Wed 10 Jun 2009 Bat Ye’or Then came the oil crisis in 1973 with a quadrupling of oil prices, which the Arabs were blamed for, although Sheik Yamani was the one who really tried to keep price rises down. Many believe it was a double-tongued Henry Kissinger who had the price increased on behalf of oil corporations (Andreas von Rétyi, Bilderberger, Kopp Verlag, 2006). This is quite incredible – and not least that our media has told us nothing about it – but even seems to be in this plot against us. Any of my contacting the media about the Euromediterranean initially aroused great interest among journalists – and was then hushed up. In the following, I shall report on the development from Eurabia to the Union for the Mediterranean. To which Bat Ye’or will not consent: By the year 1200 A.D. Muslims in ”Golden Andalusia” had eradicated Christianity – crucifying rebels, forcing Christian captives from their many raids into Christian countries to be soldiers and harem odalisques. In 1998, speaking in the Ismaeli center in London the British Foreign Secretary, Robin Cook, said: “It is a wonderful reminder here in the heart of London that our cultural roots are not only Greek and Roman – but as much Islamic. Islamic art, science and philosophy has helped to create the ones we are today and our thinking.” II: The Barcelona Declaration was signed in Barcelona in 1995 between all EU countries and 10 “partner” countries: Morocco, Algeria, Tunis, Egypt, Palestinian Autonomy, Israel, Jordan, Syria, Lebanon, Turkey. Like the Union for the Mediterranean it is a declaration of intent – not judicially binding. However, the EU does see it as binding. The Arabs have taken what was advantageous to them – and disregarded the obligations. 1. Political Part 2. Economic Part 3. Cultural and social Part The European Neighbourhood Policy supports – beside Euromediterranean partners – the Eastern European Partnership. The ENP in the period of 2007-2013 will cost 12 billion euros euros + something incalculable. EU CommissionerBenita Ferrero Waldner to the Alliance of Civilizations, Madrid 15 01.2008/EU Press Release: EU and the Alliance of Civilizations are working towards the same goal … promotion of intercultural understanding, whether it be through our political dialogues, or through specific initiatives such as the Interfaith Dialogue. III: The 6. Euromediterranean Foreign Ministers´ Conference Naples on 2.-3. December 2003 The Anna Lindh Foundation – based in Alexandria / Egypt The Anna Lindh Foundation was created in collaboration between the UNESCO, ALECSO, the EU and the Council of Europe, and the cooperation continues: “ALF’s Euro-Mediterranean teacher education programme was created in May 2006 in cooperation with ALECSO and the Council of Europe. It trains teachers from the Euro-Med countries, giving them teaching skills and materials about cultural and religious diversity.” According to the Charter of the ISESCO its task is to Media Culture Education “Images of the Middle East” – a major international cultural festival, with HRH Prince Joachim as patron. It would be the largest of its kind in the world with a focus on the Middle East. The Arab League shall be invited to the meetings of the Union for the Mediterranean, in pursuance of its participation in the Barcelona Process. Projects The EU-Morocco Action Plan is also interesting VII 20. Interfaith Meeting – an EU tool as declared by Benita Ferrero Waldner. It is not only in the political sphere that global collection efforts are under way. VIII Demography DK Ebbe Vig/Danmarks Statistik: Non-Western immigrants will be in the majority in Denmark some time between 2035– 2047. Categories: UncategorizedThe EUMED Process 1: From Eurabia to the Union for The Mediterranean, Survey Of A Taboo——–All Performed Behind YOUR Back!!!
June 10, 2009 · 8 Comments
On 26 May 2009, I delivered a speech on theEuromediterranean Process: the Union for the Mediterranean in the Danish Parliamentary building – under the auspices of the SIOE. This is my manuskript – headword-like in places.
“What I know about the Euromediterranean is not inside knowledge – but what I have picked up from EU press releases, EU websites – and there are many of them – as well as from pdf. files on larger events. Unfortunately, the EU has begun to remove some of the most important pdf. files from the internet. However, I have got copies.
