Home Affairs Committee report 'Managing Migration: The Points Based System" Twitter/Migrationwatch Combating the BNP - Part II 'Go home' to earn a British passport LABOUR'S LIES HAVE BROUGHT THE UK TO RUIN New migrants to Britain face 'points test for citizenship' EHRC report on social housing allocation to immigrantsA selection of recent media reports
Commenting, the Co-Chairmen of Balanced Migration Cross Party Group, Frank Field, MP & Nicholas Soames said:....
Balanced Migration (04-Aug-2009)
'For the first time the government has recognised immigration is the main source of population growth.'
Twitter (04-Aug-2009)
In the last part of the series, the author concentrates on what steps the mainstream political parties and opinion makers must take to combat BNP and challenge them head on the issues that give them support from parts of our community.
eGov Monitor (03-Aug-2009)
Immigrants could speed up their progress towards British citizenship by returning to their home country. As part of the proposed points-based system for migrants who want a passport, the government is looking at rewarding workers who take skills back to their country of origin.
Metro (03-Aug-2009)
LABOUR'S rhetoric on immigration is a colossal exercise in deceit.
Daily Express (03-Aug-2009)
Woolas puts forward passport plans...
Guardian.co.uk (03-Aug-2009)
The claim of a report published 7th July by the Equality & Human Rights Commission (EHRC) - to have demonstrated that there is 'no bias in allocation of social housing to immigrants' - has been shown to be baseless by independent academic analysis.
CIVITAS (03-Aug-2009)
Tuesday, 4 August 2009
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Britannia Radio