But Thompson noted that the report also targeted as "potential terrorists" Americans who:
- Oppose abortion
- Oppose same-sex marriage
- Oppose restrictions on firearms
- Oppose lax immigration laws
- Oppose the policies of President Obama regarding immigration, citizenship, and the expansion of social programs
- Oppose continuation of free trade agreements
- Are suspect of foreign regimes
- Fear Communist regimes
- Oppose a "one world" government
- Bemoan the decline of U.S. stature in the world
- Are upset with loss of U.S. manufacturing jobs to China and India, and more
Thompson told WND no apology has been offered to the members of any of those classes of citizens.
Thompson said the original "extremism" report was "the tip of the iceberg. … Conservative Americans should be very outraged."
The Reality Of FEMA Camps And The Martial Law Apparatus | |
Published on 02-02-2009 | |
Source: www.roguegovernment.com By - Lee Rogers
Last week we were the first to break news of legislation proposed in Congress by Representative Alcee Hastings (D-FL) that would legalize and authorize the construction of National Emergency Centers on open and closed military bases which would be run by the Federal Emergency Management Agency otherwise known as FEMA. It is already confirmed that infrastructure which could possibly be used in this capacity is already available to the U.S. government. So for all intents and purposes this bill will essentially provide the legal capacity for them to use already existing facilities as emergency centers. It also provides the government the authority to create additional facilities on closed and open military reservations so long as a minimum of 6 emergency centers are built to fulfill the needs of the FEMA regions designated in the bill. The language in the bill also authorizes the Secretary of Homeland Security to use these facilities for whatever purpose that the Secretary believes is necessary. So if the Secretary wanted to use them as concentration camps, death camps or torture facilities, the language in the bill authorizes that activity. We also have a declassified U.S. Army document posted on the U.S. Army’s official web site outlining U.S. Army Regulation 210-35 which describes standard operating procedures on how to setup a Civilian Inmate Labor Program. Although the document focuses in on using individuals that are already in civilian prisons for the purposes of the program, the standard operating procedures included in this document could be used for political dissidents or anyone for that matter who are taken to National Emergency facilities on military reservations. Additionally, in the 1980s it was reported that Oliver North had assisted FEMA in drafting preparations for civil defense. The plans included the suspension of the U.S. Constitution, the imposition of martial law, internment camps, turning control of state and local governments to military commanders and giving dictator like powers to FEMA in the event of a national emergency including events such as nuclear war and widespread political dissent. This news was reported by the Akron Beacon Journal, the Miami Heraldand other publications on and after July 5th 1987. North himself was questioned about this report during the Iran-Contra scandal by Congressman Jack Brooks but was stopped by the committee Chairman because it touched upon classified information. With the creation of the Department of Homeland Security and U.S. Northern Command in 2002, the federal government has even more tools to use to quell dissent during a time of civil strife. U.S. Northern Command now has a full brigade of troops at their disposal to deploy domestically. Additionally, an agreement between U.S. Northern Command and Canada Command has been signed without any sort of Congressional approval allowing Canadian military troops to enter the United States during a number of declared civil emergencies. On top of that, the Department of Homeland Security is providing grants at the local level to militarize police forces and setup a technological infrastructure to provide additional capabilities to track and trace the American people. FEMA according to a report from the Associated Press has even been looking into ways to expand their capabilities of transporting large quantities of people via train during emergencies. This is particularly disturbing since this was the preferred method of transportation used by the Nazis to transport Jews to the concentration camps during World War II. It is simply impossible to dismiss all of these separate reports as pure coincidence. There is a definitive push to setup a fully functioning apparatus that will be used in a time of civil strife or any sort of national emergency to have the capability to round up large groups of people and put them in FEMA run detention camps. It is important to note that this is not some sort of left-wing conspiracy to round up people who don’t like Barack Obama as Family Security Matters believes. Both Republicans and Democrats have been behind this agenda for several decades, as all of this information indicates. It is true that nobody knows with 100% certainty if the government will round up large numbers of political dissidents during a time of civil strife. However, they are certainly building the infrastructure to do it. With the global economy collapsing around the world, there will naturally be an increasing amount of dissent the worse the economy gets. The protests in Iceland, France, Greece and in other countries is evidence of this. As a result, all of this information should be of great concern to the American people. After all, it is doubtful that they are getting this infrastructure ready if they didn’t think that they might have to use it in the future. |