IS THIS PART OF THE BATTLE AGAINST THE WEST? Asylum seeker detained for using fake passport suing the Government for causing him depression Coventry asylum seeker sues UK Government for £150,000 Union chief warns cheap foreign labour is dynamite Big, but dipping Stowaway express: Border agency coach waved through every day could have brought hundreds of illegals into UK 'LIFE' FOR MIGRANT IN RAPE RAMPAGE BNP event costs taxpayer £500,000 to police, as four protesters are charged following clashes with officersA selection of recent media reports
EAST is east and west is west and never the twain shall meet wrote Kipling. But clearly he d never seen a burkini.
Daily Express (18-Aug-2009)
A failed asylum seeker who entered the country using a fake passport is suing the Government for £150,000 claiming his detention caused him depression.
Daily Mail (17-Aug-2009)
by Michael Corley, Coventry Telegraph 1 2 next A REFUGEE who fled to Coventry to escape the Taliban is suing the Government for a six-figure sum. Fridoon Sadiqi, of Prior Deram Walk, Canley, is seeking up to £150,000 in damages because he alleges he was unlawfully arrested and detained for more than three...
Coventry (17-Aug-2009)
* Head of ETUC calls for tighter rules on cheap immigrants * ETUC's Monks says tempers could fray as unemployment rises * Predicts "tough winter" as no end of recession in sight By John O'Donnell BRUSSELS, Aug 17 (Reuters) - The head of the European Trade Union Confederation has called for a change to EU...
Guardian Unlimited - Business (17-Aug-2009)
Remittances held up well in 2008, but this year will be much...
Economist (17-Aug-2009)
A coach used by Border Agency workers to commute to France could have provided a route for hundreds of illegal immigrants into Britain. A stowaway was seen fleeing from the coach in Folkestone, Kent, at the end of last month, in what appeared to be a one-off incident.
Daily Mail (17-Aug-2009)
AN immigrant who raped a mother and a teenage girl within days of arriving in Britain as a stowaway has been jailed indefinitely by a judge who said he was a danger to women .
Daily Express (17-Aug-2009)
A large-scale operation to police the BNP's annual Red, White and Blue Festival operation cost taxpayers £500,000 it emerged today, as 1,500 anti-fascist demonstrators protested at the event.
Daily Mail (16-Aug-2009)
Wednesday, 19 August 2009
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Britannia Radio