforcement as we outlaw world-wide war and weapons."
John F. Kennedy Future of the United Nations Organizations 1961 "In addition, the United States Delegation will suggest a series of steps to improve the United Nations machinery for the peaceful settlement of disputes... - for extending the rule of international law. For peace is not solely a matter of military or technical problems - it is primarily a problem of politics and people."
John F. Kennedy Future of the United Nations Organizations 1961
"The new century demands new partnerships for peace and security. The United Nations plays a crucial role, with allies sharing burdens America might otherwise bear alone. America needs a strong and effective U.N. I want to work with this new Congress to pay our dues and our debts. We must continue to support security and stability in Europe and Asia – expanding NATO and defining its new missions, maintaining our alliance with Japan, with Korea, with our other Asian allies, and engaging China."
President William Clinton State of the Union Address 1999"Ultimately, our objective is to welcome the Soviet Union back into the world order.
Perhaps the world order of the future will truly be a family of nations."
President George Bush Texas A&M University 1989
"We have before us the opportunity to forge for ourselves and for future generations a new world order, a world where the rule of law, not the rule of the jungle, governs the conduct of nations. When we are successful, and we will be, we have a real chance at this new world order, an order in which a credible United Nations can use its peacekeeping role to fulfill the promise and vision of the U.N.'s founders."
President George Bush 1991
"For two centuries we've done the hard work of freedom. And tonight we lead the world in facing down a threat to decency and humanity. What is at stake is more than one small country, it is a big idea - a new world order, where diverse nations are drawn together in common cause to achieve the universal aspirations of mankind: peace and security, freedom, and the rule of law. Such is a world worthy of our struggle, and worthy of our children's future."
President George Bush State of the Union Address 1991
"We will succeed in the Gulf. And when we do, the world community will have sent an enduring warning to any dictator or despot, present or future, who contemplates outlaw aggression. The world can therefore seize this opportunity to fufill the long-held promise of a new world order - where brutality will go unrewarded, and aggression will meet collective resistance."
President George Bush State of the Union Address 1991"We must establish a new world order based on justice, on equity, and on peace."
Fidel Castro United Nations 1979
"We are moving toward a new world order, the world of communism. We shall never turn off that road."
Mikhail Gorbachev 1987
"Two centuries ago our forefathers brought forth a new nation; now we must join with others to bring forth a new world order."
The Declaration of Interdependence 1976
"National Socialism will use its own revolution for establishing of a new world order."
Adolph Hitler during World War II
"Our nation is uniquely endowed to play a creative and decisive role in the new order which is taking form around us."
Henry Kissinger Seattle Post Intelligence 1975
Saturday, 15 August 2009
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