But let me begin briefly with the historian, Bat Ye’or, who has written an impressive work, Eurabia (2005), in which she goes through all the harrowing meetings where “our” politicians have been sitting in meeting after meeting with the Arabs – and sold us and our culture to Islam, even pandering to the Arabs and disdainfully tearing our culture to pieces.
Charles de Gaulle was angry at not being invited to the Yalta Conference in 1945.
He wanted to hold his place against the Anglo-saxons and govern a strong Europe by means of 1. The Paris-Bonn axis 2. Nuclear-weapons 3. Including former French colonies into the European cooperation. This became a cornerstone of French foreign policy.
On December 15, 1973, the EC held a summit meeting here in Copenhagen. 4 Arab foreign ministers were invited, and it seems that the EEC-leaders dropped on their knees before the Arabs, asking for reasonable oil prices – which was partially granted.
But the conditions were grim: We had to take a substantial part of the Muslim birth surplus as “migrant workers” – and provide them with family reunification. Also to expand knowledge of Arabic language and culture in Europe.
I have addressed and forwarded material to 6 Danish parlamentarians, 3 ministers and 1 EU parlamentarian3 newspapers. And I asked EU Commissioner Margot Wallström in person about the Euromediterranean Process: No comments – she just crimsoned. I have distributed this flyer and its revised 2. edition to all members of the Danish Parliament twice: No reaction.
But first I will quote 3 statements to show what is going on in the heads of the politicians who are selling us off to Islam.
I: Tony Blair, 9. dec. 2006: “A Muslim could one day be prime rminister.”
Tony Blair “A Global Alliance For Global Values” 2006 :The most remarkable thing about reading the Koran – in so far as it can be truly translated from the original Arabic – is to understand how progressive it is. I speak with great diffidence and humility as a member of another faith. I am not qualified to make any judgements. But as an outsider, the Koran strikes me as a reforming book, trying to return Judaism and Christianity to their origins, rather as reformers attempted with the Christian Church centuries later. It is inclusive. It extols science and knowledge and abhors superstition. It is practical and way ahead of its time in attitudes to marriage, women and governance. Under the guidance of the Qur’an, the spread of Islam and its dominance over previously Christian or pagan lands was “breathtaking. Over centuries it founded an Empire, leading the world in discovery, art and culture. We look back to the early Middle Ages, the standard bearers of tolerance at that time were far more likely to be found in Muslim lands than in Christian.“
The Muslims believe Islam is the “original religion” – Judaism and Christianity degenerate side shoots – which Tony Blair, EU´s president to be, too, would like to be brought back to the “original religion”, Islam!!!Bat Ye ‘or “Eurabia”, 2005 –Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe , Sept. 1991.
President of the European Parliament’s Committee for Youth, Culture, Education, Sports and Media, Roberto Barzanti emphasized Islam’s cultural superiority over Erope, expressed admiration for the Madrassa system (Islamic religious school system which bred the Taliban) and stressed that it should serve as a model for the Erasmus program.
And he praised Ibn Malik, and similar persons of ”Golden Andalusia”, the EU´s ideal – who imposed the severest restrictions on Non-Muslims – and an Nawawi, who advocated infidel men to be killed and their women and children to be made slaves. Whereupon the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe adopted numerous recommendations concerning the development of Arab and Islamic Studies in various areas such as education, media and culture.Peace, stability and security and shared prosperity in the Mediterranean.
Respect for human rights, democracy.
Ensure freedom of expression,
of religion, without discrimination based on race, nationality, language, religion or sex;
Combat manifestations of intolerance, racism and xenophobia.
Free Trade Area: The parties have set 2010 as the target date for gradual establishment of this area which will cover most trade.
Trade in services, including right of establishment, will be gradually liberalized.
Partnership in social, cultural and human fields. Dialogue and respect between cultures and religions is a necessary precondition for bringing people closer together (What for?).
cultures are a source of mutual enrichment;
promoting exchanges of culture and people and knowledge of other languagesEnhance and promote the partnership.”This initiative offers the EU’s neighbouring partners, in exchange for tangible political and economic reforms, gradual integration into the expanded European internal market and the possibility of ultimately reaching the EU’s four fundamental freedoms: free movement of goods, services, capital and people.” Confirmed on Aug. 29, 2007 by the Danish prime minister.
