EHRC report on social housing allocation to immigrants Comment on new Points Based Test for Citizenship consultation Immigrants will have to 'earn' citizenship, says Phil Woolas Calais people smugglers 'more likely to be British' Immigrants who jeer at British troops in the street to be barred from gaining citizenshipA selection of recent media reports
The claim of a report published 7th July by the Equality & Human Rights Commission (EHRC) - to have demonstrated that there is 'no bias in allocation of social housing to immigrants' - has been shown to be baseless by independent academic analysis.
CIVITAS (03-Aug-2009)
The Co-Chairmen of the Cross Party Group on Balanced Migration, Frank Field MP and Nicholas Soames MP said: "This is a welcome step forward. We will never get our population under control if we continue to allow almost automatic settlement for all economic migrants. There must be a limit for the number of new citizens...
Balanced Migration (03-Aug-2009)
Immigration minister says new system for immigrants seeking a British passport will 'break the link between temporary migration and permanent... (03-Aug-2009)
People smugglers arrested in Calais are increasingly likely to be British, new figures reveal today. In a disturbing development highlighted by the French authorities, the UK underworld views the port town in northern France as a lucrative target for vast profits.
Daily Mail (03-Aug-2009)
Iimmigrants who jeer at British troops in the street or 'show disregard for UK values' will be barred from gaining citizenship. Migrants wanting a UK passport will also have to pass a history test for the first time - an idea ministers had previously spent four years resisting.
Daily Mail (03-Aug-2009)
Monday, 3 August 2009
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Britannia Radio