Wednesday, 12 August 2009

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ISLAM & THE END TIMES PART II - By Joel Richardson

Muslim fervor and expectations of the coming Muslim Caliphate (recent conferences in London and Chicago) are at an all-time high. Many Muslims are actually carefully planning and preparing the way. Both Islam and Christianity have many prophecies and expectations regarding the End Times. The interesting thing is that many of the descriptions correspond between the two religions. The similarities shared by Al Mahdi and the Biblical Antichrist is breathtaking to say the least and should be considered by any serious student of Biblical prophecy. This DVD will challenge you to examine the role of Islam in Bible Prophecy from the Islamic Antichrist perspective.

Session One: Steve Moutria discusses the Rapture
Session Two: Introduction to the Islamic End Time Paradigm
Session Three: Ezekiel 38, 39 Battle of Gog and Magog Part I
Session Four: Ezekiel 38, 39 Battle of Gog and Magog Part II
Session Five: The Beast: Identifying the coming Antichrist Empire
Session Six: Question and Answer

Purchase this DVD here

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