Creation of a Euro-Mediterranean Foundation for Dialogue between Cultures (the Anna Lindh Foundation),
a Euro-Mediterranean Parlamentary Assembly,
and a reinforced European Investment Bank (EIB) to invest in the region.
The Sunday Express 11 October 2008: The EU has set up a first recruiting office in Mali. Will get 56 million African workers + families to the EU from Africa by 2050 to make up for our demographic imbalance.
Morocco is the first ”partner” to have attained this advanced status.
The first ALF Director Traugott Schoefthaler: “Cultural policies must avoid schematic concepts such as the popular distinction between “us” and “them”. They (UN Secretary-General of the Cuelhar and Amin Maalouf) even warn against using the phrase “the other” as it opens the door to imposing collective identities on the individual (Christianity, nationality).”
Last year the ALF ran “1001 Actions” for cultural diversity.IV: The Danish Center for Culture and Development (DCCD) of the Foreign Ministry.A course in manipulation. This is a programme to abolish Danish culture. Our Foreign Minister has taken over Danish domestic /educational policy.
Olaf G. Hansen’s speech in Rabat, 13 June 2005.
The Danish Center for Culture and Development was a co-sponsor of this (Rabat) conference.
Additional sponsors: Patron: His Majesty King Mohamed VI of Morocco. Further sponsors were the UNESCO, OIC, ISESCO, ALECSO and the Anna Lindh Foundation. Attended by the Council of Europe as observer.
4h) support the efforts of the educational, scientific and cultural institutions for Muslims in non-Member States of ISESCO (i.e. preventing integration).
5a) To devise plans and support … to develop Islamic culture and publicize it, and to disseminate the teaching of Arabic to non-Arabic speakers all over the world, being the language of the Holy Quran (.a mission command). The DCCU made a cooperation agreement with the ISESCO on 27 May, 2005!
“cultural journalism” in the daily practice in the media instead of traditional “news journalism” to give higher priority to cultural and social portraits of everyday life, human history, which can cause identification, fascination and – inter-cultural understanding.
“images” in the media and public spaces that challenge the stereotypical “images” we all have about people from other cultures.
“intercultural competencies” in the training of new generations of journalists in journalism schools.
exchanges of journalists, editors, media institutions here and in partner countries.
Without a strong “cultural management and administration” there will be only a few sustainable activities as a tool for dialogue.
Multicultural education in school curricula.
multicultural education for teachers, etc.
multicultural curriculum through new educational materials and revision of existing textbooks (to extinguish texts about us being Danes, Germans, British etc.).
school links and exchanges as a way to promote cross-cultural learning and global ethical content in schools.
Music, theater, dance, film, literature, visual arts, photography, design, architecture, publications and a major program in schools / education and a program with the media, both TV, radio and interactive media.
More than 400 artists, journalists and educators from the Middle East would participate in all major cities in Denmark (only 9 in reality).
Coincides with a greater focus on national television, radio and interactive media on the Middle
It is intended to present the rich cultures of the entire region from the Mahgreb, the Middle East proper, and the Gulf of Iran. Israel was excluded at the command of Saudi Arabia. The Danish Foreign Ministry complied.The leader of the “Images” is very frustrated at the lack of media interest. A teacher tells me the DCCD multiculture has not reached her school – but teachers are angry at the way female teachers are being treated by immigrant boys.V: 13 July 2008, The Barcelona Process: Union for the Mediterranean, based on the Barcelona Declaration was declared in Paris.
Heads of State and Government reiterated the complete rejection of attempts to associate any religion or culture with terrorism.
Participants: The EU + “partner” countries concerned: Algeria; Egypt; Israel; Jordan; Lebanon; Mauritania; Monaco;Morocco; Palestinian Authority; Syria; Tunisia. Croatia and Turkey, negotiating candidate countries to the EU: Albania, Bosnia-Herzegovina and Montenegro.
Refrain from developing military capacity beyond their legitimate defence requirements/ EU about to establish a man expeditionary force for world foci!!!
respect for all religions and beliefs
promote legal immigration in the interest of all parties concerned – combat illegal immigration – by legalizing illegal immigration!! In 2004 650.000 immigrants to the EU were refused, just 164.000 returned from the EU.
