Saturday, August 01, 2009
US Reports Successful Missile Defense Test
Muslim Mob Kills Six Christians in Pakistan
The innocent victims--including a child--were accused of insulting the Koran. Click here for the story.
So it goes in the hell-hole of a country that controls a nuclear arsenal, harbors and is in danger of falling to the Taliban and Al Qaeda, and betrays the United States at every turn, while menacing India, the world's largest democracy.
Truth be told, Pakistan is part of India, would not exist but for Islam, and is a threat to the planet as long as Islam is the country's reason for being.Early Warning: the Myth of Moderate Taliban
Early warning....
Faced with the prospect of defeat in Afghanistan--and a possible Taliban/Al Qaeda takeover of nuclear-armed Pakistan--the Islaimist-tilting, pro-appeasement Obama administration is promoting a new line that threatens to undermine the security of the United States and its allies.
The new line emanating from Washington is that most Taliban are "reconcilable" nationalists focused on controlling or sharing power in Afghanistan. The monstrous group's clerical fascism, persecution and hatred of women, utter disregard for human rights, and alliance with Al Qaeda, which attacked the U.S. nearly eight years ago on September 11, 2001, are all forgotten by the cowards and creeps crawling to the global Islamist banner.
The U.S. position, to be fair, is in part the fault of the previous administration--specifically, President Bush, whose confusing and confused war on terrorism would have been a war on Islamism had Vice President Cheney been the commander-in-chief.
Bush basically betrayed the country when it was hit by a second Pearl Harbor-style sneak attack. Instead of securing a formal declaration of war against Taliban-run Afghanistan, which had harbored Al Qaeda and allowed it to set up a state within a state, the Bush administration relied on notoriously unreliable Afghan warlords to drive the enemy forces from their country. As a result, Osama Binladen and Taliban leader Mullah Omar and their most senior leaders escaped into neighboring Pakistan, where they presumably remain at large to this day.
Instead of declaring, fighting and winning World War III--the war to defeat and destroy radical Islam for once and all--the U.S. praised Islam as a religion of peace (a lie, as shown by this story and countless others) and catered to the Saudi petro-tyrants who had financed the Taliban--which had been created in the first place by Pakistan.
Bush's long war ... fought with CNN rules of engagement and mixed military and diplomatic messages ... instead of with World War II rules ... and tactical nuclear weapons ... failed ... and paved the way for Barack Obama's meteoric ascent to pwoer ... which is paving the way for new and even more catastrophic conflicts.
The present-day situation in terms of U.S. political will is so bad, one suspects, that even an Islamist nuclear or chemical attack on an American city will not be sufficient to unite the nation and rally liberals, leftists and other Useful Idiots of the West to the cause of liberty and victory. American (and European) Islamist supporters, sympathizers, and dupes ... pundits like Chris Matthews and Rachel Maddow come to mind ... will work to undermine American power, prestige, and influence until the country most of us have known and cherished is completely unrecognizable.
Reconciling with the Taliban is but the first step on the road to self-destruction.
EDITOR'S NOTE: To paraphrase Max Shachtman, Obama has dropped the anti-Islamist democratic alliance overboard without a splash. In its place, the President holds out the olive branch to the clerical fascist powers, to Iran primarily. He actually offers all apology for them and their activities.Iran Holds Three Americans; Hostage Crisis Looms
Click here for the story.
Three foolish tourists seem to have recklessly strayed into Iranian territory.
Given the open season on capturing and holding Americans hostage (reference the two reporters sentenced to hard labor in North Korea), it would be safe to say that another hostage crisis appears to be in the making.
Time was, an innocent American--even a fool--could feel safe in the world. Those days are long gone. "Let me through--I'm an American!" has been replaced by "Please don't hurt me--I'm a Canadian!"
The Obama administration ... with its bowing and apologizing ... its kowtowing and crawling ... its pleading and appealing ... its appeasing and accommodating ... is accelerating the decline of American power and influence across the globe. The first Third World-American President of the United States is essentially a gift to Third World despots and terrorists.Iran Begins Sham Trial of Protesters
The fascist show trials have begun.
There will be blood--and forced confressions.
Click here and here for the articles.Chavez Stooge Threatens Honduras with 'Violence'
Saturday, 1 August 2009
The test was reportedly conducted last night, amid rising tensions with North Korea. Clickhere for the story.
The ousted Honduran leader, initially backed by the left-leaning Obama administration, is organizing an underground and threatening his country with "generalized violence." Clickhere for the threat story.
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Britannia Radio