The primary concern about the outbreak of swine flu is, overwhelmingly, the possible loss of life. 02 Aug 2009 Are we on the way out of recession or still stuck in it? Economists have been falling over themselves to be the first to call the recovery, but it is beginning to look as though they are too early. 26 Jul 2009 Last week's Walker Report on corporate governance raised many issues and made many suggestions, but the ones that have gained the most attention surround the vexed question of bankers' pay. 19 Jul 2009 In the run-up to last week's G8 summit it came across loud and clear that the Chinese, and with them many in India, Russia and elsewhere, are questioning whether the dollar can – or should – remain as the world's de facto international money. 12 Jul 2009 At Thursday's Monetary Policy Committee meeting, interest rates will surely be kept at their record low of 0.5pc. 05 Jul 2009 Slack in the economy will be keeping price pressures well contained, without the need for higher rates, says Roger Bootle. 28 Jun 2009 City scribblers have been falling over themselves to revise up their forecasts. Supposedly, the recession is over. But is it, asksRoger Bootle. 21 Jun 2009 Just about everything in the economy is inter-related. No sooner do you think that you can see the way ahead than the reaction to a previous change comes along and hits you in the face, writes Roger Bootle. 14 Jun 2009 As the meltdown of the Government has been gathering pace against the backdrop of the continuing saga of MPs' expenses, another financial scandal has been rumbling on: the appalling state of the UK's public finances, writes Roger Bootle. 07 Jun 2009 When the panic about the world economy was at its peak last autumn, one thing which troubled the markets was the prospect of deflation. 31 May 2009 Don't laugh. Last week saw some unexpected good news. Indeed, if you looked only at the retail sales figures, you wouldn't know that we are in a recession. What on earth is going on, asks Roger Bootle. 24 May 2009 A low pound is essential for the UK's economic recovery and should be a political priority, writes Roger Bootle 17 May 2009Roger Bootle
Roger Bootle is one of the City's leading economists. In his column he sheds light on how the UK and world economies are performing and the challenges facing the world's policymakers.
How real is the danger that swine flu will derail economic recovery?
Recovery could catch a cold from swine flu - or a range of other nasties
Pay and rations in banking: do bankers deserve what they get?
History suggests it could be decades before the dollar is dislodged
The Bank of England should be given the binoculars it needs to spot the next asset bubble in waiting
We can afford to keep interest rates at record low for many years
There are still serious structural weaknesses in the UK economy
The rebound in oil and commodity prices could derail the global economic recovery
Let's have a five-year public spending freeze to kill off big government
Don't write off the deflation danger just yet
Beware false dawns, the consumer downturn is still in its early stages
A weak pound is essential for UK's recovery
Sunday, 16 August 2009
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Britannia Radio