Independent of enlargement policy.
increase the potential of regional integration and cohesion … .
governance on an equal footing between partners.
The Euro-Mediterranean partnership is driven in all its aspects by the principle of (secret agreements without or knowledge) consensus. State and Government summit meetings every 2 years. Annual Foreign Ministers´conferences will review progress.
Funding: private sector participation; contributions from the EU budget and all partners; contributions from other countries, international financial institutions and regional entities; the Euro-Mediterranean Investment and Partnership Facility (FEMIP); the ENPI Euro-Med envelope, the Neighbourhood Investment Facility
The Euro-Mediterranean Parliamentary Assembly will be the legitimate parliamentary expression of the Union for the Mediterranean (What legitimacy?)50% parlamentarians from the EU, 50% from the “partner” countries.
The Anna Lindh Foundation for the Dialogue between cultures stands for the cultural dimension.
One of the 2 co-presidents will be from the EU and the other from the Mediterranean partner countries.
Purification of the Mediterranean Sea, and inland highways, development of Motorways of the Sea, and modernization of the trans-European Maghreb trains will increase the flow and the free movement of people and goods. The Gibraltar Tunnel is expected to be finished in 2025. Civil Protection: Alternative energy, the Mediterranean Solar Plan. Higher Education and Research, Euro-Mediterranean University (Slovenia).VI: Morocco close to EU-similar membership. EU Press Release October 13, 2008: Gradual integration of Morocco into a number of EU sectoral policies, and development of intercultural exchanges.
material support.
EU-Morocco agreement mechanism at high ministerial level,
Morocco may be present in the wings of certain EU Council ministerial or working group meetings, crisis management, etc.
closer relations between the European Parliament and the Moroccan Chamber of Representatives, professional, economic and social councils and between Morocco and the Council of Europe.
“Enlargement of the European Union, which came into force on 1 May 2004, has led to profound changes in the political, geographical, economic and social situation in the EU allowing to consolidate and deepen relations with its neighbors to the east and south.” No one told us about that danger at the time of the enlargement! Halal Institute Bankimg (Spain and London)
visa facilitation in line with EU law;
Development of transport and connection to the trans-European transport network liberalize establishment and foreign investment, trade and services, capital: (Arab capital can now easier buy our media and banks).
Free movement of persons, particularly workers and the coordination of social security.
Information campaigns in Morocco on legal migration opportunities in the EU (including family reunification, equal treatment and integration of immigrants)
Promoting language learning and disseminate Moroccan culture in Europe.In 2002, the current EU Commissioner Louis Michel told the Belgian Parliament that the EU would include Northern Africa and the Middle East. Barroso described the EU as an empirewhose laws shall extend beyond the borders of Europe.
Since 1986, the Pope holds annual Interfaith meetings where leaders of world religions for 2 days are praying to what they believe to be their commongod – a totally unchristian political concept. The EU has organized the Asia-Europe meetings, which also have a strong ASEM-Interfaith mission. The EU´s coming President, Tony Blair´s Faith Foundation, too, uses the untrue imagination of a common god as a tool to promote the New World Order.
Gordon Brown’s “Emerging New World Order” (video) (G20 meeting) is the background.”
Thursday, 13 August 2009
Posted by
Britannia Radio
jameshigham // June 10, 2009 at 2:20 pm |
I came to learn here. I learnt.
centurean2 // June 10, 2009 at 3:05 pm |
James, it’s truly a very scary prospect that in 2010 these secret deals come together.
Free Trade with approx 11 Arab areas which also means free movement.
That was in the Barcelona Declaration.
I saw details before the EU removed the article where our farmers would become extint to enable Arab lands to grow food.
This was all signed upto to by the Tory party in 1995/6 Malcolm Rifkin.
Dennis Mc Shane then took over the EUMED Project when Blair was elected in 97.
My own MP Labour refused to answer my questions regarding the EUMED in 2007.
As did my then Tory MEP the same year.
I joined SIOE, Anders refers to just after their refusal to reply.
Having seen all the proof with my own eyes,
when i say: we are dictated to by Arabs via the EU it’s not idle gossip.
