Call for a crackdown on cheap foreign workers BRITISH WORKERS LOSE OUT TO LOWER PAID FOREIGNERS Blitz on migrants to save 5,000 jobs 'Tighten the rules on migrants', Johnson told Migrant worker numbers to be slashed by 10% in move to stop British workers being 'undercut' Immigration in the slump: Newcomers still needed Immigration raid on city takeaway Labour warned not to cut skilled migrant numbers Migration rules eased for blue chips UK should raise the bar for non-EU workers -report Migration points 'need changes' Migration points 'need changes' Migrant workers' wage bar 'should be raised' White weddings and forced marriages UK points-based immigration system deemed utterly inflexible by lawyers Celtic stars must leave country UK Border Agency shames our nation IS THIS PART OF THE BATTLE AGAINST THE WEST?A selection of recent media reports
Alan Johnson, the Home Secretary, should clamp down on cheap foreign labour to avoid workers from outwith the EU undercutting skilled British workers, the UK Government's own migration advisory committee has said.
The Herald_uk (20-Aug-2009)
LABOUR S immigration policy has led to thousands of low-paid foreigners getting jobs here at the expense of British workers, its own chief migration adviser admitted yesterday.
UK Express (20-Aug-2009)
IMMIGRATION rules will be tightened to stop low-paid foreigners "undercutting" British workers.
The Sun (20-Aug-2009)
HOME Secretary Alan Johnson has been urged to tighten the restrictions on migrant workers from outside the EU coming to take skilled jobs in the UK to ensure they are not "undercutting" British workers.
The Scotsman (20-Aug-2009)
The number of work permits handed to skilled migrants is to be slashed by 10 per cent to stop them 'undercutting' British workers. Government advisors also want jobs to be advertised solely in Britain for at least four weeks - a doubling of the current rules.
Daily Mail (20-Aug-2009)
History is replete with evidence that the mixing of mass unemployment and xenophobia can prove poisonous, and new figures last week underlined the potential for joblessness to translate into hatred once more. (20-Aug-2009)
Three suspected illegal immigrants have been arrested after officers raided a Norwich takeaway. The Peking Chinese Takeaway, in Dereham Road, Norwich faces a £30,000 fine following the raids, which saw three kitchen staff arrested.
Evening news 24 (19-Aug-2009)
Tough jobs market adds to pressure for new rules... (19-Aug-2009)
British companies will no longer be forced to advertise some of their most senior vacancies in local JobCentres in order to comply with immigration rules, after the Home Office backed down on the issue.
Financial Times (19-Aug-2009)
Britain should demand higher standards of skilled workers from outside the European Union, according to the first report to government on its points based system for controlling immigration published.
Yahoo Uk And Ireland News (19-Aug-2009)
The new points-based immigration system for bringing in skilled workers from outside the EU needs strengthening, a group of economic advisers has said.
BBC On-Line (19-Aug-2009)
The new points-based immigration system for bringing in skilled workers from outside the EU needs strengthening, a group of economic advisers has said.
BBC News (19-Aug-2009)
Employers should be forced to raise the minimum pay offered to migrant workers from outside the European Union, according to the Governments Migration Advisory Committee.
Lgc Plus (19-Aug-2009)
The plight of the couple kept apart by immigration rules shows the UK is again tying itself in knots over international... (19-Aug-2009)
The government's points-based immigration system has caused unexpected problems for UK companies hiring staff from overseas because it is "utterly inflexible", the Financial Times has reported. (18-Aug-2009)
CELTIC CRUSADERS have been rocked after SIX players were told they are being deported.
The Sun (18-Aug-2009)
How many more damning reports about the treatment of asylum and immigration applicants will it take for the Home Office to... (18-Aug-2009)
EAST is east and west is west and never the twain shall meet wrote Kipling. But clearly he d never seen a burkini.
Daily Express (18-Aug-2009)
Thursday, 20 August 2009
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Britannia Radio