IT graduates could lose out to overseas workers Restaurants face £30,000 of fines after illegal workers found Recession makes Britain less attractive to East European workers The UK population grew by 408,000 in 2008 - the biggest increase for almost 50 years Population growth at 47-year high New baby boom for Britain THE GOVERNMENT IS JUST DELUDED OVER IMMIGRATION 22% fewer asylum rejects kicked out 61M IN UK AFTER MIGRANT BABY BOOM The harsh truth? We nurses have just forgotten how to care IMMIGRANT BABY BOOM EXODUS OF BRITONS GROWING ASYLUM CLAIMS UP FOUR PER CENT Baby boom drives British population to record high A treacherous path? Boat-race people IMMIGRATION STATISTICS - COMMENT BY CO-CHAIRS OF THE CROSS PARTY GROUP ON BALANCED MIGRATION Baby boom fuels jump in British population to 61.4 million UK immigration 'under control' Control of Immigration: Statistics - United Kingdom 2008 (PDF format, 1.06 Mb)A selection of recent media reports
IT graduates in the UK could lose out on opportunities to foreign workers if new immigration proposals are accepted by the government, an employment expert has claimed.
British Computer Society (28-Aug-2009)
Three restaurants in Gateshead and South Shields were yesterday found to be unlawfully employing illegal workers and may now collectively face fines of up to £30,000.
Eat Out (28-Aug-2009)
The biggest wave of immigration in British history slowed last year as the recession made the country much less attractive to tens of thousands of East Europeans.
Times Online (28-Aug-2009)
Professor John Salt, of the migration research unit at University College London, considers whether any forecasts for the way population changes can be accurate.
BBC Radio 4 Today Programme (28-Aug-2009)
The UK population grew by 408,000 in 2008 - the biggest increase for almost 50 years, according to the Office for National Statistics.
BBC On-Line (28-Aug-2009)
The population swelled by more than 400,000 last year to 61.4 million, figures show, as mothers had more children than at any time since 1973. Immigrant mothers accounted for more than half of the increase in births, the Office of National Statistics said.
The Daily Telegraph (28-Aug-2009)
IMMIGRATIONminister Phil Woolas says we can be confident the government has immigration under control. That is clearly not true but if it were what would it mean? Britain s population is larger than ever, we are experiencing the biggest birth boom in 50 years and one in every four babies has an immigrant...
Daily Express (28-Aug-2009)
THE number of failed asylum seekers being thrown out of Britain has plummeted by 22 PER CENT.
The Sun (28-Aug-2009)
A HUGE immigrant baby boom has caused the biggest UK population rise for nearly 50 years. New figures show foreign-born mothers are responsible for over half the increase.
Daily Star (28-Aug-2009)
No occupation in Britain inspires greater public admiration than nursing. And yet in recent years, the profession has gone desperately wrong. A report this week by the Patients Association reveals that since 2002, up to a million patients have experienced shockingly poor standards of nursing care in the NHS.
Daily Mail (28-Aug-2009)
A BABY boom among immigrant families has helped send Britains population soaring over 61 million for the first time in history.
Sunday Express (28-Aug-2009)
ALMOST 400,000 people quit Britain to find a better life abroad last year as the recession took hold.
Daily Express (28-Aug-2009)
ASYLUM claims are rising this year while the number of failed applicants sent home is falling.
Daily Express (28-Aug-2009)
Figure tops 61 million after biggest annual increase for 47...
The Independent (28-Aug-2009)
A pessimists view of what Islamic immigration may be doing to...
Economist (27-Aug-2009)
No matter the response, thousands of migrants still cross the...
Economist (27-Aug-2009)
UKs POPULATION ON TRACK FOR 70 MILLION Governments own, new survey shows 79% of people want immigration cut
Balanced Migration Cross Party Group on Immigration (27-Aug-2009)
The population of the United Kingdom increased to a record 61.4 million last year, driven by a baby boom. Figures published today show that the population jumped by 408,000 in the 12 months to the middle of last year, the biggest increase since 1972.
Times Online (27-Aug-2009)
Phil Woolas has said that the British public should be "confident" that immigration is under control. The immigration minister's statement follows the release of figures from the Office for National Statistics which show that arrivals from the 'A8' countries in central and eastern Europe have fallen by more.. (27-Aug-2009)
Summary: This gives immigration control statistics and information on asylum and persons granted settlement in the United Kingdom for 2008. Subjects: European and international affairs; Government and public administration; Social issues Regions: National 2009-08-27 11:23:43 Control of Immigration:... (27-Aug-2009)
Saturday, 29 August 2009
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Britannia Radio