I have a theory as to why the EU never have their books audited, it would be difficult to explain to the UK and European populations, why Trillions of our taxes are hand over to Arab states.
Anders is a really good man, his research is first class, all he cares about is the truth to inform anyone willing to listen.
He’s approached the Danish PM years ago regarding this deceit, publishing all his and the PMs correspondants.
At least unlike here the PM did aknowledge the existance of the EU/ARAB Axis.
What a desperate situation this poor country is in!
We have in Westminster nothing more than Traitor’s.
centurean2 // June 10, 2009 at 5:08 pm |
Growing number of Brits say “peace” to the U.K.( BRITAIN is facing a mass exodus of people looking to escape the crime and grime of modern living.
The country’s biggest foreign visa consultancy firm has revealed that applications have soared in the last seven months by 80 per cent to almost 4,000 a week. Ten years ago the figure was just 300 a week.
Most people are relocating within the Commonwealth – in Australia, Canada and South Africa. They are almost all young professionals and skilled workers aged 20-40.
And many cite their reason for wanting to quit as immigration to these shores – and the burden it is placing on their communities and local authorities. The dearth of good schools, spiralling house prices, rising crime and tax increases are also driving people away.
Skilled labour is obviously an advantage, but so is speaking the English language. Most countries are harder to get into if you don’t speak English. UK plc simply isn’t fighting hard enough to keep its people. Some are telling us they are fed up with living in this country. Even business people are saying they’ve had enough.
“They’re saying ‘I can’t put my children into the right school, but if I move abroad I can’. Most people are very patriotic and don’t want to leave. They’re almost terrified about it. But they say they just have to.
“It’s a shame people at the top don’t recognise they’re not doing enough to retain highly skilled workers in this country. A lot of them are quite young, and they’re not idle. They just can’t see a future for themselves in this country. They want to get married and settle down and buy homes, but they can’t see it happening here.
“And time and time again they are saying to us they don’t want to be seen as racist because they are quitting because of immigration. We tell them of course they’re not.â€(more…)
If we do not get a handle on ILLEGAL immigration in this country, you will see the same thing here. Ask any Californian.
Sphere: Related Content
Posted by Duane On August – 8 – 2007
centurean2 // June 10, 2009 at 5:18 pm |
One of the founders of Fabiamism in England 1884 was George Bernard Shaw.
Since writing the following we’ve all noticed the constant drip,drip of islam over our lives. especially the lives of our school children.
Sir Bernard Shaw in The Genuine Islam, Singapore, Vol. 1, No. 8, 1936:
“If any religion had the chance of ruling over England, nay Europe within the next hundred years, it would be Islam.”
1936 to 2009…………Fabians are completing their founder’s wish.
Well done, Labour voters….wheeling into Westminster the trojan horse,
That has brought about the ruination of Britain and her people’s
Like all contagous diseases it spread across all the parties.
centurean2 // June 10, 2009 at 5:23 pm |
Without asking our permission again-first he gives us Eurabia and now the NWO….How happy his Fabian bankers must be.
The Fabian Tool Brownski…
centurean2 // June 10, 2009 at 5:26 pm |
Monday, October 20, 2008
Will Elite Europeans Convert to Islam?
by Baron Bodissey
This morning reader sent a response to last night’s post:
I’ve read some of your post about the Muslim immigration in the west, and the dire situation in Europe and what will happen when Muslims are in a strong enough position to vie for power in Europe/some European countries. You asked in one comment how this power transfer will take place and gave some good points about that. One thing I’ve been thinking about is the following:
It seems to me that the present leaders, in power or opposition, has one over-arching goal, their own power to rule in Europe. With the trend of European mainstream politicians becoming more and more sensitive and accommodating to a growing and restive Muslim population, a commenter once said the politicians are seeing the writing on the wall. They know their future voter majority in many countries if present trends are holding. My question in view of this is the following:
With a ruling elite who cling to power, do you not think they will be among the early converts to Islam when the demographic trends start to have a real impact on public life? That will ensure the elite of continuing power to rule! Their god is not Christian, atheist or Muslim, but their “god” is their own power. And what a better god for the public than the Muslim variety, if that comes to pass, to ensure power and the legal means to impose their rule on the population? Was that the plan when the EU and mass-immigration once started? No! I don’t believe that. But, as you’ve noted, these things have a tendency to take on a life of their own and with time the opportunities to rule change and those who have the best abilities to change with time are the ones most likely to gain/remain in power. If indeed that is their goal. Maybe it’s not a question of power transfer as much as a public-display-allegiance-transfer for the elite, whose real agenda stay the same and as hidden as before from the public eye.
- – – - – – – – -
And one can meditate on the public reaction at this point — if that scenario ever were to happen. Will there be protests? Sure, from some, certainly in some countries. But from the majority? I’m not so sure when we look to countries that have been trained in thinking of an elite that are benevolent to their subjects and the said elites are explaining that this is the best for social cohesion in the land. Case in view, Britain. Who would have thought they would become so absurd in their own re-shaping and accommodating 40 years ago?
So, in a sense I agree with your answer to:
“What Will the Western World Look Like?……the power structure will remain the same, but the players will all be Muslims.”
Hat tip Gates of Vienna
centurean2 // June 10, 2009 at 5:36 pm |
Take the time to read- how the Westminster Traitors stuffed you all up forever!
The young that don’t emigrate they send off to fight false Fabian wars, keeping the armed forces well out of harms way—To their treasonous deeds!!
centurean2 // June 10, 2009 at 6:03 pm |
Blair and Co, would have seen this as a way of bringing in more revenue……….
September 27, 2005
Britain’s 200-year jihad
On my travels for the past few days, I have been reading a book which tells the story of a quite astonishing part of British history of which I was previously unaware. In ‘White Gold’, Giles Milton records the appalling details — gleaned,it appears, from a wealth of historical documents including diaries and letters — of a seaborne Islamic jihad against Britain which lasted for no less than two centuries.
From the early seventeenth to nineteenth centuries, thousands of British men women and children were kidnapped by Arab corsairs and sold into slavery in Morocco where they were kept in conditions of unspeakable barbarism. The astounding thing is that these British victims were not merely seized at sea where they ran the gauntlet of such pirates in places such as the Straits of Gibraltar. They were actually abducted from Britain itself.
Corsairs from a place in Morocco called Sale — who became known in Britain as the ‘Sally Rovers’ — sailed up the Cornish coast in July 1625, for example, came ashore dressed in djellabas and wielding damascene scimitars, burst into the parish church at Mount’s Bay and dragged out 60 men women and children whom they shipped off to Morocco. Thousands more Britons were seized from their villages or their ships and dispatched to the hell-holes of the Moroccan slave pens, from where they were forced to work all hours in appalling conditions building the vast palace of the monstrous and psychopathic Sultan, Moulay Ismail, who tortured and butchered them at whim. Most of them perished, but the book records the survival of a tenacious Cornish boy Thomas Pellow, who survived 23 years of this ordeal and whose descendant, Lord Exmouth, finally ended the white slave trade when he destroyed Algiers in 1816.
The book makes clear that this assault upon the British people (and upon Europeans and Americans who were similarly seized) was a jihad. The Sally Rovers, writes Milton, were called ‘al-ghuzat’– the term once used for the soldiers who fought with the Prophet — and were hailed as religious warriors engaged in a holy war against the infidel Christians who were pressurised to convert to Islam under threat of hideous punishment. What is even more striking was the response of the British crown. For almost two centuries, it made only the most ineffectual attempts to rescue its enslaved subjects. Those who had succumbed to the torture and inhumanity of the Sultan and converted to Islam were deemed to be no longer British and therefore outside the scope of any rescue. The pleas of Pellow’s parents were simply brushed aside. Popular outrage forced successive Kings to dispatch a series of feeble emissaries to try to get the Sultan to end this vile traffic and release the slaves, all to no avail.
But this went on for virtually two centuries. For almost 200 years the British state either sat on its hands or wrung them impotently while the Islamic jihad seized, enslaved and butchered its people. And then it appears, this staggering onslaught was all but airbrushed out of our history.
Food for disquieting thought.
Posted by melanie at September 27, 2005